Hi my friends,
Five years ago today, my Mommy adopted me from DROH and my new life began.
You've all heard my adoption story from Mommy but I want to tell you how it was from my point of view. Uncle Ron told me, as he was taking me to meet this lady who had recently lost her almost 15 year dachshund, not to expect much. How could I ever replace her. I was terrified that she wouldn't like me or want me, a scraggly haired little dog. This lady's Vet was gonna be there to make sure there was nothing wrong with me. What if her Vet told her that I wasn't the dog for her? My heart was pounding as I was being carried in. The lady started crying. I thought, OH NO, back to foster care. My foster Mom was the best ever, but I wanted a forever home.
Then something happened that I will never forget. The lady took me from Uncle Ron and starting kissing me and crying into my furs. I kissed her back and licked the tears from her face. Then Dr Ainsworth said "So much for a Vet check".
Mommy said I saved her from dying of grief when I was carried into her life, but she is wrong. Mommy is my life, my everything and she gave me my forever home, so who saved who. Two weeks later Mommy adopted my brother Jacks. Jacks, then Siskle, then Toby and then Peanut. When Mommy had to give all my brothers back, after she had to have emergency surgery in 2007, the family wanted her to get rid of me too but Mommy wouldn't. They aren't dog people like our peeps. She said she had lost one little girl and wouldn't give me up. Mommy loves me and I love her with my whole heart.
We aren't having a birthday party this year, but tomorrow Mommy is taking me to Pets Mart to pick out whatever I want. I check everything out on the bottom selves and when I see something I like, I drag it off, that''s how Mommy knows what i want.
She bought a present for herself for my Gotcha Day. She bought the exact same frame she bought for Samantha's picture. Mommy wanted to see a smiling face at work everyday so she picked this one
Yesterday, there was a notice from the post office, saying they have a package for Mona Mi Ricca. She has to go get it tomorrow. "For me!! YAHOO. YIPPEE, a pressie for me!"
We are gonna buy me a Gotcha cake at a dog bakery down the street. Mommy saw this cake of 3 dashies sitting on a blanket, but it's got chocolate so...........
I get to have my own little carrot cake made just for dogs.
Something very bad has happened to one of our Alvin rescue dogs, so we aren't much into celebrating today but Mommy's says we will make up for it tomorrow.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}}...Mona
Happy Gotcha Day, Mona (and mom!)! What a fabulous story. You made me cry!
Happy Gotcha Day to two special girls!
The khakes looks furry yummy!
I'll try to make it but if I'm not there in time, please get the pawty started!
PeeEssWoo: Sorry to see something bad happened...
Happy Gotcha Day Mona. I liked hearing your story from your point of view. I think the picture you momma picked out was perfect!
Have fun at petsmart...Can't wait to see what ya choose.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Happy Gotcha Day, Mona!
I hope everything goes well with the kids!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Mona,
We luuuv those frames! And you have the sweetest eyes!
We are really sorry to hear that things didn't go well with one of your rescue dogs.
Hope you have a better tomorrow.
Riley and Star.
Happy Gotcha Day Mona!
The frames are great - perfect for those two special photo's.
Love, pats & pets
Happy gotcha day, Mona!
Your carrot cake looks soooooooooooooo yummy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a wonderful story. You were meant for each other. Happy Gotcha Day!
oh dat is a pawsome story - a REALLY sweet one. Happy gotcha day to both you and mommy
licks and tail wags
Happy belated Gotcha Day, Mona!!! That cake looks furry nommy!! Hope you had a pawsome day!
Woofs and Kisses!
HAPPY GOTCHA DAY to YOU and to your MOM. Getting to shop for your own toy choice is the best of fun.
Yappy Gotcha Day to you,
Yappy Gotcha Day to you,
Yappy Gotcha Day dear sweet Mona...
Yappy Gotcha Day to YOU!!!
Oh Mona, you bring soooo much love and joy to your mommy and all of us! We wish we could give you both big hugs and kisses!
Addie is very jealous that you got a carrot cake. She only got a hamburger :)
We hope your weather is better than ours up here. It's overcast and gloomy :(
Lots of luv & kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Mona and Mommi, what a great day! Happpy Happy Gatch Day!!! We love the first photo on your blog back in 2005!! We probably got to know each other a bit later but... Wow... we've been friends for a long time. Thank you for being our friend. :)
Momo & Pinot
w00fs, happy gotcha iz sorry sumthing bad happened...hope u gots ice cream to go wiff the cake...
b safe,
pps, bet the mommy is happy to have both her girls on her desk...
HAppy happy happy gotcha day sweety!!!!
Your story is sooooo fabulous and sooooooooooooo touching....
You're the best!!!!!
Those cakes look soooooooooooooo yummy.....ehmmm....can we come over there and celebrate with you next time????
Please Mona and mommy....forgive us for haven't been around last days...but mommy isn't feeling well...she is feeling pain to her knee after car accident....
Take care of you both!!!
We missed you!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
Belated Happy Gotcha Day Mona. We love hearing your gotcha day story. ~AFSS
Oh, Mona. Now that I know you a bit, this all makes so much sense (the fact that your momma immediately fell for you). Your post was so sweet and funny at the same time. I loved it. Have fun shopping tomorrow.
Happy Belated Gotcha Day, Mona. We are having a hard time keeping us with the blogs since our new sister arrived - please forgive us if we don't get here as often as before. You have a beautiful story to tell and it sure seems to us that both you and Mommy made out very well.
Have a great weekend.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Happy Belated Gotcha day!
Okay, I am weepy reading that. Your mommy has such a big heart. You are both so lucky to have each other!
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