August 13, 2010



"No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich."

-- Louis Sabin
My dearest friends, I have some very bad news.
My Tiger dug a hole in his back yard, got out and was attached by a dog this afternoon. My Mommy was off today to go to the eye doctor and had just gotten home when Sandra called and told Mommy that she had an emergency. OMD, not my Tiger! Mommy called Dr Briles, Shelby & my doctor, and he said for us to bring him right over. When Sandra and a friend came to get Mommy, my poor Tiger was breathing very heavily and his poor little heart was beating so fast in his chest and you could tell he was in a lot of pain. 

He was very lethargic and cried when you touched him.
Mommy & Sandra both cried when they put one of those thingies on his face, but he was in so much pain that they were afraid he would fight them.
Tiger gots chest trauma because the BIG bad dog had Tiger in his jaws around his middle. They  shaved some of his hair where he was swollen.
Dr Briles has his thumb in Tiger's side. The BIG bad dog didn't break the skin but Dr Briles could feel a torn muscle between his ribs. He needed x-rays to see what damage there was to his insides BUT Dr Briles said he needed to go to an Emergency Room and it would be best to have them done there so he gave Tiger a steroid shot and a shot for pain and binded his chest very tightly..... 
But to do that they had to steal most of my Tiger's beautiful blond hair.
My Tiger's hair.
Tiger was in pain & cried a lot while he was being bandaged so Mommy and Sandra were both crying too.
It didn't take long for Tiger to knock out. Once his chest was bond tightly, his breathing became almost normal. So Mommy paid $81.50 and they hurried over to the emergency room.

Mona's Mommy here.......

I am so thankful I was at home when Sandra called so I could help her. Sandra was frantic. Thank goodness, there was a friend who drove her to get me and she didn't have to drive alone. He cried so much when she tried to pick him up after the attack, that she carried him in a box lid. She was so scared for Tiger since she actually saw the attack. It was very difficult to see poor Tiger gasping for breath and his heart racing. As you know Sandra is the only one working right now and has no spare money. I had just gone to the credit union earlier in the day to get some money out to pay a bill but Tiger is Mona's love and right now he is more important then that bill. I can always make more money but not another Tiger..

When we got to the emergency room, he was whisked away and they started treating him right away. Then the doctor came and spoke to us. She was very concerned because there was air under the skin and she said she needed to do the x-rays to see how much damage there was.
After they were done she called us back to show us the X-rys. His right side is OK but his left side has 2 broken ribs, torn muscles between his ribs and a hole in his lung. They wanted to keep him overnight because the next 24 hours are critical but Sandra wanted him home. She has taken care of dogs with Parvo, all of which survived and she's almost like a nurse. Look how well Shelby is doing under her care. She will need to give him Pedilite ever two hours and monitor him very closely to see that the air in his lungs doesn't choke him. The doctor said sometimes the hole in the lung will close on it's own but if not he may need emergency surgery. He will need complete rest in a crate, no excitement (easier said than done with Tiger) and feed him baby food or chicken & rice. He has an antibiotic, a pain medication and Rimaldy to take. I couldn't keep track of all the medications and times to give them and I admire Sandra so much for having the strength to do this. If he takes a turn for the worst during the night, we will rush him back there. If that happens he will have surgery right away. If he holds his own under Sandra's care, she will take him to my Vet to have his dressings changed on Monday. Then we are looking at 4 to six weeks, maybe longer, for him to heal. So we brought him home after paying $400.00. They had him on morphine, when they brought him to us. I sat in the back sit with him, in his box lid again, and for my peace of mind had my hand on his side making sure he was still breathing. I'm sure I won't sleep much tonight and I know Sandra won't. I think Sandra is afraid how we will pay for it if he needs surgery, around another $1500.00, but we will manage.   
Tiger at the emergency clinic. He is so much better already and was waging his tail as the vet tech was carrying him to the car.
Back in the car going home in his box.
He finally feel asleep with his head in my hand.

Sorry to be so long winded, but as most you know by now, when I get upset about something like this I have to let off steam. Please keep Tiger in your thoughts and prayers. I will keep you posted.

Mona's Mommy, Sarah

& Love, kisses and {{huggies}} to all from Mona
PS....Sandra is still without a computer at home but can access her blog thru her cell phone so please go over and tell her that the Power of the Paw is coming right at Tiger.


Mack said...

Oh that poor Tiger!
He is absolutely in our prayers!

Duke said...

OMG, poor Tiger! We are sending him TONS of AireZen and our paws are crossed!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

We have our paws crossed and we are sending loads of healing Aire-zen! Hang in there and get all better, Tiger!

Penny & Patches

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Poor Tiger! This is really terrible news. Please give him our love and tell him we're crossing our paws for him as hard as we can.

lotsa healing licks, Lola

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Poor Tiger! Puppy prayers is on the way for him for sure. I will go over to visits all of thems right now. Thanks for letting us know 'bouts him.

WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Pat Wahler said...

Poor little Tiger! Sending positive thoughts and prayers!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD Poooor Tiger. I know that he will be FINE. I would resist surgery for as long as possible. Muscles heal better than you can ever imagine.

mayziegal said...

Oh, no! Poor little Tiger! Gosh, I'm so sorry he got hurt but it sounds like he's got a really good chance of healing up and being back on all four paws in no time.

Our thoughts are with the little guy and we will go over to Miss Sandra's and tell her we're thinking of her and Tiger.

Wiggles & Wags,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Merdie and I are khrossing paws and sending LOTS of vibes to Texas fur all of woo -

Thanks fur letting us know -

Khyra and Khousin Merdie

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

We are all thinking of little Tiger and praying for him and for all of you too. Poor wee fella I have everything crossed as well. What a horrid thing to have happen, but when I think of the difference in Sweet Shelby in Sandra care I know Tiger is very very good hands
Tea ( Mollys Mom ) & Molly
x x x x

AFSS said...

Poor Tiger, he is such a little thing. We are purring the hole in his lung will close on it's own and he will not need the surgery. And Lots of PURRS for a speedy recovery.

Tiffany said...

Oh no! Poor Tiger! :( He will be in my thoughts. Please keep us updated.

-Blogless Dogs' Mom

sprinkles said...

OMD, I am so sorry to hear this news! My boys are my heart and soul and I'm always worried something like this could happen to them.

Tiger is most definitely in my prayers. Poor pup! I hate to think of any animal in pain.

Tucker said...

Oh poor Tiger! What a terrible experience - I sure hope that he turns out just fine.

woof - Tucker

Jans Funny Farm said...

We don't know Sandra or how to find her blog but we do send lots of purrs and tail wags for poor Tiger to heal What a traumatic experience!

Sagira said...

So sorry to hear about Tiger. I sure hope he feels better and doesn't need anymore surgery. Please keep us updated.

The Airechicks said...

We've got the AIREZEN on it way - hold tight in our prayers and thoughts.

Hope Tiger's doing better - and he'll be okay with lots of love and rest...


Lacy said...

w00fs, i posted this on the news and on facebook, but facebook is being bad and hid it.will have to go back and make sure it post...tiger's in my prayers for a complete recovery..

b safe,

Zona said...

OMD... I am rushing right over to Tiger's blog. The power of the paw is a amazing.

Hopeful wags,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

OMD...this is awful...we're gonna run over to their bloggie...

Thank you Mona for gettin' the word out so we can keep them in our prayers!!



Lorenza said...

Thanks for letting us know.
Paws crossed and prayers here for Tiger!
I am so sorry he had to endure that!
I really hope he will not need the surgery!
We will be thinking of you all.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Teddy said...

What a horrifying experience for Tiger and Sandra. I'm so sorry they had to go through that. Thank goodness that Tiger seems to be managing ok considering the circumstances. That was great that he was able to get free from that dog and you rushed him to emergency. We'll be keeping him in our thoughts and prayers.

Teddy and CC-man and their mom

Asta said...

Oh Mona and Mommy
I saw this and it bwoke my heawt..poow little tigew and poow Sandwa ..thank dog that you wewe thewe fow hew and helped so much..I wish I could send you lots of gween papews to help, but i'm not even suwe how long till we have no apawtment wif Daddi out of wowk..I'm so vewy vewy sowwy..I am sending pwayews and powew of the paw and tewwiew zen and anthing else I can
I love you
smoochie kisses
ASTa and mommi

Faya said...

Oh poor Tiger. He is so tiny and look so sweet. Our paws are crossed for him.
Kisses, Faya & Dyos

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Shiloh'n Shasta want tu send Tiger and Sandra lots of healing prayers and good thought. (Mom too)

How Sam Sees It said...

Oh, poor Tiger. We are sending hugs and prayers your way, and for Tigers Mom.


booahboo said...

Oh boy.. poor Tiger. Such a terrifying experience for a small doggie.. our prayers with Tiger. Hope he gets better soon.

A MilShelb Mom said...

Oh no!! Poor Tiger!
~Milly and Shelby

Pippen said...

Pawsitive thoughts and prayers for Tiger!

Sam and Pippen

The Daily Pip said...

Poor Tiger. I hope he is OK. We will be thinking about him and sending good thoughts.

Your pal, PIP

The Daily Pip said...

Poor Tiger. I hope he is OK. We will be thinking about him and sending good thoughts.

Your pal, PIP

Martha said...

Oh, we are so very sorry to read about Tiger.
Maggie Mae sent us over - we are sorry we have not met before.
We will keep our paws crossed over here in Scotland.
Martha and Bailey xxx

♥I am Holly♥ said...

We are so sorry about Tiger. We are sending prayers your way. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Dexter said...

We'll be thinking about the brave little chap and hope that he gets better. I know he is getting the best care possible from his loving mom.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Poor Tiger and the rest of the family! We have everything crossed in hopes that the little guy makes a speedy recovery.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

JacksDad said...

It is so nice to have friends you can count on!

All my best thoughts...

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hi new friends...we sure are sending ALL good vibes your way
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

Your poor little Tiger! I am praying for a speedy recovery. My heart goes out to you.

Maureen said...

Oh I have been so busy that this is my first chance to read blogs in a couple days. Now I'm so sad about Tiger *tears*.

Unknown said...

Oh Mona,
We are so so sorry. We are sending heaps of love and Zen-wishes for Tiger and will keep him in our thoughts. We just hope he will be ok and will not need further intervention.
Mummy sends her hugs too,
love n wags,
gin n bud

Kari in Alaska said...

oh my, I hope he gets better soon

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