"It freshens your breath and helps prevent tartar" --- Mel Gibson, while eating a dog biscuit at Harvard University
Hi dear friends,
Me and the Mommy have come to the conclusion that my human cousin Austin and his Mommy are crazy. Lena, Austin's Mommy, sent some pictures to the Mommy that scared the "heck" out of me....I could use a stronger word but the Mommy will not let me use 4 letter words, except heck.
I couldn't believe what a saw!!

Austin's day care had the zoo come out with a bunch of these creatures. With as many times as Roxie has been bit (2) and Sammy & Andy (1) and I go to the country to visit them....it wasn't something I wanted to see. Do I look scared or what?
Austin with a baby boa constrictor (not spelled right?) around his neck and another longer snake too!!
There is something very strange about this child. There was a whole bunch more pictures of snakes but the Mommy erased them because she is scared of snakes & I am too!!
They might not the killer kind but the Mommy had too many bad experiences with snakes when she was a kid, so I guess unless I run into one sometime in the country.....I guess I'll never see one which is OK by me.
Did you notice the yellow hibiscus with today's quote of the day? Everybody knows how much the Mommy loves them but they were also one of my Aunt Annie's favorites too. It rained today.....Hurricane Dolly is bringing a bunch of rain our way..... and when the Mommy got home she found these in the back yard. It has been so hot & the Mommy thought our bush was dead.
She was very excited.

One last picture the Mommy wants to share with all the Mommies. I hope nobody takes offense to seeing funeral flowers but my Uncle Jeong make the arrangement special because he knew Aunt Annie loved yellow roses & white stargazers, so he made it for her. She said she didn't want any flowers except for the casket cover. Isn't it beautiful?
Love .... Mona & the Mommy
PS.....I'm keeping a list of everything I want to post about when the Mommy isn't so tired.
I bet that Austin and my boy would get along just fine. Those flowers are beautiful
Hi, Mona!
OMD! How he can do that?? I'd be so scared just to see one of those snakes, forget about holding it!
I hope you and your Mommy will enjoy a very good night!
Kisses and hugs
Omdog we think the flowers are beautiful!! My Mom loves snakes, she is weird too!
Uggh...LS is afraid of snakes too! She daren't look at the pictures.
The flowers are beautiful.
Hi Mona,
THose flowers are real lovely...I am sure your Aunt Annie will love the beautiful arrangement.
Wait a minute... AHHHH... S.N.A.K.E.Ssssssssssss..... *runs for cover*
Austin is either very brave or very daffy! Our mom HATES snakes!
The flowers are just beautiful!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Eww snakes!!! Check out my post today. I gave you an award!
Oh the yellow hibiscus is still blooming despite the hot weather!
That is the gift of nature to comfort your mommy.
The yellow roses are beautiful, yellow rose of Texas!
Congrats on the award, Mona!
Spectacular flowers. How wonderful to make your aunt feel better.
Loving Life,
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