(courtesy of Abbey)
"I'd rather have an inch of a DOG than miles of PEDIGREE."
---Dana Burnet

Today was not a very fun day for me, Mommy had fun but I didn't. Why? Cause I was watching out for Dallas all day. As you can see in the above pic, I had to keep my eye in him. The only tim I was safe was when Mommy or Aunt Judy was holding me which means I didn't get to run and play. Remember the sweet, mellow boy we went to visit. Well he was sweet and very lovable with Mommy but he attacked me as soon as we came in the gate. All day long he was biting on me and they weren't love bites either. I was fixed a long time ago, so it can't be that. Aunt Judy said he was never socialized and doesn't get along with girl dogs but he wasn't biting on Brooklyn. I was bleeding from somewhere but with all my hair neither Mommy or Aunt Judy could tell where and it stopped so the day went on with me being carried everywhere like a baby.
This is Dallas. He Is a cute little fellow but look at those TEETH!! He reminds Mommy of Angel Samantha and my Toby but he sure didn't have my brother, Toby's personality.

Can you believe your eyes. Mommy holding that bad boy and him trying to still my kisses. I just had to tell Aunt Judy that something was wrong with Mommy, holding that bad boy that attacked me every time I moved, and I thought my Mommy was taking his side. Aunt Judy explained to me that we just have to give him time. He was just fixed and still has some of his male hormones moving around in there. OK....so my Mommy loves all doggies even those with big TEETH.

Even I have to admit that he has some very pretty eyes, and he has the shiniest coat but look at those ears....he could go fly with that flying elephant at the circus. I don't know why but, he followed Mommy around like a puppy, which I guess he still is but George was right behind her too. Mommy assured George that he was still her number 1 boy and when it was time for our afternoon nap, it was me on the left and George on the right like always.





Since I was on Mommy's lap most of the day, she didn't take hardly any pictures this trip. What trip to Aunt Judy's would be complete without us getting an afternoon snack. Notice I am not in the pic of everybody waiting for their snack, cause I was too scared to get off the sofa. Not to worry Aunt Judy brought me a bowl of yogurt. I love you, Aunt Judy!!!

Just to show you that Mommy does knows the way things are supposed to be, here are 2 pictures of me and George. Since Mommy was taking them, she could only get one of us at a time cause her big belly was in the way.

Before we go, I just gotta tell you about a show Mommy loves to watch every Saturday afternoon at 5pm CST. It's called Underdog to Wonderdog on the Animal Planet. They find a doggie that needs help, transforms it from underdog to wonderdog and matches them with a loving furever family. This week was about a little Abbey boy dog named Sam, so that's why we choose the beautiful Abbey for our spotlight doggie today.
One last pic before we go. Notice anything different about this pic. YEP!! I'm not in it. Guess why? Second from the left that's why!!
"I'd rather have an inch of a DOG than miles of PEDIGREE."
---Dana Burnet

Today was not a very fun day for me, Mommy had fun but I didn't. Why? Cause I was watching out for Dallas all day. As you can see in the above pic, I had to keep my eye in him. The only tim I was safe was when Mommy or Aunt Judy was holding me which means I didn't get to run and play. Remember the sweet, mellow boy we went to visit. Well he was sweet and very lovable with Mommy but he attacked me as soon as we came in the gate. All day long he was biting on me and they weren't love bites either. I was fixed a long time ago, so it can't be that. Aunt Judy said he was never socialized and doesn't get along with girl dogs but he wasn't biting on Brooklyn. I was bleeding from somewhere but with all my hair neither Mommy or Aunt Judy could tell where and it stopped so the day went on with me being carried everywhere like a baby.
This is Dallas. He Is a cute little fellow but look at those TEETH!! He reminds Mommy of Angel Samantha and my Toby but he sure didn't have my brother, Toby's personality.

Can you believe your eyes. Mommy holding that bad boy and him trying to still my kisses. I just had to tell Aunt Judy that something was wrong with Mommy, holding that bad boy that attacked me every time I moved, and I thought my Mommy was taking his side. Aunt Judy explained to me that we just have to give him time. He was just fixed and still has some of his male hormones moving around in there. OK....so my Mommy loves all doggies even those with big TEETH.

So I forgave Mommy and as soon as Dallas was off her lap and out of sight I jumped off Aunt Judy's lap and told her so and gave her one of my best smiles.

Even I have to admit that he has some very pretty eyes, and he has the shiniest coat but look at those ears....he could go fly with that flying elephant at the circus. I don't know why but, he followed Mommy around like a puppy, which I guess he still is but George was right behind her too. Mommy assured George that he was still her number 1 boy and when it was time for our afternoon nap, it was me on the left and George on the right like always.





Since I was on Mommy's lap most of the day, she didn't take hardly any pictures this trip. What trip to Aunt Judy's would be complete without us getting an afternoon snack. Notice I am not in the pic of everybody waiting for their snack, cause I was too scared to get off the sofa. Not to worry Aunt Judy brought me a bowl of yogurt. I love you, Aunt Judy!!!

Just to show you that Mommy does knows the way things are supposed to be, here are 2 pictures of me and George. Since Mommy was taking them, she could only get one of us at a time cause her big belly was in the way.

Before we go, I just gotta tell you about a show Mommy loves to watch every Saturday afternoon at 5pm CST. It's called Underdog to Wonderdog on the Animal Planet. They find a doggie that needs help, transforms it from underdog to wonderdog and matches them with a loving furever family. This week was about a little Abbey boy dog named Sam, so that's why we choose the beautiful Abbey for our spotlight doggie today.
One last pic before we go. Notice anything different about this pic. YEP!! I'm not in it. Guess why? Second from the left that's why!!
DAllas is cute and so are all the doggies you posted today!
Sorry we have not been around. Mom has been so busy with work, she says it is killing her.
Hope you and the mommy are doing well!
Wow - looks like a lot of fun with all the doggies!
*kissey face*
Hi, Mona & Mommy...
I'm sorry Dallas wasn't very nice to you...I hope you are OK...
It was a good idea to stay close to your Mom...
Thanks for sharing the picture of me with My Hydrangeas...I love them...
Abby xxxooo
Dallas does have pretty eyes, but we sure hope he changes his ways with you soon, he doesn't know what fun he is missing.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Dallas sounds like kind of a bully to me, all picking on a sweet little thing such as yourself. I hope there was lots of smooching and cuddling for you when you got home.
Hi, Mona!
I am sure Dallas did not do that to you on purpose. You need to give him time and I am sure he will be a good boy next time you see him!
I hope you are having a nice day with your Mommy today!
Kisses and hugs
Mona, ouch, I am sorry about Dallas. I don't know how anydoggy could bite hard on sweet Mona. He must have been having a bad day. I am glad you got yogurt and snuggies out of it. My Mom likes to watch that underdog show too.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Tank woo fur sharing -
That wasn't furry nice of him!
LOL! Dallas is cute. He looks just like our foster doggie, Leroy but Leroy was so sweet. Hopefully, Dallas will be a fast learner. :) Frankie
Dallas sounds rude to us, Mona! We hope he learns so manners soon and the two of you can be friends one day!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Just look at Dallas' choppers!
I would stay faaaar away from him!
Oh no so sorry to hear that Dallas was being such a butt! Hope evertything settles down soon!
You sure had a lot of friends to play with.. Sorry that Dallas was so mean to you.
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh poor sweet Mona!!!
We're soooooooo sorry to hear that Dallas wasn't very nice to you...
How can someone isn't gentle with you sweet friend????
We hope you are OK...
And we think that is been a very very good idea to stay close to your Mom!!!!!!!!!!!
Grea pics of you and all your doggie friends...but please sweet Mona...next time if you need help with Dallas.....call us!!!!
We want to protect you against his teeth!!!!!
WE LOVE YOU And your mommy a lot!!!!
HAve a wonderful week!!!!
Hello there Mona! Nice to meet you...we were both nominated for the "Opps I ate it" award from Paco, Milo and Maya.
Looks like a doggie pile-up on the hooooman in the last photo!
Come for a visit if ya like: www.goldensierrarose.blogspot.com
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
I hope Dallas gets used to you and stops being a bully. You are very sweet not to growl back. I'm not always very nice to new doggies but I'm working on it.
We like that tv show too.
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