"Man is troubled by what might be called the 'dog wish', a strange and involved compulsion to be as happy and carefree as a dog." --- James Thurber
Hi my dearest friends,
This morning after church the Mommy went to the store and bought me some toys and a little sun visor. She says she has been neglecting me since Aunt Annie got sick and this evening is the wake, so she wanted to watch me playing for awhile to make her laugh.....of course I did....anything to cheer her up. So the Mommy took this little video with my new pineapple. Maybe tomorrow after the funeral is over, and the Mommy isn't too sad she will take some more pictures with me modeling my new Wiener Dog sun visor and playing with my new piggie pull rope.
I really have missed all of my friends and if you are my friend and want your picture on a future post the Mommy is gonna do for me about friends, just leave me a comment. Amber Mae, Simba, Mango, Roxie, Sammy, Andy, Mack, Jelly Bean and Lorenza have all said it was OK to use there likeness (I get to pick my favorite ones).
The Mommy has got to go now, so see ya later.
Love to all my friends......Mona & the Mommy too!!
Hi, Mona!
I said hello back to you!
Kisses and hugs
Mona that pineapple is almost as cute as you are but not quite
Hello to woo too!
I would be furry honoured if woo use my pikh!!
Keep giving your mommy extra love!!!
You looked so cute playing with the cute pineapple!
Feel free to use my pictures for your future post, if you can find a suitable one ;-)
Hope your mom is feeling better now. Hugs to your mom.
Hello Mona! It has been too long since we stopped by. We want to send our condolensces for your Aunt Annie but we know she is happy in her new home. We hope you mom is doing as well as can be expected. Mom was going to call your mommy but we had some more excitement tonight. Maybe she will be able to call tomorrow since it is too late now. We miss you! Maybe you and your mommy will come visit us again. We like the picture of you looking out the window ... we know exactly which window it is!
We love you and your Mommy!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Cute Vid! Thanks for sharing.
We awarded you the Cool Cat Award. Come on by and check it out.
Witty Kitty
Hi Mona, that's a really cute video of you. :) That pinapple looks fun
~ Girl girl
MOna!!! Have you finish your pinepple???
slurpy licks,
You can use our pictures if you want to, Mona! We'd be honored!
What a cute pineapple! Does it taste like the real deal?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Yes, I would be honored if you used our pics.
Now all you need is a toy coconut for a yummy pina colada!!
Mona, you are so cute!!! I love that pineapple toy! Real pineapples are too spiky to play with. I'm glad you can make your mommy smile :O)
Hi Mona!
That is a cute video of you! Your tail is sooooo waggly!
I would love it if you used my picture too. You are welcome to pick any one you like! :) Thanks!
Love Clover xo
Oh Mona, that looked like so much fun - I could tell from the speed your tail wagged!
Love 'n' gentle Licks
We'd be honored if you used us as friends!! The video was cute.
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