"In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly dog." -- Edward Hoagland
Hi my dear friends,
Have ya missed me? I blame it all on the Mommy. Ever since we got home from our trip to the country the Mommy has been working overtime 3 hours a day and she gots to go to work tomorrow too. But am I mad? NOPE!! Why am I not mad you ask, when the Mommy is deserting me at home alone on a Sunday, when on Sundays she belongs to me? Her is taking Friday off & we are going traveling again to see Roxie, Sammy and Andy, this time for 4 whole days. Yahoo!! Yippie!!
I also am in trouble. I broke the Mommy's camera, so no new pictures for awhile. Not to worry, the Mommy is gonna buy one of those throw away kind for next weekend, because this time we are not coming home until I can get some pictures of baby cowdogs!!
The Mommy was so upset last month, that she didn't keep up with all the DROH NEWS.
But we are back checking every day & besides the god news that my TOBY got adopted in July, we had a total of 16 doggies adopted in July & so far this month. WOW oh WOW!!!!
Remember, I was supposed to work in the kissing booth at the Reliant dog show? Remember DROH didn't want me to cut my hair because they wanted everybody to see what a wire haired dachshund look like? Well guess what? There was a little wire haired boy named BALOO that came to the dog show in my place. He was never on the website because he got adopted so fast, they never had a chance to post his picture. Well now he is famous. His new name is KELLY. He looks just like my brother Siskle. He gots his picture in yesterday's HOUSTON CHRONICLE.
This picture, was taken by my Aunt Judy at the dog show. The other little dog, a piebald, is Bandit, Aunt Judy's foster failure. They both have harnesses that Aunt Judy made. She makes them for free and 100% of funds collected go to DROH, she even pays for the materials all by herself....ya see why everybody loves her!!
Of course the #1 adoption of all was my big brotherTOBY!!!!

So since I broke the camera & there are no new pictures to show you of me, the Mommy has decided to show you pictures of some of the doggies that got adopted. These pictures are just as they were posted on our website, so these are the pictures that the folks that adopted them saw when they was thinking about adopting a rescued dachshund. The Mommy said that ALLY MCBEAL used to say YOU CAN'T WIN THE RAFFLE IF YOU DON'T BUY THE TICKET. We say these dogs won the LOTTO when they found their forever homes. Just so ya know who all gots adopted, we will tell you their names too in the order they got adopted....sorry we didn't have everybody pictures.




I would like to also like to say a big thank you to Goofy and Rudolf for awarding me the big heart award that that Lorenza had already given to me....it's fun getting the award more than once.



I would also like to show you some awards, I have recently been given and to say THANK you, THANK you , THANK you!!!!
I would also like to show you some awards, I have recently been given and to say THANK you, THANK you , THANK you!!!!
The Mommy said she will pass these awards and all the others we haven't already passed on as soon as she has time but you all know that we love all of you and treasure your friendships so, so much.
The Kind Blogger Award, I got from HAPPY.

I would like to also like to say a big thank you to Goofy and Rudolf for awarding me the big heart award that that Lorenza had already given to me....it's fun getting the award more than once.
OK guys & gals, one last thing before we gots to go to bed. The Mommy is delaying are kitty cat post until next Wednesday so if you want to have a picture of you and your kitty cat brothers and sisters on our blog email the Mommy a picture of you all together at redricca@sbcglobal.net with your names. If ya don't gots a picture of everybody together the Mommy will just pick something from your blogs. So far One of the Pack, Peanut, Velcro, Mack, Mr T Bone Beasley & Rusty have given us permission to post their kitty cat brothers and sisters. I'm not sure what the Mommy has in mind but she's thinking about having some kind of contest for the best picture that shows the true friendships between cats and dogs......so ya better not send any pictures that show ya'll fighting or trying to kill each other.
Gotta go now....Love, kisses & (((huggies))) to all........Mona & the Mommy too!!
That was khwite a lot of Doxies in ONE post!!
Don't furget that when your mommy works OT, woo get extra treats!!!
Oh I just LOVE it when doggies in need get adopted.
When mom was helping cousin Katie move yesterday, she stopped by the Petsmrt there in Webster and there was an adoption going on - she felt soooo bad for those poochies that didn't have a home.
Anyhoo, I can't wait till it gets cooler so we can meet at the dogpark!
(Mommy should know better than to want to go to the beach - she's already had skin cancer dang it!)
Have a great Sunday!
Man, sooo many dachies! Your Mommy does a great job finding them new homes.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow FOUR days off with your friends, that is pawesome! We are so glad all those wonderful doxies found furever homes, especially Toby!
Hi, Mona!
I am sure you and your Mommy are so happy knowing that all those doxie friends have a forever home now!
Congratulations on your Awards!
Kisses and hugs
Mona...we're so glad that Toby and all the others found forever homes!!!
That makes us smile!
And you have a fun trip comin' up to lookie forward to!!!
Barkin' at ya!!!
So happy to hear so many doggies got adopted! LS said she adores doxies, saying that they have the sweetest nature. Hmm...I'm sweet too, aren't I?
Congrats on your lovely awards! You certainly deserve them!
All these lovely dogs have a new lease of life. That is so beautiful!
Ooh, Naomi looks like me??
The Mummy must be best pleased that all your little family are doing so well.
- why don't you try and fix the camera while the Mummy is at work??
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Love George
I got the video working....very cute!
I am so glad that those doggies got adopted to forever homes. I hope they got as good a home as you and I!
Congratulations on your awards...you deserve them!
I will come back to see the kitty cat post!
Mona...we just read today that someone in Parkersburg, WVA surrended 1000 Dachies...purebred...we're gonna go and look it up on the web...it was in our paper....
Hi Mona,
Gee.. hope you didn't get into any trouble for breaking the camera. I am sure my mom will give me an earful if I did that..
I am glad that all those cute dogs have now gone to their forever homes. Nothing beats that!
You get to go again? That is so cool!! You can use a picture of my cat brother, Gunnar. There is no way I pose for pictures with him so it will just have to be of him. There's a few on yesterday's post about our new house. If your mommy wants to search there's one my mom made me psot where he's being really cute a few months ago and then around Christmas there's one of him being really grumpy. If she can't find them, Mom said she can try to figure out which box the picture cds are in. Just let us know.
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