and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful."
~~ - Norman Vincent Peale
Cnristmas is almost here!! ..........10 days & counting
Brooklyn & Bandit in their Christmas harnesses.
Hi dearest friends,
Here is your AWE moment for today.
Her eyes are beautiful. Most babies measuring 5 ft. would be considered big, but new born giraffe, ‘Margaret’ at Chester Zoo, UK is seen as unusually small for her species. She is one of the smallest giraffes ever born at Chester Zoo, but pint-sized Margaret will soon be an animal to look up to.
Little Margaret, who is the first female Rothschild giraffe born at the zoo, is being hand-reared by her dedicated keepers. The first calf for six-year-old mum Fay, Margaret, who was born two weeks early, tipped the scales at just 34 kilos (75 lbs.) and is a mere 5 ft. tall.
Tim Rowland's, team leader of the Giraffes section, said: 'Margaret is one of the smallest giraffe calves we have ever seen. Fay isn't the largest of giraffes and Margaret was also early which might go some way to explaining her size. 'Margaret was having difficulty suckling so our keeping team are now hand-rearing her.

Mona here..........
"Mommy has always loved Giraffes and she has passed that love on to me. If you've followed my blog for long, you know that many of my stuffies are giraffes. By know you also know that Mommy's little fella is a master destuffier. BUT!! Weenie knows better than to mess with my giraffes and my pink Elephant."
Time for morning nap........{{{huggies}}}........Mona
Awwww....how cutie....butt dat a BIG baby if it was a pup instead of a giraffe.
Now....glad Weenie is being nice to your giraffes and your pink elephant!
You are RIGHT... Margaret made ME go
Awww what a beautiful little baby!
Dachshund Nola
Margaret is so precious, Mona!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
OMD that is the MOST BEAUTIFUL baby Giraffe I have EVER seen!
You gots to protect your stuffie giraffes and elephants!
woos, Tessa
That really is a beautiful baby!! Looks like you were very close taking those pictures. And those eyes!! WowZer.
BabyRD & Hootie
.,how she's totally beautiful..
Dog Fence
Pet Solutions
Its All About Bichon
Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers today too. Holding you close to my heart.
We were so very sorry to hear about The Houston Pittie Pack, Mona we grieve with you over the loss of your boyfriend and his siblings.
We're shocked to hear the horrible news about the Houston Pittie Pack.
What a tragedy! What a heartbreak!
We've followed Shelby from the day she was rescued from a parking lot.
We thought she had a happy ending!
We continue to support her and her family, thanks for posting the sad news.
We love you more for your kindness and true friendship to everyone.
We wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and holding you close to our hearts. We know how sad you are at this time, Sarah, and we share your grief.
Miss Sarah,
Just wanted you to know we are thinking of you during this time of tragedy. Our hearts and prayers are going out to you and Sandra and her family. We are doing everything we can to help.
We love you!
Allison and Puddles
My sisters and i would like to send you my sincere gratitude for helping support the HPP.
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Your new Friends - Coco The Princess, Lady Godiva & Truffle too
Hi Sarah, Mona & Weenie!
We're really sad to hear the news. We're keeping all of you and Shelby's family in our thoughts and prayers.
Hugs to all of you.
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