"There is evidence of humans once having tails, but we knocked so many glasses off the table that natural selection eliminated them."
Hi my dear friends,
Things are back to normal now. I have forgiven the Mommy for deserting me an extra day. We had a very long talk when she came home tonight and I showed her how sad I was while she was gone.
As soon as she left me I sniffed all around trying to find her, I never did and she didn't come come back, so I sat by the front door waiting for her all Friday night, until Chris and Tina came and got me for bed. I got to sleep with them in the big bed. Thank his Dogness for that!! I have never slept in a crate before & I would have been lonely.
I knew this couch wasn't my usual spot to lay but it was high & I could watch Jody, Mr Grins, Gordo and Baby Girl from up there.
Jody knew how much I missed the Mommy and we had a long talk but I wouldn't come down right away.
You can see how sad I was, Right?
But Chris held me and said everything was alright and I would be fine. It was nice being reassured that the Mommy was going to come home soon.
The Mommy here. Don't let Mona fool you. She had a wonderful time over at Jody's. Gordo was a little jealous of her at first because she got to sleep in the big bed with Chris & Tina when it's usually just him. Chris & Tina said she was the perfect guest but they were a little worried about her not wanting to eat anything but treats. Believe me she didn't starve!! She did miss me but then I did miss her. As for as Tippy cuddling with me Friday night, what was I supposed to do pick her out of the bed? The bacon was not my idea. Shirley always gives Tippy bacon when she cooks any (it was turkey bacon) and she was so cute, I just had to take the video.....she is cute, but not as cute as my Mona Mi.
We really had a good time on our trip.....after all Pam did win $10,000 big ones.
I am making it up to Mona. This weekend I am taking Friday off and Mona & I are going to the country for the weekend to visit with all of our friends at Dachsie's Rule. They gots a doggie swimming pool & we are gonna play, Play & PLAY!!
I'll have lots of pictures when I get back, I promise.
Mona here......I don't think you guys have been formally introduced to Baby Girl.
She is the new doggie at Jody's house and I might add the only girl. At first she didn't want to have anything to do with me but I think we are cool now.
And just to show you that there are no hard feelings, here is a picture of Tippy all gussied up. She is kinda cute but not as cute as me....Right?
Kisses & (((huggies))) to all.......Mona
She is not even close to being as cute as you! Baby Girl is cute too!!!
Everyone looks so wonderful, and what fun to have play dates!
We love visiting other pups, but because our pack keeps growing, we don't get to go together anymore. Something else to blame on Sparta!
Stay cool and dry.
Loving Life,
You look so cute in the picture, Mona! Glad to hear your mommy is home.
Have something for you at our blog. Do come by to pick it up.
Yes, you're much cuter. I go sad when my pawrents aren't around too.
Have a great time Friday swimming and playing till you can't stand up any longer, Mona!
We can't wait to hear all about it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Yer cute, but you are cuter. Glad your Mummy is home again.
Simba x
Glad your actually having a fun time...hehehe
Huh! What is it with these humans thinking they can just bounce off to vacations and leave us behind. Ours did that last week and put us in jail. It's a good thing Mom feels so guilty now. We're getting lots of extra attention this week.
Glad your mommy is going to make it up to you!
I don't know if you've seen the big news, but be sure to chekhk out The Kapp Pakhk's Blog and news!!
It was nice you had fun and got to sleep in khomfort!!!
People should read this.
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