Guess what? My 2 guy doggie friends, William and Tank, whose Mommies work with my Mommy, are having their boy parts snipped this week. William is going to have it done today. His Mommy, Miss Toshiba, is a nervous wreak and didn't want to have it done but her and Mommy had the "TALK". William is tiny little thing and his Mommy is scared he'll be in pain. Our Vet, Dr Briles, is gonna do it so we know he's gonna be fine but Miss Toshiba might lose it so keep your fingers crossed.
Then on Saturday, it's Tank's turn. His Mom, Miss Ivonne, had the "TALK" with Mommy too. Tank is a kinda wild guy and they say getting "fixed" will stop all of that. We like him just like he is but Miss Ivonne 's husband says he's gone if Tank doesn't straighten out. If my Mommy was Tank's Mommy, the husband would be gone not Tank. Don't tell Tiger but Mona is kinda sweet on Tank but he's not even a year old yet.
I have one thing to say, better you then me guys. It's the right thing to do.
I have to agree its the best thing to do. My mum agrees though that it would be him and not Tank to go.. Hope all goes well for them both.. Hugs GJ xx
I'll keep my paws crossed fur both of them. I know that they will be GLAD... AFTER it is all BEHIND them.. so to bark.
Sending healing vibes to the boys - it was hard for our Momma to have Sam done too! Why is that? Spaying is worse than neutering, but Mom never worried about her girl dogs!
Me keeps all my paws crossed. By next week dey will forget all bout it. Da gift dat keeps giving....for a lifetime!
Paws crossed both procedures go well. Yes, the right thing to do, and usually pretty simple. Good luck to Tank and William.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Our paws are crossed for them too...their Mamas are doing the right thing for sure!! We have all been snipped and clipped too!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Yep, a little temporary pain will help them both in the long run.
We'll be praying for both of them.
Nubbin wiggles,
I so agree Weenie it is the RIGHT thing to do!
Heck when we girls get spayed it is a BIG operation and all. But the boys got it easy, just snip snip. I think it is their pride that is most affected! BOL
Woos, Tessa
Tank's name fits him. I agree with your mommy, it would be the husband who is gone.
I also agree it's the right thing to do. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the procedure goes well for both of them.
we will keep our feets crossed the snipping will go ok
Benny & Lily
Happy Healing and YAY for snippys!
oh and I loved your quote so much I had to snag it! :)
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