"We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment."
-- George Eliot
Hi my DWB family and dearest friends,
Things have been very depressing the last few days for DROH and Mommy has been dragging around the house feeling hopeless, so today I told her we needed to have a long talk about the stuff that makes us happy. So me and Mommy picked some of our favorite things like people, ME and my closest, in the flesh doggie friends and loves, FOOD and of course bluebonnets. Mommy is smiling as she loads these pictures and we hope they make you smile too.
The best folks in the world, the usual DROH volunteers, that do all the fundraisers together. The only ones missing are Mommy and Brinda, cause their always busy taking pictures.
Dogs, any kind, small dogs, big dogs, fat dogs, skinny dogs......... it doesn't matter.........a home isn't a home without a dog!
Bluebonnets and being a Texan in Texas.
My Tiger

My little girl, Mona
Mommy's bestest foster ever, Bradley.
Mandy Jo, the feisty elderly one--She is available for adoption!
This pillow Mommy didn't bid enough for at the Spring Fling that matches the door mat on my front porch.
George, Mommy's love, flanked by Brooklyn and Bandit. She loves them too but George gives the best Georgie fixes and looks like my brother, Toby.
Harley, who looks just like my brother, Jacks, but doesn't give kisses like Jacks used to.....Mommy misses those kisses.

Oxtails in gravy......food of the Gods'.
No Mommy didn't cook any of this. When she went to the store this morning, there was a fundraiser in the parking lot that was selling "Home Cooked Soul Food". Mommy was in heaven since she doesn't have to cook this weekend and she never turns down oxtails.
Mission accomplished. Mommy's smiling again.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all.......Mona
Those are some pawsome awesome inkhredible pikhs!
Thanks fur sharing them!
Mona and your Mommy too, Those bluebonnets are just IN CRED IBLE!!! LOVE THE PICS.
PeeS... Mayzie and her brudder Ranger have already done the pawnation to DROH.. through PayPal. They thougt your group could use it now, after the snakebites. Isn't that Grrrreat of them???? I am soooo happy that they put that pressie prize up for GABE, and that I won it so that I could give it to DROH when they really needed it. See... life is GOOD!!!!
Glad your Mommy is smiling again. The pictures of food made us hungry so we are going to go find something to chow down on. We have never heard of Oxtails in gravy, but they looked yummy. ~AFSS
Those photos made me smile, too. And then they made me hungry. Very hungry.
wags, Lola
No wonder your mommy is smiling again! I am too! Those pics are the BEST! I love the last one -- too sweet!
Mom is in Heaven looking at all of your beautiful bluebonnet pictures, Mona!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Awww...and I'm smiling real big, too! Thank you for such a happy post!
Wiggles & Wags,
My daddy says I am too young for a girlfriend, but I have to tell you I think you are so pretty!
From, Dexter the Doxie (Mommy helped)
w00fs, bute ti ful flowers Mona..
b safe,
Dear Mona and your Mommy too,
I really enjoy reading your blog. I miss my little dogs who went to the Rainbow Bridge three years ago and as I work twelve-hour shifts it wouldn't be fair to adopt another little friend. But in 11 months and 7 days when I retire all that will change so in the meantime I will continue to look forward to your posts.
Ruth in Canada
See this is what happens on da weekend...we miss posts. I needs to haves a talk with mum. Those are da bestest flower piktures we has evers seen.
We hopes your mommy is in better spirits and we all send our love to ya'll.
Hi, Mona...
What a great post...
The Bluebonnets are beautiful...
And, all the pictures of you & your Doxie friends are adorable...
Thanks for making us smile...
Abby & her Mom xxxooo
looking at your happy things makes me happy!
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