"The dog was created specially for children. He is the God of frolic." --- Henry Ward Beecher
Hi my dear friends,
As most you know, I was supposed to work in the DROH kissing booth at the Reliant Dog Show last Friday but didn't because the Mommy was so busy getting the arrangements ready for my Aunt Annie's funeral. That's OK.....the Mommy didn't mind doing it and she wanted it to be just the way Aunt Annie told her she wanted it several years ago. DROH didn't want the Mommy to cut my hair, because they wanted people to see what a wire haired dachshund looks like. Well all I can say is I want my summer haircut.....NOW!!!
Look how shaggy I look. This picture was taken on 05/15/08 so you know it's worse now. I don't mind shaggy hair but not in the summer when it's been 90 to almost 100 degrees almost all summer long. Please help me convince the Mommy, I need a haircut....NOW!!
My Aunt Judy's harnesses counted for $868.00 of that total. I don't know how much the kissing booth made......the boys that took my place don't kiss near as good as me "blushing".
My brother Toby's new family sent a picture of him to the Mommy with his new brothers and sister. We don't know their names yet but when Teresa, his foster, took him to them on Friday & told them how happy me and the Mommy was, they insisted on taking a picture to send us.
My brother Toby's new family sent a picture of him to the Mommy with his new brothers and sister. We don't know their names yet but when Teresa, his foster, took him to them on Friday & told them how happy me and the Mommy was, they insisted on taking a picture to send us.
My brother Toby is an escape artist but with the big backyard they have with plenty of room to run and play and three kids to take him walking, the Mommy said maybe he won't go on any "walkabouts" any more. His new family just moved back to Texas from Australia. Get it .. walkabouts....that's what the crocodile hunter used to do. He also has 3 guinea pigs brothers.
Well that's gonna be it for tonight. Not very original, I know but the old lady is still very tired. The Mommy is going to stay home all weekend with me, so since she will have more time Saturday, we will do our post about friends, so if you want your picture on that post better hurry up and send me your permission. So far some of my models are Amber Mae, Simba, Mango, Roxie, Sammy, Andy, Lorenza, Butchy & Snickers, Khyra, Happy, Maggie & Mitch, Mack, Clover & Jelly Bean.
Love to all........Mona & the Mommy too!!
w00f's Mona and the mommy, hmmm mona me thinks u needs a fur cut...they shure made a lot of money, congrats...u can use me pictur iffin ya wanna...toby looks sooo happy in his new place wiff his new family...
b safe,
I thought I commented before but I'd be honored if you used us as a friend on your blog post!! So what does your Mom think about my mafia hit on Sophie??? I mean, two dogs jumping after one ball and only one doggy gets hurt, I find that to be far too coincidental!
Yummo to McNugs.
Shhhhhh about the groomin' thing. Mom clips us. UGH!
Happy days, and of course we're always game for glamor shots.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Loving Life,
Hi, Mona!
Thanks for sharing the picture of Toby and his new family! I am so happy for him!
With this hot weather I'd go for the haircut!
Yummy Mcnugget!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Mona,
I bet you were the most popular 'kisser' at the kissing booth!
Msg to Mona's Mommy: Please please give Mona her haircut soon. She is melting in the sweltering summer heat!
Hi Mona, think a haircut would be nice in this hot weather.
Too bad you missed the DROH kissing booth day. Bet you'd been able to raise up more :-)
Have a great weekend!
Mmm, that Chicken McNugget looks sooo tasty! I think I can smell it through the compooter screen. *lick lips* Oh Mona, you have my permission! Please, please use any of may pictures. You're welcome to use any of them anytime. No need to ask me anymore.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
We would be honored if you used our pictures on your blog. Shelby says okay too. Tell the Mommy to quit being a doofus and get your hair cut. Oh and man chicken mcnuggets are yummy. Glad you got some.
I got a haircut today. I feel so much cooler now.
Simba x
It look sliek he has a very nice new family. I would love to have three kids to play with me all the time!
I must have missed your psot on the picture thing. You can use any of my pictures. If you need something specific, let me know. Have a great weekend with your Mommy this weekend!
Hi Mona,
You are always welcome to use any of the photos that I post on my bloggy! Congratulations on the money raised!
Hi mona!!! Of course, you can use mi picture... I like so much your blog...
Love, Chloe
Feel free to use whatever pictures you like ;o)
Hugs and kissies!
M & I
We've never had chicken McNuggets before! We're so deprived!
Mitch and I just got groomed this week and we feel so much better in this heat with shorter fur! Tell your mommy that it's definitely worth it for you, Mona!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Mona, I believe you're a great kisser , may I have one now please?
The mommy, please give Mona a hair cut. Give her what she wants, she worths it!
It doesn't matter if you get a fur cut or not because you are beautiful! I hope your mommy feels better. I know you will do your best to cheer her up and keep her happy.
Toby is so cute! He looks so happy, all I can do is smile. You can use my picture if you'd like.
Missy said she had chicken nuggets before and they were good. I get my mom's special turkey loaf because of my tummy issues.
Moma, of course you mommy can use a photo. Ask your mommy to email me at gerri.du@yahoo.com and I will have her send you some samples of our dog cookies. If you want to try some.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
We're late, we're always late nowadays because our Mom stinks. Of course you're welcome to use any pictures you'd like.
We're glad we're friends!!
Of course you heave a permission to use one of our pictures.
(We write our blog in Polish)
Hey Mona!
You are welcome to use any pictures of me you want!
have a great week
I've never been a model before!
Did you see my picture of the DROH booth on my bloggy??
i hope u can get your hair cut soon...
tell her u are feeling really hot, sleep with your tummy up to convince them
So gald that you and the Mommy are feeling like doing some blogging! There's a little bit of cheer on my last post for you both.
Love 'n' Snuffs
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