"Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet"
~~ Colette
Mona here...
I'm so disappointed. This weekend is the Reliant Dog Show and I won't be able to work my MAGIC. Mommy just didn't feel up to us going this year. That nasty old Arthritis has got hold of her and won't let go. She can't walk much anymore and can't stand for very long and for those of you who were around during the Dog Show the last few years knows that Mommy working the crowd is half the fun. That woman and I make a good team. Me kissing and her pulling the crowd in. It's gonna be sad because last year I made bunches of $$$ selling my kisses for Dachshund Rescue and if you remember, Mommy sold a few of her kisses too.
Working 2009 Kissing Booth for Dachshund Rescue of Houston.

Munch (look at that Mohawk)

This little girl had her face painted......

Harnesses with Aunt Diana.......

& T-shirts, collars and other stuff at the ATDR booth.

http://www.atdr.org/ or http://dachshundrescueofhouston.org/
to donate and then just let me know how many kisses to send you.

I'm so sorry to hear that Mommy isn't feeling well. She works hard so she has to rest. I know you wish you could have gone to the Kissing Booth but I bet you got to snuggle up with Mommy a lot. I think she is the one who needs lots of kissing right now and you are just the girl to do it! Tell Mommy I hope she feels better soon.
Love, Cupcake
Hey Mona!
Wow, I'm so sorry you're missing your big event this year, but taking care of your mommy is more important. I'm sending her a whole bunch of healing thoughts to help her feel better. Just think how much fun you can have next year after taking a year off! You'll appreciate it even more then. Cute pix...love the mohawk!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
WOW that Pooch Smooch booth is grrrreat lookin. Sooo sorry that you didn't make it this year. AND esp. sorry that Arthur is causing your mommy so much trouble.
HARNESSES??? How Much are they??
I sure is sorry that you couldn't do your kissin booth this year but there is always next year. Does your Mom use a scooter or wheelchair? I sit with my Mom in her wheelchair and we can go anywhere!
Mom and I understand the bad pain that that mean Arthur-Rite-Ass can give a body. You just stay close to your Mom and warm her ouchies with your body.
woos, Tessa
Oh my goodness what a fun time. Momma is being a pawrty pooper we hear?
Benny & Lily
I'm so sorry you couldn't sell kisses this year, Mona. What a disappointment. I'm thinking you should share them with your mama as she probably needs them more right now. I hope you get to go next year.
I LOVE Munch's mohawk! What a cutie!
We are so sorry that your mom is not feeling well. Please make sure that you and Weenie give her lots of snuggles and kisses so she feels better.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
We're sorry your didn't get to work your kissing magic this year, Mona. We hope your mommy feels better soon!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Me is so sorry to hears dat your Mama isn't feeling well. Sorry you missed all da kisses dis year. Maybe next year will be better.
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