(courtesy of Dory)
"Spay and neuter your pets,
weird relatives and mean people."
Hi my dear friends,
Day 3 started out like every day in the country does, checking the perimeters to make sure no cow dogs have invaded our turf. We take our positions and spread out to check every corner of the fence. Them cow dogs are everywhere, on the other side of the fences. "Thank you Baby Jesus!" The Mommies were sitting on the back porch Sunday morning drinking their breakfast.....mixed berry smoothies, when it happened. No pictures though of the attach. We was walking along the fence line next to the garage, when the Big Daddy Bull, kicked the fence. Talk about scared! Not us the Mommies. All 7 of us started parking at him and he just flicked his tail at us and walked away. I never saw 3 old ladies run so fast, even Mommy. They was grabbing dogs right & left. That silly old bull never touched us, but you'd think he had stomped one of us the way them women was screaming.
Ya see this mound of dirt in the middle of the backyard. This is what we call our
"Cow Watch Hill"
Actually it's dirt to level out the yard, once construction is done on both houses, but Emma figured out it would make a neat spot to keep an eye on them cow dogs. |
Emma is in charge of the hill. She can set up there for hours just looking but as soon as she spots a cow, shes up and sounding the alarm.
Here they come, closes and closer to the fences. |
Emma checking the cow dogs on the right. |
Emma charging one. |
"Come on boys lets get em!" |
Mona and the dachsie girls, thinking about climbing the hill. |
Yahoo, we made it!! |
Cow dogs coming into the outer yard where the cars are parked. |
Roxie said she has had enough cow patrolling for one morning, so she's leading the troops back inside.
Cattle watching is hard work.....time for a treat!!
Time to take a break. |
Nap time..... |
ME |
"Nap times over, how about a afternoon snack? |
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} ...... Mona, Roxie, Sammy, Andy, Maggie, Jake & Emma.
Happy resting pups!
MOM FELL IN LOVE WITH EMMA!!! she's always so fond of black coat pups ever since her 1st dog is went 'missing'. But i wonder if mommy realize that both of us are 'white'? -_-
autumn & jasmine
Blessings, hugs, and prayers,
Aww... sleepy pups! A vacation with 7 dogs sounds PAWSOME!!!
Glad you're having such a good time!
Haha! Mommies are so silly, aren't they? My mom's always flipping out over the teeniest little things that don't bother me and Brudder Ranger at all.
I hope you all had a good nap. You deserved it after all that cow guarding you did.
Wiggles & Wags,
I hope you got lots of rest because guarding the yard from cows and bulls looks like a full time job there!
Heehee! You guys are so cute!
Hi, Mona!
Keeping in order those cow dogs sure is hard work!
Glad you all took a well deserved nap after that!
Happy Saturday to all of you!
Kisses and hugs
After that ordeal nitey nite is the best
Benny & Lily
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