Weenie here..........
Things are still very sad over at our house, just as it is all over Blogville, for the loss of our dear friends in the tragic fire Friday morning. Mona was looking for a scrap of material to send for the Memorial Quilt that meant something to both her and Tiger. Yesterday we posted a picture of Mona with Tiger on their first date. Aunt Judy made the harness Tiger is wearing and the dress & cap Mona has on. Tiger's harness burned in the fire but Mona still has her little dress so she is gonna send some of it in. If you look at yesterday's post you can see that little dress. Mona said she may never wear thay dress again becuase it reminds her of her fella & how much she misses him already.
Now about Mommy. She loved Guero, Coco Channel, my Tiger and the wee Lucky and grieves for them but she is devestated over the loss of Shelby. Did you know that Mommy was terrified of pits before she met our dear sweet Shelby? The day Sandra found Shelby, she called Mommy and Mommy went right over so they could take a nameless, battered and almost dead pit to Dr Briles. When they got to the Vet the office needed a name. Mommy named her Shelby because if she survived, she would need to be strong like the Shelby in Steel Magnolias. It took all of 1 day for Mommy to fall in love with a nameless, battered pit and she wouldn't change one minute of the last year and half, except to take some of the pain away from our sweet girl. Mommy just can't bring herself to finish a post about the loss of Shelby and the rest. It is too hard. She will but it will take time.
Anyway, we wanted to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and share a Christmas song and video that made her smile. It's called the JINGLE GOATS and we all could use soemthing to make us smile again. Just click on the this link:
and enjoy!!
Mona & Mommy send their love to all of you and I'll sniff ya later........Weenie, the man of the house.

Hi, Mona,
I'm so sorry for your loss as well. I know you were instrumental in saving Shelby and you must be in as much pain as Sandra. My thoughts went right to you, too, when I heard.
Please know that our love and support extends to you as well at this time. Your heart is as big as Texas when it comes to rescuing and loving neglected animals, too. Without you, there would be so many more homeless babies out there.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Here's to yet another year of saving those who need us most!
xoxo to you and the furries,
Cindy (Pibble) and the pack
Blogville has suffered a terrible loss, but we know you, especially, are hurting a lot. We're here for you too.
Loved the cute video. Maybe Rudolph and his crew should take a vacation this year and hand over leading the sleigh to those goats!
Weenie, We are so sorry for your loss. We are going to go watch the video next. We hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
~Milly and Shelby
Wow, what a sweet post. I know you are all grieving so badly right now. I'm sending warm, loving vibes to you all. What a sweet idea about Mona's dress. Perfect for the quilt. My mom wondered if Shelby came from that movie. I'm hoping you find some peace for Christmas.
BTW: The goats are adorable! BOL at the little one stuck on the side of his food pan!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
As Sally Field says in the scene at the graveyard
I'm so mad! I want to know why!
We will never understand why. But one thing is for sure. Shelby was found and finally found love and she knew it. Now she is whole and perfect in Heaven. Her spirit lives on.
We all are taking this one day at a time. You made me cry again Sarah. But its ok. Merry Christmas to you dear.
Hi Weenie, our mommy became a Pit lover too when she read the story of Shelby. What a great gift she left us with. We wish we could give your mommy a great big hug.
The jingle goats are super cute!!
YES Weenie you ARE the Man of the house and you need to take grrrreat care of your Mommy and Mona.
Now MONA, I think that the very special Dress will make the most PERFECT of memory SQUARES for the quilt. You are right that you would not want to wear it again... butt to put it in the QUILT is Just RIGHT.
I have one that I am going to send.. and it means a lot to my mom and I think it will to everybuddy else too.
I want to wish the three of you a very Merry Christmas.
You all take just as long as you need too. This is so hard for all of us that just knew them through a computer. Having played with and loved on them I'm sure it's completely heartbreaking.
We think Miss Sandra will be so touched by you sharing the dress!
Mr. Nubbin'
Oh you poor things. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss
Dachshund Nola
Oh Mom and I is so fury fury sorry for your loss and the pain that you are all goin through.
Just know that none of the 5 are in pain anymore but more importantly ALL of them knew LOTS of LOVE!
woos, Tessa
A part of your little dress would be just perfect for Sandra's quilt, Mona.
Merry Christmas to you and to Weenie and to mommy.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I wondered where Shelby got her name. And now I know! I kept Shelby in my prayers and now I'm keeping Sandra and the family in them.
Cute video!
Mona, we hope that your special square from your dress gets a very special place on that quilt. It truly does have so much meaning.
We think about your Mommy a lot and wonder how she is doing, we know how hard this must be one her.
And thanks for the smiles - that jingle goat video was so funny and cute. MOm is going to show it to the little bipeds tomorrow - they will love it.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
It's still hard to believe the loss of the Pitties
Benny & Lily
I think about your mommies too, and send healing bubbles to help heal her heart. We are all so sad, and we will all heal together.
I know the quilt will do a lot of healing when its all done
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