In yesterday's post we shared the awful news that 2 of DROH doggies had gone to the bridge. Now we need prayers and donations to help care for Lovey & Daisy, who were both attacked by a cottonmouth snake yesterday. Lovey is the dog on the right and Daisy is on the left. These are their before pictures.

This is how they look today.
DROH @ posted this plea today on our website.
Dear Dachshund lovers,
Dachshund Rescue of Houston needs your help. Lovey and Daisy were bitten by a Cottonmouth and sustained these injuries. We are accepting donations to cover their vet care costs, including cost of the anti venom. If you would like to help please make a donation by PayPal or send to our address on our website.
Please help us save the lives of these precious girls!!
The thought of maybe losing 2 more doggies is too much to bare.
God Bless....Mona & the Mommy
Hi Mona!
I am very sorry to hear about 2 dogs.
I am crossing my paws for Lovey and Daisy. They are so adorable.
Oh, how terrible! Please let us know how they're doing and we'll all be sending them our best healing thoughts from here.
Hi, Mona...
I am sooo sorry to hear all your sad news lately...
My paws are crossed for Lovey & Daisy...I'm sending lots of Good Lhasa Vibes their way...And, Mom says she has them in her prayers...
Abby xxxooo
Oh no! Those poor little doggies. We have our paws crossed, too!
Milly and Shelby
I feel 87 times luckier now. I am sooo very much glad that I won the Donation and that I chose your DROH to give it to.
Keep us posted on Lovey and Daisy.
Oh, this is so sad and scary. We always worry about Cottonmouths here. Mommy almost stepped on one last year and she had Fenris with her. We are sending healing purrs to Lovey & Daisy and will do what we can to help. ~AFSS
Oh no! I am SO sorry to hear this. I hope they will both be okay. Nasty snakes. :(
Hi, Mona!
I am so sorry to know about Lovey and Daisy!
I will have my paws crossed for them!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Oh, how horrible. We hope both dogs will be okay. Purrs and tail wags.
Those cottonmouths are bad news!! Mama remembers be bitten by one when she lived in Houston when she was little!
We are keeping Lovey and Daisy in our prayers!
Smileys for healing!
Hi Mona and Mommy...oh, that is so very sad and scary. I have my paws crossed real tight that they are gonna get all better.
I thinks you know that that wonderful Frankie Furter asked my mom and me to make a donation to DROH since he won our GABE giveaway. Insteads of sending it to you, we went ahead and sent it via that paypal thing so that they could use the green papers right away to help these sweet ones.
Hopeful wiggles & wags,
How awful!!! We have our paws crossed for Lovey and Daisy to be OK.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
OMG, what horrible news! We have our paws crossed for Lovey & Daisy and we're sending them TONS of AireZen!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We're purring and praying for Lovey and Daisy.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I'm so sowwy to hew about those two pwecious giwls. I pway that Lovey and Daisy wecovew and get the help they need
smoochie healing kisses
w00fs, me sorry the 2 puppies went to the bridge, and hope the other 2 will b not like snakes..
b safe,
We are so sorry about the snake bites and the two doggies that went over the bridge. We are crossing out paws for healing and sending lots of prayers for their recovery. We heard about this from Alasandra's blog and came right over with get well wishes. Please get better. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Oh dear god. I am soooo sorry and upset. This just absolutely breaks my heart. I can not stand for dogs to be in pain and suffer. We will be sending heealing thoughts your way. PLease, keep us posted on their recovery.
pees: thank you Frankie for your donation.
how terrible!
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