April 24, 2008


Hi friends,
"A lot of people think they look like their dogs,
but I think dogs are cuter" -- Marc-Christophe
Today the Mommy wants so share a love story one of the bosses at work told her. He is a dog person just like her but doesn't have one right now. He wants one of our dogs, we hope, and the Mommy will do everything in her power to get him one.
Right now he has a cat, named Tigger--but that's a whole other story for another day. Neil gave the Mommy what was written on a little dog named Sandy's cage at CAP when he first saw her. Here it is....be prepared to cry. Before she even finished reading it they both were crying. Neil's just like the Mommy--very sentimental. This is being shared with Neil's permission because it is such an inspiring story......
She was just a little 3 month old Terrier mix pup--weighing all of 15 pounds-- when the police officer of the Pct. 4's Constable's Office brought her to me late one weeknight. She had been hit and dragged by a car and left for dead in the road. Then another car came along--the driver got out and moved her to the side of the road--leaving her alone and without help. Fortunately for her a group of youngsters saw this and seeing that she was still alive flagged down the police officer. He patrols my subdivision and knowing my affiliation with CAP knew that I would help her. We got her to my vet at Willowbrook Animal Hospital., and we assessed the damages. Poor little "Sandy" had a broken right front leg, her right rear foot was split open in two places, her belly was burned from being dragged on the road and a large piece of skin had been torn off, a hole on her left side went thur her body cavity just missing her stomach and she had other cuts around her ears. He got her into surgery right away to pin and wire her leg together. Twelve day later, after daily hydrotherapy for her foot and antibiotics to fight infection, she came home to recuperate until the pin could be removed six weeks later.
She is now a healthy happy pup who loves dogs, cats, kittens and people.
Sandy just wants a home of her own away from cars and streets.
Sandy, as she was called at CAP, was around 6 months old when Neil went looking for a dog. He believed just like the Mommy, that why go to a breeder, when there are so many homeless dogs that need to be loved and deserve to be loved in this big and sometimes cruel world. Neil saw her and it was love at first sight for him and he had already decided he wanted her. The lady at CAP tried to convince him that she would probably not get to be more than 45 pounds. Neil said he had to laugh because the lady thought he wouldn't take Sandy because she would get big but of course he had already made up his mind to adopt her.
That was 11 1/2 years ago. Sandy was the light of his life and she gave him countless hours of love and companionship. He thinks she was around 10 years old when she couldn't go outside anymore, starting dragging around and just was not her usual "bouncing & bubbly self and gave up. The vet said that he thought all she had gone through with the accident was too much for her in the end. Neil didn't want her to suffer anymore so he made the hardest decision of his life--to put her down-- just like the Mommy did with Samantha when she was dying. The Mommy is crying now as she types this because she knows that many people have had to make the same decision in their lives that Neil & the Mommy had to make. People think they are crazy, because we are only "dogs after all". To Neil and the Mommy's way of thinking we are their children so what would these idiots due if one of their children died.
We didn't set out to make anyone cry but to rejoice that another homeless dog had a full and happy life just by being saved by many caring people and a man that saw her for what she could be--his best friend for all of her life.
By the way....Sandy weighed over 100 pounds when she died!!
Love you all.....Mona & the Mommy.


i said...

That's such a wonderful and touching story! Glad that Sandy found a loving home after going through all that. Dogs are not just pets, they are family! Thanks for sharing.

You are most welcome to join Thankful Thursdays. All of us have a lot to be thankful for and it is such a blessing to be able to share them. Just add in your link to Sting My Heart once you have posted a Thankful Thursday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Its so nice that Sandy had such a good life after a start like that.

Simba x

Dandy Duke said...

You've got mom all sniffly, Mona! We're so glad that Sandy had such a loving home after all she'd been through! Neil sounds like a wonderful man!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sharon said...

What a sweet story. Sandy was one lucky little dog to find a wonderful forever home with someone to love her. I know what you mean about people saying that. I don't know how they can have so little feelings.