March 23, 2008


HAPPY EASTER dear friends,

As the Easter of 2008 comes to a close me and the Mommy are going
to share some of the few things we learned from the Easter Bunny. We have become great friends with Mr Bunny Fu Fu and in a minute you will see why!!Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Everyone needs to have a friend who is all ears.

There's no such thing as too much candy.

All work & no play can make you a basket case.

A cute tail attracts a lot of attention.

Everyone is untitled to a bad hare day.

Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits.

Some body parts are meant to be floppy.

Keep your paws off other people's jelly beans.

Good things come in small sugar coated packages.

To show your true colors, you have to come out of your shell.

The best things in life are sweet and gooey.

May the joy of the season fill your heart.

Today was a lovely and exciting day. We went to My Aunt Pam & Uncle Sonny's after sunrise service at church. Of course the Mommy had to make her famous deviled eggs for our Easter luncheon, then me and Lane hunted Easter eggs. After that we had Blake's 1st birthday party. The Mommy even let me have a cupcake...but she took the icing off. This is a secret -- me licked some icing of Blake's face when nobody was watching!!!

NOW FOR THE NEWS: "me, Mona Mi Ricca, got to be in a wedding today"

A young sweet little girl rabbit found out that the Mommy could make pretty dresses for weddings & asked the Mommy if she could make her a wedding dress since she didn't have a family yet (wait a few months, hee hee) to help her. The Mommy said OKEE DOKEE, if me could be in the wedding. Since me already had a pretty halter that my Aunt Judy made me last spring, the Mommy said me could wear it cause her thinks yellow is pretty on me.

Here I am waiting for the wedding to start.

Here are closeups of the bride and groom outfits. The Mommy worked & worked on making sure everything was perfect down to the spring flowers on the bride's dress.


Mr & Mrs Bunny Fu Fu

The Wedding party posing for pictures after the wedding.
After the service we had tender baby carrots, lettuce wedges and for dessert we had some of my pumpkin pie Healthy Desserts. It was a wonderful, intimate little wedding & the Mommy, me too, actually cried a little.

Hope everybody has had a wonderful Easter. I know I did!!!
Love you all lots & lots.........Mona, the Mommy & Mr & Mrs Bunny Fu Fu!! last thing.......remember we said we learned some important things from Mr Bunny Fu Fu? "Good things come in small sugar coated packages"
Case in point--Blake Matthew DeGeorge -- 1 Year old. The other messy hands belong to Lane Austin DeGeorge -- 3 Years old.


Lorenza said...

Happy Easter to you and your mom!
An Easter wedding? You mom did a great job with those bunnies! They are so cute!
Yes, you look beautiful in yellow!
That little boy sure is messy!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said...

Oh my, look at that little fella. What a mess! Happy Easter!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dandy Duke said...

We would have cleaned Blake's hands up for him in no time at all!
That's awesome that you were in the wedding pawty, Mona! Mr. and Mrs. Bunny FuFu are just adorable!
Looks like you had a super Easter!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Army of Four said...

Wow, a wedding! How exciting!
Oooooh, I'd love to help you clean up that biped puppy!

Boo Casanova said...

mona, happy easter! sorry i don't really celebrate easter and have no idea what is it. but i hope you had a wonderful one.

wet wet licks


Mack said...

I bet Mr & Mrs Fufu have 12 kids by now! Teehee.

What cute little human boy pups!

Clover said...

Hi Mona!
Happy Easter! Your new haircut looks great. And you look beautiful all dressed up for the wedding!
Love Clover xo
P.S. Cute human puppy!

The Empty Nest said...

Happy Easter Monday! I am glad I found your site. It is adorable. I will come back again. Come by my site and say, "Hi". I have three Chihuahuas.

Sharon said...

If Snickers were there, she would lick that little babies face clean! It doesn't matter if they look clean or not, Snicker's kisses are long and wet!
Snickers and Sharon

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi 4urpets,

Thanks for stopping by my bloggie. I clicked on your name to let you know how excited I was to make some news friends but nothing came up. Can ya give the Mommy your URL information.

Love Mona & the Mommy..her name is Sarah