August 24, 2011



"Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside."

Times awaisting!! The Summer Auction benefiting the Slimmer Pugs is in full swing. One item up for bid is a complete harness set that our Aunt Judy made. Below is a picture of a harness set, which includes.
1 Harness, 1 cap, 1 collar and 1 leash.

If you head on over to the Crossed Paws website here, you will see that we will ship world wide.

This is a beautifully handcrafted doggie outfit, complete with harness, cap, collar and leash. But wait - there's MORE! The lucky winner can choose which fabric and design this set is made from, from a wide available choice! This cool ensemble can be made for any dogs up to 22 pounds.

Offered exclusively to Crossed Paws by Mona & Weenie, it has been donated and made by Judy Spring who is an ATDR volunteer. Don't delay - get heads turning on your street by winning this item so that you can strut your stuff during every walk!

Mona here......Anybody who has been following my blog for awhile, has seen me in lots of fashionable harnesses and caps. I love dressing up and looking good!! Mommy always lets Aunt Judy pick what she she thinks makes me look pretty. She even made a harness for me made from a blue jean looking material that was a shirt Mommy loved. And guess what!! She makes harness for boys too and I have to say that some of them pups do look pretty stylish.

So, we wanna show you some of the different harnesses Aunt Judy has made for some of my friends and available for adoption pups. That way you can see what the possibilities are.

Me first....working the kissing booth at Pet Fest 2009. It sure was hot that day and my cap came in handy. Can't have a girl like me getting sun stroke.

Me & Weenie coming home from the groomer. Weenie is in his Texas A & M harness and my harness is the one made from Mommy's old shirt.
Aunt Judy's pack in their New Orleans Saints harnesses. Yep she's from Louisiana and is a big fan of the Saints.
As you can see, they aren't just for Doxies.

So please go on over to Crossed Paws and make a bid. Some of you guys out their would really make a good impression on your special lady with a gift like this. Heck!! I can think of a few hunks in Blogville that would look pretty sharp in one of these.


PS.......there's a lot of really neat stuff at the Auction so please come help the Slimmer Pugs, cause Miss Gracie Lynn is gonna have to have surgery on the other knee soon.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Wow cool harness! Love the models too
Benny & Lily

Duke said...

Aunt Judy does a wonderful job! Those are really beautiful harnesses, Mona!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Those are nice. And a lot easier on our necks.....Mom, get over to dat auction NOW!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Mona you said a mouthful here girrrl. I have like 87 of the Hats/Visors and I wear them when I go shopping and visiting and stuffs and THEY ARE GRRRRREAT.
NOW.. the Whole leash, collar, harness, & Cap... coordination thingy just TIPS MY TAIL.
THAT is one fangtastic thingy fur sure... what a super Christmas or birfday pressie it would make!!! Somebuddy is gonna be VERY HAPPY.

Anonymous said...

Wow Mona those are just beautiful! Such pawsome work. So very stylish too!

I know that somepup is goin look real good!

woos, Tessa

K9 Katastrophie said...

Weenie, that is one snazzy a&m harness!!!


Scooter said...

Hey Mona!
Wow, what a great donation to the auction! Anypup would be lucky and fashionable to have on of these cool outfits! Very, very chic. Great post!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

A MilShelb Mom said...

Very cute harnesses! We keep meaning to go look at the auction. Maybe we will do that now... just gotta find Dad's wallet. hahaha!
~Milly and Shelby

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh gosh,, what adorable harness!
someone is so talented,, and look at all the cute doggies modeling!

Scooter said...

Hey Mona!
I would really like to attend your Roach-n-Roll class! I think I need some new moves and techniques!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Mona, I wanted to find out if you had a date fur the pawm? If not I, Bobo Poodle, would like to invite you to be me date.

If you would like to go paw-mail me your pic at dogearedATbellsouthDOTnet

Wags and Licks,

Mack said...

Might I be one of those studs?!BOL!

Is it too late to sign up for your roachin class?? I would love to pawticipate!
