DIXIE -- ATDR SENIOR 14 + years old.
Our lives are not measured by how many breaths we take,
but what takes our breath away.
--George Carlin
Hi there,
There's nothing like Peanut Butter straight
from the jar......
or off a spoon the way we like it.....
BUT ... DIXIE'S looks the best.
(please copy and past the link below to your browser if it doesn't open)
Published on Mar 14, 2015
Dixie, our very senior All Texas Dachshund Rescue foster, may be blind, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with her appetite! Fortunately, she has no teeth otherwise I'd have no finger left.
Gotta go now and find some PB.
♥♥♥Mona & Prissy
Bet she has a super long tongue to get into that jar :-) xxx
That is cute:)
oMD OMD Peanut Butter... right from the JAR...
hehehe I like peanuts but I'm not aloud them,xx Speedy
Peanut butter in any way is pawfect!
Your Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
I am so jealous! Wonder how I can convince my mom to give me some.
Congrats on the new girl too! Can't wait to get to know her. Another wire in Blogville :0)
I don't think I've ever given the chi's any peanut butter. I bet they'd really enjoy it.
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