This post is dedicated to sweet Cinnamon Bun, ATDR Senior.


Last night, ATDR was saddened by the death of one our most loved seniors, Cinnamon Bun. She died of an infection. She will be missed. She was loved by so many during her many years with ATDR. She never found her forever home in life but she was with her foster Mom when she crossed the bridge. Now she is with all the other dachshunds we have loved and lost and when each of her fosters leave for heaven she will great them and show them all the love she was always given on earth. She was at least 13 years old, but we think she was much older.
"It is not important who started the game,
but who finishes it."

(courtesy of ***The OP Pack***)
Dearest friends,
Mommy's office got sent home today at 1 pm and will be off until Monday because of the weather in Houston. The weather people are predicting 2 - 4 inches of snow, with lots ice. We don't get snow here very often and when it snows it melts sometimes before it even hits the ground but they say not this time. We are happy because Mommy will be home for 3 whole days with us but she does have a home visit on Sunday, weather permitting, for a lady that is interested in one of ATDR's long haired beauties. Mommy says she should feel ashamed for being afraid of a few inches of snow when so many of you have so many feet of snow to deal with.
Mommy's office got sent home today at 1 pm and will be off until Monday because of the weather in Houston. The weather people are predicting 2 - 4 inches of snow, with lots ice. We don't get snow here very often and when it snows it melts sometimes before it even hits the ground but they say not this time. We are happy because Mommy will be home for 3 whole days with us but she does have a home visit on Sunday, weather permitting, for a lady that is interested in one of ATDR's long haired beauties. Mommy says she should feel ashamed for being afraid of a few inches of snow when so many of you have so many feet of snow to deal with.
Mommy wants to share a prayer one of her co-workers sent out to the staff before they left today...........
May God bless and protect and carry you from this point forward.
This weather isn't to fear, only because Our Father created the “mother” of nature,
therefore he knows how much we as a people can bare....
be careful, use wisdom when driving and drive for others.
As many of you have heard me saw before, not many of us dachshunds like snow. We are too close to the ground BUT some of us don't feel that way. Click on the link below to see one that does.
Now lets talk about me and my new best buddy, my foster brother Weenie.
I have been a very good girl and have shared all my toys, treats and sleeping beds and blankets, plus the most important, My Mommy with him. When Mommy is in the computer room one of us gets in my bed and one gets on the blanket, unless we lay down together. I know he is blind and has to learn the 'lay of the land' but I can't let him get lost outside, so I stay by his side as much as I can.
Mommy here....... I am so proud of my girl. She looks out for Weenie. If we are outside, she kinda gets behind him to make sure he heads in the right direction when it's time to come back in. I agree with the lay of the land part. My voice will not always be here to guide him. I've gotten comments on Mona's blog about him and some who have had blind dogs and they say not to pick him up all the time. That is very hard for me to do that because he is so darn cute and I don't want him to get hurt. He has already learned the way to his bed at night. Mona even lets him lay in my lap. She on the left side and he on the right.
He has started to explore. Yesterday I sat outside watching him and Mona play. You've seen pictures of Mona's hiding place in the planter. Well, he put his front paws on the side and then jumped right in. Mona most have shown him her hidey hole because he went right too it. Then he walked around the planters, sniffing and digging as he went. I had tears in my eyes, he is starting to play like a DOG.
Mona here......... Me and Weenie gotta go now. I don't like snow and would just as soon not see any at my house. Weenie won't be able to see the snow but he might be like that silly puppy in the video and love it. Mommy will take pictures of us if it does snow.
{{{huggies}}}....Mona & Weenie too!!

I am so sorry to know about Cinnamon Bun.
Sure she was a very sweet and special girl.
We are having a very cold weather! And we are not used to it!
I am sure you and Weenie are going to love having Mommy at home this long weekend!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs
So very sorry to read about Cinnamon Bun. She may not have found a forever home, but she had a wonderful home while she was here.
Dakota must be smiling down at all the snow in Houston. Thanks for sharing her pic.
Mona, you are being so wonderful. Dogs just seem to know when their help is needed. Your Mom should read the blog about The "sploring Wolfies.
They just brought home a beautiful blind girl who has made herself right at home. We just know that Weenie is going to be just fine there.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Sorry about Cinnamon Bun!
It is amazing how a blind dog will adjust so quickly.
Thanks for Doing what you do.
So sorry to hear about your friend
Benny & Lily
I'm so sorry to hear about Cinnamon Bun. It sounds like even though she didn't have a furever home, she was still very much loved and well cared for.
I didn't realize you had a new foster! Good for you for sharing your toys and mom with him. I know how hard that can be when you're used to having things all to yourself.
I had a blind dog once. She was old and we didn't realize she was blind even until we moved and the house and her surroundings were all different. We figured it out pretty quickly once she started walking into the walls and things. She adjusted quickly though and it sounds like Weenie will too.
Dawling Mona
I'm so sowwy about cinnamon Bun. May she wun wif all ouw angel fwiends in heaven . I know she knew she was loved by hew fostew mom and so many othews.West in Peace little one
Mona, you awe a sweet giwl fow being so genewous wif Weenie
I'm sending you tons of smoochie kisses
We're so sorry for the loss of Cinnamon Bun, but it's a blessing that she was so loved and cared for. Although she may not have had an official forever home, we bet that in her mind and heart her foster family was her forever home.
Mama also had a blind doggie years ago. He had lived with her for some years before he also went suddenly blind, so he knew his way around the house and adapted very quickly. It sounds like your mommy is using her voice to guide Weenie, which is great, and we're sure he's also relying on you to help him figure out the landscape. The only think you and Mommy need to be careful about is not accidently leaving things out of place, like moving a chair or leaving a box where it doesn't normally go. We're sure Weenie's going to adapt well and be a lovely boy for many years to come. We hope he does get to stay with you forever. Sounds like you guys fit together very well.
Jed & Abby
We are so sorry to hear about Cinnamon Bun. We love our seniors - each and every one of them.
Good for you, Mona, to be the bestest sissy to Weenie. He sounds like he is becoming one happy boy! What great news!
Mom says it doesn't take much ice for it to be dangerous. Stay safe, guys!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
hiya! thanks for stopping by! of course you may use any pictures you like from our blog! we look forward to reading your post! we added you to our blog list, thanks for making contact! Guinness and Maggi
Oh my! I have not heard about beautiful Cinnamon Bun crossing da Bridge! We never met her, but feel like we know hers well, from da ATDR website.
May her rest in peace and run with da wind!!!
Stay warm Mona and Weenie...and mommy! No snow in Houston.sigh.....just LOTS of ICE! ugh
So furry sorry to read about Cinnamon Bun! Prayers and good thoughts to her family and furiends!
Ya'll stay warm and safe down there!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
You tell mommy not to worry about being nervous driving in the snow. It is very dangerous no matter how much there is.
PeeWee is crying because he says he might never see his weave poles and jumps again as they are almost completely buried.
So sorry to hear about Cinnamon Bun. Thank you so much to her foster mom for taking such good care of her.
I just love Weenie. Mona, you are just as loving and caring as your Mommy so I'm not a bit surprised to hear what a wonderful sister you are.
I hope Weenie stays around a long time if you know what I mean.
We are very sorry to hear of Cinnamon Buns passing.
Great job Mona & Mommy for making Weenie feel at home!
Pauley James & Middy Sue
Ahh fly with the angels sweet Cinnamon Bun ... what a sweet name for such a sweet faced girl. *snifs* I will light a candle for her.
Want to come
Good weekend
Ronrons of
Weenie is a cutie! Maybe you'll get to keep him around!
~Milly and Shelby
ps- be careful in the snow!
When we first got Molly I attached bells to myself so she could hear where I was and my firend who has a blind dog had bells on her sighted dogs collars so her blind dog can run around with htem knowing where they all are. Just a thought for you
Momma Tea
xxx xxx
Dear sister,
Reading your post was a bit emotional for me cause there are so many senior citizen at the rescue waiting for a family that would bring them home. I hope all of them could fine a nice comfy home like our Jasmine and Weenie. Guess mom has a big support from your mommy seeing how she helps and foster care these seniors.
We hope all the best and luck for them to find a good family soon :)
Happy early Valentine~~
Autumn and Jasmine
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