"Personality is what a man has if his dog starts running for him the moment he comes into sight." -- O.A. Battista
JOANIE UPDATE: August 18th
August 18, 2009 - Joanie was referred to the Texas A&M Veterinary Hospital and had her appointment there yesterday. The Vets were quite intrigued by her and she was there for several hours. She had a thorough exam and several tests were done, including one for Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency or EPI. The test results were negative so her lack of weight gain is still a mystery. We're waiting on results of a test for Addison's disease now, and we will follow up with A&M when those results come in. In the meantime, Joanie feels good, is quite active and eating well. She even took a pair of chiweenie puppies under her wing! They're new foster puppies who invaded Joanie's big comfy bed and think she's their Momma! We'll post an update when we have news from A&M. Thanks to everyone for your care and support for Joanie!

WOW!!! Now this is what I call excellent news! No EPI, now we just need to hope she doesn't have Addison's and will start gaining weight. Mommy thinks she looks great and just look at those pups.
Guess what? Remember last weekend we told you that Aunt Judy was taking Brooklyn over to Suzanne's and was picking up Dallas. Well she did and sent Mommy an e-mail around 10am that she almost cried when she dropped her off. Mommy got another e-mail a couple of hours later saying she went and got her back. YEP!! Hee Hee.....Mommy will never let Aunt Judy live this one down. Mommy told her she wouldn't want to give her up even though she says it's only until Brooklyn gets adopted. We'll see.
So of course, we just gotta go met Dallas now. He is very sweet and mellow and no trouble at all. He kinda looks like Angel Samantha.
We had a terrible storm here tonight. I don't usually get scared when there's thunder and lighting but there was hail too and it was pounding on the patio roof and the wind was blowing sideways and the wind chimes were loud and the windows was rattling and I was just SCARED!! NO, I was TERRIFIED!! I sat on Mommy's lap for 2 1/2 hours shivering. Mommy said she thinks I was thinking of that terrible time when I was a pup dodging traffic during the a storm when DROH found me. To top it off Mommy was watching a scary movie during all that racket.
My goodness, it's almost midnight and we gotta get to bed. The sooner I get to sleep, the sooner I can go visiting. Hope everybody has a wonderful weekend.
Love, kisses and (((huggies))) to all........Mona
Joanie sure looks happy! Our paws are crossed that she doesn't have Addison's!
We're glad this scary storm happened when your mommy was home and not at work so you had her to protect you, Mona! I don't like storms either!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I like Brooklyn's spots. Very stylish.
Sorry to hear about the bad storm. That sounds pretty scary. Don't worry. They aren't all like that.
Hi, Mona & Mommy...
Awwww...Joanie looks sooo happy with the pups...She's such a special little girl...
I don't like storms either...I get as close as I can to My Mom so she doesn't get scared...
Abby xxxooo
That is wonderful news about Joanie!! She could not be in better hands.
Brooklyn is soooo sweet! We see how she could not part with her.
We had some of those storms yesterday morning. They don't even phase our girls which is a 100% different than K-8.
Have a great weekend friends!
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
awwwwwwww - cute pups
Ah sorry about the storm. Have a great weekend.
Brooklyn looks so cute in that outfit. We hope Joanie is going to be ok. She looks so sweet with the puppies. Your family helps a lot of doggies.
Nice seeing my picture! Thanks. I'll see if there's a flower picture of Arrow.
Joanie is looking so much better. If it is Addison's, medicine will help that and she will start to put some weight on. But it would be nice if there is a simpler explanation.
Hope you don't get any bad storms tonight.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
I still have my paws crossed for Joanie!
She looks happy with those puppies!
I hope you had a better weather today!
Kisses and hugs
I luv Brooklyn's name and her dress! Could I borrow it?
Oh Joanie sure is looking so much better. Love how she is nice to the puppies.
More doggies to love lol.
WAsn't that weather just too weird. We didn't get hail but the electricity flickered and it rained a lot!
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