Mommy here.......
Blogger still is not cooperating with us. Still not able to leave comments or sign into our blog but we can still read your blogs. I am over at my sister's using her computer to do a quick post. This morning, before I came over here, I sent just a few pictures to her e-mail address and she said I could use her computer to do a post. So much to share, so little time.
Mona misses all of her friends so much and wants all of you to know how much she hates not being able to stop by and leave comments. Friday was my 63rd birthday. It started out very sad but in the end was the best birthday, I have had any many years. Of course you know it had to do with a dog or two.
Thursday afternoon Jennifer with ATDR sent an e-mail to the ATDR Yahoo Group, that her brother's dog was missing. Her name is Harlee and Jennifer raised her from a pup. She is now just over a year old. When she was rescued at 4 weeks old, ADTR, took her in thinking she was a very long dachshund and she kept growing. Harlee turned out not to be a dachshund, but a Basset/Retriever mix through a DNA test. Not that it mattered, she was part of the family that has all kinds of doggies in the household. Jennifer's brother, who is an ER doctor, in Louisiana, fell in love with her and he adopted her.

When Jennifer's Dad went to pick up a little tiny girl from the shelter in Woodlands, she didn't have a name and he said she looked like a little cupcake but ADTR already had a Cupcake so they all decided in honor of my birthday they would name her Sarah Lee. No pictures yet but she is a chocolate long hair. Actually they are calling her a chi-wienie but I don't see the Roxie in her but that wouldn't matter to ATDR anyway. So now I have a namesake.
Remember in some of our other posts, you've seen pictures of this goofy hat and glasses. Well it was my turn last night. It's a ATDR tradition. I couldn't see a thing because I'm blind as a Bessie Bat without my glassed so I just wore the hat the whole evening. Some of my friends from DROH & ATDR had a birthday party at Ninfa's for me. We all had a great time. I got some great gifts, even had a Mango Margarita, but nothing was as good as Harlee being back home and Sarah Lee.

Friday, we had cupcakes and I got 2 Pet Co gifts card from my coworkers and my boss. Friday evening I went to dinner with some of the the family at the Lasagna House. Today my sisters and I went to breakfast, just us girls. I think I will have gained 15 pounds in these 3 days. Mona wasn't able to go with me to any of the celebrations but I am off tomorrow and plan on snuggling with Mona, sleep late and spend all day with AT&T to see what's going on with our computer.
One last picture before I close. Sorry I haven't been able to share any pictures of our girl Shelby in a while. Yesterday we took her for a followup on her heart worm treatments. As you can see, she looks terrific. Dr Briles says she is doing great. She now weighs 51.7 pounds. She no longer has any sign of mange but the hair will never grow back on her back. We asked about the little bumps on her back that look like warts but he said those will not go away and they don't bother her. She is beautiful in our eyes just as she is. In July, if all goes well, she will be spayed and have her eye taken care. Again, thanks to everyone for the prayers, donations and love for our girl. Shelby has been with us for 6 months now and I can't imagine my life without her.
Please, now we need your prayers for Sandra. She is 3 months away from having her baby, a boy. She has been having complications and now the doctor thinks she has the kind of diabetes that pregnant women get. The baby is big and she has trouble resting at night and he is pressing on her lungs and she has trouble breathing. All that plus still having to work.
I've got to say goodbye for now. My sisters want to visit some more so goodbye for now and have a wonderful day. If Mona was here she would be sending lots of {{{huggies}}} so just pretend she sending them to you right now.
Nice to hear from you! We have missed you!
~Milly and Shelby
I'm so happy you had such a miwacle Biwfday..it is twooly happy making. good fwiends, good food and Miwacle doggies makes fow a pawfect day!
I'm so glad about shelby's pwogwess.she is a dolly puss fow suwe, but i'm so wowwied whenevew I wead aabout Texas and theiw plans fow bweed specific legistaltion..what would happen to shelby and all the othew wondewful pitties?
I will pway fow theiw Mom that the west of hew pwegnancy goes smoofly and she and the baby boy will be healthy and fine
smoochieBiwfday kisses
ASTA and mommi
Thank you for all the information! I'm so glad you had a great birthday. Harlee is beautiful and I'm SO glad she is home. Shelby is just like sunshine and I love to hear her wonderful progress. Sending good thoughts Sandra's way!
What a great birthday and no one deserves a one more than you do. We are so pleased to see how wonderfully Shelby is doing. You have made such a difference to so many doggies, but none more than Shelby. She weighs almost exactly the same as I do. It's a nice size to be, I always think.
We will keep our paws crossed for Sandra and hope that things smooth out for her a whole lot.
Oh, and just a thought, but maybe you should try a standard blogger template - just as an experiment - and see if that makes any difference.
We are so glad you found Harlee! I'd be so worried! Happy Birthday! We are also glad things are looking up for Shelby. We will keep our paws crossed!
We will keep your friend in our thoughts.
FURST: I have my paws crossed really tight fur Miss Sandra!!
I am soooo glad that you can get a posty up.. somehow. I miss you my dear.
I am thrilled that your mom's birfday turned out soooooo grrreat fur her!!
I hope the two of you have a super Snuggle time tomorrow!!!!
Hope you get your bloggie thingy worked out. Like I said.. We MISS YOU.. butt it is worth repeating.
Hooray! What a great ending to your birthday! I'm glad Harlee managed to find her way back, and Shelby is doing great! We've missed you all so much!
Snuggles are the best way to spend the day huh!
We are keeping our paws crossed for Sandra too.
What a fantastical birthday! It's good to see you again.
Nubbin wiggles,
Oh Ms. Mona and your mama Ms. Sarah! Wesa so happy to see you blogging again, even if you aren't at the home 'puters. I sure hope something works out to where you can blog like usual. Wesa will be praying for Ms. Sandra and sending her the power of the paw X 5 and also we are so happy to hear that Ms. Shelby is doing so well!
Much luvums and cinnamon butt wiggle-waggles,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
wow ! great pics
That is one extra special day!
Benny & Lily
Sounds like you had a VERY Happy Birthday!
Such a relief that Harlee was found - a relief and a miracle.
Congrats on having a dog named after you!
What a great miracle that is! Happy Birthday and good to see Miss Shelby doing sooo good!
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