"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."
-- Mark Twain
Hi dear friends,
Please help me!! My Mommy has been crying and I don't know how to stop her. This is what happened.
She woke me up bright and early this morning. I was sound asleep when she woke me up and she said I looked like I had just gotten home from a cheap drunk. Do I look drunk to you? She said we was going for a ride. Saturday morning means a visit to Aunt Judy's house. I was very excited!
So up I jumped, put on my harness and was ready to go.
I should have know something was wrong. When we got to Imperial Valley and turned right, I started shaking and gave Mommy a dirty look. Left means we're going to Aunt Judy's, Right means to the VET!
But Mommy, it's not time for my yearly stuff!! I don't wanna go in there!! I pleaded for her not to take me in there.....it didn't work.
Mommy said I was just gonna get my Bordetella vaccination and have Dr Briles look at little bump under my right armpit. His nurse, Ms Cheryl, had to DRAG me off the bench to get me in the examination room.
They gave me my vaccination. I was a good girl, until she came at me with that thing they stick up your butt!!
OK Mom, they stuck that thing up my butt, so lets get out of here NOW!!
OH NO!!!!!!!! What is all that stuff? Are they gonna use that stuff on me!!
Dr Briles looked at the bump which he says is a lump. He said he wanted to stick a needle in the lump to get a sample to stain. That's when Mommy fell apart and she started crying. Dr Briles took the sample and came back after a little while. He was not real happy with what he saw. He said a bunch of stuff and Mommy kept crying. He said he is concerned about something called "a possible mast cell tumor". So next Thursday, I gotta come back and have it removed and sent to the pathologist to see if it could be Cancer. I know I'll be OK but I'm worried about Mommy now.
Mommy here.......My heart is breaking and I am very scared. I pray that it is nothing. Mona is fine. Isn't acting any different but I will be on pins and needles until the biopsy comes back. I'm always telling Mona to be patient but I have NO PATIENCE when it comes to things like this, not when it's Mona. Thursday can't come soon enough for me and then the agony of having to wait for the results to come back too.
Mona here.....I told you. Any suggestions on how I can perk Mommy up?
While we were waiting to pay our bill and making arrangements for Thursday, we visited with some of the other patients there. I saw a lady feeding a tiny puppy, that's me sniffing it. The lady feeding it said it is a little girl and she is only 4 days old. She had 4 other pups in a carrier. Their Mommy died giving birth along with 3 other pups. So sad. They are rottweilers.
There was also this little fella. His Mama said he is a pit mix but doesn't know with what. I think he's got some dachshund in him.
Mommy was happy to see the little ones and they did make her smile but Mommy is still at it.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all......Mona
Hello Mona's mommy.... we understand how much you're worried and scared. We feel the same way but we also know Dr. always gives you some scary words before the result comes back. Please don't cry... Our paws crossed for you and your little Mona.
Those pups make us smile, too.
Momo & Pinot
Mona, I am going to say a special prayer just for you....tell your mommy to try not thinking about it....I think you both should watch a funny movie and have a really good treat.
Mommy loves you a whole lot, so I guess you have to be strong for both of you. The odds are great that you're just fine and even if the lump is caused by something bad it can be fixed. All your friends will be counting on that, too and sending you "be well" thoughts and praying, too, that you stay feeling just as good as you do right now for a long, long time.
love, Lola
We are hoping for the best of news.
Dear Mona, your mom is all upset and worried about you. right now what you need to do is SHOW her that you are FINE. That will give her the strength to get through until Thursday.
I have to go away on Friday and won't be home until Tues. afternoon. I will be sending YOU and YOUR MOM plenty of good Frankie Vibes to keep you company until I get home. I won't forget to do it, even though I will be away. I PAWmise you!!! I'm gonna start sending them NOW. OK???
Hi, Mona & Mommy...
I'm sending Extra Special Good Lhasa Vibes to you...And, My paws are crossed for you...
Mom says she knows how scared your Mom must be...She said to tell your Mom that you & your her are in her thoughts & prayers...
Please keep us posted...
Abby xxxxxxoooooo (Some Extra Hugs & Kisses today!!)
Oh Mona bless your Mom's heart. Why them hoomans haves to wait sso long to schedule da surgery? Don't they know who you is? Sheez! I thinks you should do a little jif fur her...I think it will make her smile. Be strong fur mom and show her you will get through this. Wer'e sending most magical doxie vibes.
Youre in our thoughts and prayers Mona and mom.
I am cwossing my paws, meantime just be youw adowable self to make youw mommi smile.
i know you will be all wight!!!! I like Wemington's advice
smoochie kisses
Mona and Mommy,
Dexter, Nora, and I are sending puppy hugs, kitty kisses, and lots of thoughts and prayers your way.
Mona, give mommy lots of kisses, that always helps.
Mona and Mommy, we know that right now you are scared, not knowing what will come of this test is very hard. But do try to be positive and upbeat - you just have to wait for the test to come back. We will cross all our paws and Mom will say lots of prayers for Mona to be OK and for Mommy to be able to stay calm.
Lots of hugs and woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Paws khrossed that khatching this early will be the best akhtion!
Please keep the pawsitive powers going!
SibeVibes being sent from Pawsylvania!
w00fs, ooo noo, sweet girl, not u..please let the test come back ok...we has everything crossed for good results..
b safe,
~rocky and mama~
Hi Mona. Just give your Mommy lots of snuggles and lovies and tell her not to worry because worrying doesn't change anything. We crossing our paws for good news. xo
Oh Mona...sometimes the mommy's just have to leak like that. I think it scares 'em real bad when stuff happens with us. But here's what you can do - cuddle up real close to her and gives her kisses. That seems to help my momma when she's sad about something.
And Mona's mommy - my mom says that she sure understands where you're coming from. And that waiting is the hardest part cuz there's nothing you can DO. And it always feels better to be DOING something. (You can tell I didn't write that cuz sometimes I thinks it feels better NOT to be doing something. Humans are weird.) She says to hang in there and she's gonna send you pawsitive thoughts and wishes and prayers that everything turns out A-OK!
Wiggles & Wags,
Mona, my mom wanted me to tell your mom that she knows exactly how she is feeling right now. The waiting is the worst. We are still going through all of this with Samick and it is very stressful. Try to keep your chin up and stay positive. I know, easier said than done. If your mommy ever wants to talk, my mommy is here.
Mona, my Mom said to tell your Mom that we will keep you and her in our prayers. We know it must be very scary. Our advice is to give your Mom lots of kisses! That's what we do to help our Mom.
Mom also says to please keep us posted.
~Milly and Shelby
Mona and Mommy, Twinkie's mom here. I'm scared too, but having been through that a short year ago, I've learned to think positive thoughts. I wish you the best and hopefully regardless of the type of tumor, you caught it soon enough and Mona will be just fine. I know what kills you. You can't explain...same here. I see their scared eyes and that gets me the most. We care though, and they trust us. So, we'll keep our hands and paws crossed for your girl too. Hang in there!
Lots of love,
Twinkie and her mommy
Please be brave and strong. Things might seem scary, but Mommy(whose worried and scared now for Bubba) told me that I should look at each day and find one thing good.
Sally Ann
Oh Mona we are sending our bestest purrs for good health to you and comforting purrs to your Mom. Just give her lots of loving licks and stick close to her and she will be fine.
Hi, Mona!
I understand your Mommy is so worried but please tell her that we have to have faith that everything is going to be ok!
I have my paws crossed and my mom is praying for you.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Mona,
Please ask momma not to cry... we are all hoping for the best of news and keeping our paws crossed. These couple of days are going to be the longest, be strong.
Licks, hero
Hi Mona
Try not to worry. We know it's hard.
We're sending lots of doxie rayz your way and praying for good biopsy results.
Love Ruby & Penny
Oh we wish so hard we could make your Mommy Smile Mona! I bet if you gave her lots of kisses, that would help a lot. We are praying for you. Sugars,
Mona! You can make your mom feel better just by keeping close to her. Tell her not to worry because you are a brave little girl and whatever that bad lump is you will beat it.
Puppy prayers are heading your way!
Woofs and Licks to you and your mom.
Maggie Mae
I know it's hard for people not to worry! We had a very good friend who had several mast cell tumors and he lived for five or six years past his diagonsis and tumor removal. So, if it is the worst news, there is still hope!
Hi, Mona,
Tiger and the Houston Pittie Pack sent me over. Your mommy is very concerned about you and there's nothing I can say to change that; she loves you (and I can see why! you're adorable!)!
We're keeping all of our paws crossed and praying for good results. Whatever this is, mommy found it early, so that's always good. Besides, it's not going to be anything, we just know it.
Give your mommy kisses for us! And take care of yourself!
Dearest Mona and Mona's Mommy - We are sending you love and prayers. Just remember to believe... believe in hope, believe in love, believe, believe, believe!!
Dear Mona and Mommy, we are visiting from our friends at the Houston Pittie Pack, it is our first visit and we are so sorry that your mommy is so sad and that you have some ouchies. We hope you will be ok and we pray for your vets to give you the best care possible.
We are thinking positive and send you all our best wishes from your friends in Anchorage, Alaska. xoxo
dear miss mona and miss mona's mommy,
tiger sent us over, and i just wanted to give you lots of gooey nose kisses. please don't be worrying. we are all thinking good thoughts that everythingie will be okay!
the booker man
Our paws are crossed that your biopsy results come back just fine, Mona!
We bet those Rottie pups make it! They're going to get the best care possible!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I had one of those not too long ago, and everything was A-OK fine!!! I know you will be, too!
get all better soon!
We are also saying a special prayer that everything turns out ok. Stay close to your Mama and give her lots of kisses!
Sending positive thoughts that all will be well. Give Mommy some extra snuggle time.
Oh dear Mona...
We have you and the Mommy in our hearts and prayers...
Waiting is just the worst thing and worry is like a rocking chair...you rock and rock and don't go ANYWHERE...
We're praying for patience...we have none either...
Please know we're all here with ya from all over the globe...
Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny
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