"In a dog's perfect world, every greeting would be consummated with a shared piece of meat"
Hi my friends,
I'm kinda in a little bit of trouble right now. The other night the Mommy said she needed to have a little talk with me about my picky eating habits and she wanted for me to listen carefully. So I sat right down and waited for her to start the lecture. OK....Mommy, you have my attention!

She presided to tell me, that every since my brothers left, I haven't been wanting to eat and it worries her that if I don't eat I will get sick. I tried to tell its not that I don't want to eat, I just don't like dry dog food.....I want people food. She told me that it's OK for me to eat some chicken & steak people food when she wants to share but that I need a more balanced dinner plan. My Uncle Ron told her to put some water in my dry food and it would make gravy.....BLAH, GAG, Nasty stuff!!
So we have started something new and I have to admit that it's not too bad. We been seeing commercials with a cute little fluffy dog talking to his Daddy about which dinner he wants that tastes like a treat. It's called BENEFUL prepared meals. There are 4 different kinds. So the Mommy has been giving me half of a 10 oz bowl with a half cup of Purina One dry dog food. She is mixing it together, so I have to eat both because the gravy (real not water) is all over the dry one. She is soooo tricky!! The Mommy is not telling anybody to change their food but it works for me. Dr Ainsworth, my vet, said I really should be eating more than that but I say, a girl has to keep her girlish figure when she gets to be my age. Besides as you can see from my treat picture, it's not like I'm being deprived or anything. Besides I still hold out for my daily morning and after work treats, my fat free cheese, some chicken and steak once in a while and off course my BONES!!!
My food.

My treats? Do you think I have enough?

So this morning the Mommy went to the grocery story and I was patiently waiting (can you see, I am waiting patiently) to see if she bought some of my favorite treat which is also very good for us doggies joints.
Dr Ainsworth wanted Samantha to take GLUOCOSAMINE tablets when she got older but she would just spit them out when the Mommy wasn't looking so when they started making these she decided it wouldn't hurt to get me started on keeping my joints healthy.

Yahoo!! Yippie!! She found them!! I'm in HEAVEN.

Gotta go now. Hope everybody is having a wonderful time with their International Goody Exchange goodies......I sure am. My stuffie Velcro gave me never leaves my side and I think Mona Lisa is jealous but I still love her too.
Mona & the Mommy too!!!
phht to your mommy. Tell her to feed your raw. Then you can have all the chicken and steak you want :) I say anything that gets you eating more is a good thing. Enjoy your food.
Hi mona-those treats are yummy! I like them too!!! I'm so glad you like your stuffie-I'll have to think of a good name-yikes...that's alot of pressure....I'll think today!!!
I think that your foodie and treats looks yummy but a pretty girl like you can never have enough treats. So I think your mommy should get more for you.
Hmmmm. That wouldn't work around here. We get away with a lot, but not when it comes to food. We eat what's in our bowls or starve. Or that's what Jan says. We've never had a problem eating, so we don't know whether she would really make us starve.
purrs and tail wags
Hi, Mona!
Glad you are eating better now! I don't have that problem! I eat everything my mom and my grandma give to me! I wish I could eat more!
Enjoy your yummy treats!
Kisses and hugs
Your new food looks just delicious, Mona! We can NEVER have too many treats!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my, Mona...that looks soooo good, that new food. We eat dry tasteless food and we eat it like it's our last meal. Chewing is really not an option. Mumsie usually puts some cottage cheese in it for protein or pineapple to discourage Scruffy from one of his many gross habits...but nuthin' here looks as good as ur foodie!!!
Barkin' at ya!
Treats look yummy :)
way to hold out and get just what you want! The humans always think they know what is best for us, but a good old steak sounds like the perfect thing for you!
Hi Mona,
I go through phases where I get picky about my food too and my mom's come up with a way to resolve the problem. Whenever I am in my picky phase, she'll alternate the kind of food I am served.. so one day it could be kibbles with chicken breast, another day it could be boiled beef with vegetables and kibbles, etc..
Hi Mona...I haven't been able to think of a good name for you stuffie. Do you have any ideas that have been floating around your head????
That sure is a lot of treats! Wow, you get even more than we do at my house. Hope you get lots of treats every day.
Oh, and why do you get summer hair cuts? Are you going to post a story about it? And what did you mean it had to do with a mouse? Ooh, can't wait to hear!
Hello Mona,
We have a lot of the same treats... great minds and all!! We all love the hip/chicken treats. They are yummy.
Tell your mommy that she can use any photo she wishes off the site. We don't mind (especially me, since I am so handsome)
Hi Mona,
Oh my you have a lot of snacks! We will have to talk to our mum about that! We have to admit that we are anything but fussy eaters, but that kinda goes with being a beagle! Mum says she would never be able to use us to do a dog food commercial!
Those chicken jerky treats totally rock!
We aren't picky eaters here at all. We love anything & everything!
You got some good goodies there. I can't be too fussy cause if I don't eat I don't get anything else. But lots of food makes my evil bro Arrow poop a lot so I share his special canned food and special kibble now. It's yummy. Fair is fair.
I love the Hippy Hip's treats too, but I prefer duck breast over chicken breast, as I always do.
However, my humans felt that it was a little salty, and fed me in moderation.
Sweet Licks,
we are picky too but mommy found a dry food we love and haven't gotten tired of: Canidae. Sometimes as a treat we mix green beans into it. Glad you got the Beneful though...they look so yummy!
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