Please excuse the quality of this post. We have been fighting blogger since 10:41 am. It is now 3:12 pm. We can't spell check and it has been hanging up and won't move. It's a goof thing Mommy has no life and can sit here for hours on end.
(courtesy of Dachshund Rescue of North America)
"Dogs: God's way if showing US how to be happy"
Hi friends,
It has been a wonderful weekend for me because Mommy has been home with me for three whole days but not so happy for Mommy or at least Mommy's pocket book. Thursday after work she dropped our trusty old Toyota Highlander off at the dealership cause it needed it's 90,000 mile checkup and state inspection. They gave her a loaner car, a Camry, but it was so low to the ground that Mommy's poor old arthritic knees was killing her by the time she got home. So she decided not to go anywhere the next day until they called her that my car was ready. That was A OK with me cause dogs aren't allowed in rental or loner cars and she wasn't going anywhere without me.
Mommy calls this my happy face. We was at Aunt Judy's house when this was taken, don't remember when since we are there almost every other weekend. This is the way I look whenever me and Mommy get quality time together.

Enough said for the gloomey stuff. Now for the good news!! Great news for three of our injured doggies but also Mommy wants to share our hibiscus flowers in the backyard. They have neen terrible this year. The one againest the garage was gorgeors for all of two hours until the sun came up. Since Mommy misses her flowers, she picked some right off the Internet and is pretending they are all growing in our backyard.

Remember Aunt Judy's foster Brooklyn....she is almost as as cute as Bandit. Well she is very young, rambuctions and playful and is wearing poor Aunt Judy out wanting to play ball 24/7 and stealing Harley's balls. Since Harley isn't happy, it has been decided to let Suzanne take her, one of her fosters just got adopted, so Aunt Judy could take out a dachsie from one of our clinics we use, that is going through heart worm treatment and needs a mellow enviroment.

This is Aunt Judy's new foster. His nane is Dallas. Aunt Judy was making the bed and threw some pillows on the floor and Dallas made himself a bed under the a coffe table. He looks alot like Angel Samantha. I use we'll be making a trip to League City to see him soon. Told ya every other weekend!

Now you see why Brooklyn is leaving for Suzanne's house. That's her and Dallas. They were just playing but he got too excited and that's not good right now.
Remember, Sean, the dog with the fractured pelvis? Well we raised enough money, $2800, for his surgery at OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY VETERENARY HOSPITAL and he had his surgery and is doing well. Of course our bank account is almost empty but that doesn't matter, we always find a way because that is our mission to save one dog at a time. GREAT NEWS.....Sean got adopted two days ago!!!!!!!!

Sophie, who got bitten by the cotten mouth water moccasin, is doing great and hopefully never go near a snake again. Just a few scares on her nose but as beautiful as ever. What a profile!!
Now the best news for last. Ray has recovered from his horendous burns and is now avaialble for adoption and has been moved to the availabe for adoption list. Though he is scared for life, he is still and will always be always be a handsome boy and someday soon he will find his forever home. Here is Ray's bio from our website.
Available for Adoption
If you would like to be considered for adopting me (or one of my friends) please visit the Adoption Process page to begin. Return to list of Dogs
Name: Ray
Age: Young (1-4 Years)
Color: Red
Gender: M
Size: Tweenie (13-17 lbs.)
No Young Children
No Young Children
Hi, my name is Ray. I am a sweet precious doggie that was burned on my back by a sadistic individual who thought it would be funny to hurt me. I have recovered completely and love people; you would never know a human hurt me like that. I love everyone and everyone loves me. I get along great with all the other dogs in my foster home. I love to be in your lap but am also independent. I am crate trained too. I will sleep all night in it without one complaint. If you want a real human lover with great personality, try me, I will give you more love than you could ever imagine. I can guarantee the first thing you will wonder is why someone could have hurt me on purpose because I am so good. Love you and see you soon!
Ray, a.k.a. Raymond Last Updated: 08/14/2009
WARNING..................please stop here, the following picture might be disturbing to some of your humans.
Wednesday Mommy got an e-mail from Aunt Judy with some very distrubing. Here is the content of that e-mail.
It was a very stressful morning for me! At 5am the dogs flushed out this baby opossum and caught it. There was blood all over the walkway and of course it was "playing possum" so I thought it was dead, but it wasn't and to make a long story short, after many phone calls to various agencies, I drove it to Wildlife Rehab in the Heights on Old Katy Rd. They think he's going to be ok but the vet hadn't seen him yet when I left. I'll email them in a day or so to see how this story is going to end.
It is shocking, but us dachshunds were breed to hunt and hunt my buddies did. He should have stayed in that tree. At least they came away when Aunt Judy sreamed at them to leave it alone. And guess who was in charge of the attack? Bandit was the leader and Mikey, Belle and Brooklyn joined in. The two bigger boys Harley and George were not involved. At least Aunt Judy found help for him. Once a rescuer, always a rescuer.
Then she sent them an e-mail yesterday that said:
Can you tell me how the baby opossum I brought in on Wensday, is doing?
This was their response:
The little opossum is doing much better. We administered pain medications and fluids. It is now eating on its own and growing stronger. I hope a full recovery is in order for our little one. Thank you for taking the time to get him to the Wildlife Center to get him help.
Margaret Pickell
Wildlife Care Manager
Wildlife Rehab & Education Center
7007 Katy Rd.
Houston, TX 77024
Please do not think to badly of my friends. They was only doing what was breed into them.
Gotta go............my bone is caallingf me...........love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all.......Mona
We are so sorry to hear about your car troubles.
You have so much good news on pups! We were happy they saved the possum. They are weird but we like them.
Hope your mommy feels better soon. Stay cool!
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
Too bad about the big car bill, but if you don't take care of those things, it will only get worse. But great news on all the pups. Nice to hear good stories.
TD caught a possum in the yard last winter and Mom thought it was dead too until it jumped off the shovel she was using to get it out of the yard - boy did she jump when that happened.
Hope Mom's knees are better too.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Hi Mona
What good news about those doggies. And the possum! My mom wishes we could take them all in. But they sound like they will find homes. Glad your mom was home with you. That's the best.
Sadly, for the possum, your friends were just doing what they were bred to do. But that little guy has a chance to recover thanks to your Aunt Judy.
Your day with blogger sounds like Jan's day with twitter. A real pain.
Glad those 3 injured dogs are doing so much better.
Oh dear Mona, sorry about the car trouble and hopefully your mom will get her car back soon.
Wow.. you do have loads of good news too.. yes, please ask Sophie to stay away from snakes from now on!
Hope you enjoy whatever that your mom was cooking in the pot! (((Hugs)))
Hope Mr. Possum feels better. Loved the news about the doxies. So uplifting.
When we have a rental car we always go....BOL Rules were ment to be broken right?
-Mollie and Bobo
Hi Mona, you do look very happy in the picture! Hope your mom gets her car back soon. So happy to hear the good news about Sean and Sophie. Keeping paws crossed that Ray will find a loving home. And get well soon baby possum!
I know your friends were just being themselves. They didn't know it was just a baby possum.
Great news about the rescue boo boo doggies, though. Glad they are smiling again.
What is up with Blogger? Last night after I posted, clicking on the little movie made all sorts of weird things happen. Sigh.
What nice doggy stories, thank you. It is always good to hear about nice people helping pets. Mommy is sorry about your car and hope it will be ok now. I try to understand about the possum thing. I can't help but look at you and think oh my sweet Mona or any dachsie, but I know that we have our feelings inside and sometimes they take over.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Lots of pretty flowers and happy DROH news!
As fur the OH-possum: we are what we are ;-)
You are having a rough go of things! Very sorry about your transportation woes. We can all relate to that! And Blogger has made for a fun summer, no? Every other day it's something.
Glad to see that possum making a comeback. :)
YAY on all the great news!!! Poor car, I know that feeling!
Poor Opossum! The doxies couldn't help it, it is in their blood to hunt!
Sorry about the car issues but now that it is fixed hopefully it will last you many more years. I'm so glad to hear Ray is doing good. His story broke my heart. I've never seen a real life possum before but Momma has.
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