Hi dearest friends,
So much happened in the month we was having cumputer problems. Dang it!! I missed Christmas with my DWB friends. Mommy says there is no way we can share all the pictures we took during that time, so she decided to go to our picture folder and pick a picture or two from each day she uploaded pictures. Here goes.
12/17/10 -- In the Business Office at the hospital, where Mommy has worked for 43 years, they had a contest of who could guess who's picture was who. It didn't have to be a baby picture. This is the picture of my Mommy from 1972 when she was a sweet you thing. She was skinny then but that was like a 100 years ago. Nobody guessed it was Mommy!!

But this day was special. She delivered a pressie for me from Addie, Lucie and Hailey. I got three stuffies, called Hope, Faith & Charity. If you look closely, you can see a pressie for Mommy too......it's peanut brittle shaped like the great state of Texas. Thanks a bunch ladies!!

12/20/10 -- My mail person had a another package for me. It was from my dear friends at The Slimmer Pugs. Oh, my Dogness!! A whole container of Christmas cookies and some even had frosting on them. There was also a little loofa dog with a Christmas stocking on. Me & Smokey, want to say thank you. They was Yummycious!! I been sharing them with Smokey.

12/22/10 -- Just a picture of me, after I had a bath so I'd look pretty for
my Christmas pictures. Hope everybody liked my Smilebox card.

12/25/10 -- My Christmas gift from Mommy. I call him Penguie but I thought pengunies was supposed to be black. Now instead of dragging Pinkie Poo around and taking him to bed with me, I do the same thing with Penguie too.

I got some other presents from Mommy but my best present of all was having Mommy to myself all day and we played outside most of the day.
Mommy loves this picture cause she likes the way my hair looks. I am not gray, my hair is silver and black.

Mommy says, I look like I'm surveying my kingdom in this one. Well it is my backyard.

01/10/11 -- Ms Kat brought her granddaughter to the hospital to show her off.
Remember I showed you guys her picture right after she was born. She is a big
girl now but Mommy says I have to wait awhile to play with her.
How come Mommy gots to play with her & I can't. It's not fair. She's my baby.

1-14/10 -- It was Mommy's birthday and her boss and co-workers
gave her 2 Pet Co gift cards for a total of $55.00.
Here's Mommy holding my pictures. She said it was the perfect gift
since my Wellness dog food is very expensive but I'm worth every bit of it.

They had cupcakes with Winnie the Poo, Piglet and Eyeore on them.
Mommy choose a piglet. The decorations was little pinkie ring that they
wore all day. Picture this.......8 grown people wearing pinkie rings all day and one was the boss.

My gift cards, Oops, I meant Mommy's gift cards. She gonna have a new tag
made for me and buy one of those 365 day of the year calenders with doggie pictures for herself.

01/15/10 -- Last but not least, pictures of our sweet Shelby at the Vet when she went for her followup on her heartworn treatment. Dr Briles wants to wait until July to make sure she is totally healed before she gets spayed. Even though she
will go through another heat before then.
Look at that face!!

12/20/10 -- My mail person had a another package for me. It was from my dear friends at The Slimmer Pugs. Oh, my Dogness!! A whole container of Christmas cookies and some even had frosting on them. There was also a little loofa dog with a Christmas stocking on. Me & Smokey, want to say thank you. They was Yummycious!! I been sharing them with Smokey.

12/22/10 -- Just a picture of me, after I had a bath so I'd look pretty for
my Christmas pictures. Hope everybody liked my Smilebox card.

12/25/10 -- My Christmas gift from Mommy. I call him Penguie but I thought pengunies was supposed to be black. Now instead of dragging Pinkie Poo around and taking him to bed with me, I do the same thing with Penguie too.
After all Pinkie Poo is my heart and I could never desert him.
I got some other presents from Mommy but my best present of all was having Mommy to myself all day and we played outside most of the day.
Mommy loves this picture cause she likes the way my hair looks. I am not gray, my hair is silver and black.
Mommy says, I look like I'm surveying my kingdom in this one. Well it is my backyard.

01/10/11 -- Ms Kat brought her granddaughter to the hospital to show her off.
Remember I showed you guys her picture right after she was born. She is a big
girl now but Mommy says I have to wait awhile to play with her.
How come Mommy gots to play with her & I can't. It's not fair. She's my baby.

1-14/10 -- It was Mommy's birthday and her boss and co-workers
gave her 2 Pet Co gift cards for a total of $55.00.
Here's Mommy holding my pictures. She said it was the perfect gift
since my Wellness dog food is very expensive but I'm worth every bit of it.
They had cupcakes with Winnie the Poo, Piglet and Eyeore on them.
Mommy choose a piglet. The decorations was little pinkie ring that they
wore all day. Picture this.......8 grown people wearing pinkie rings all day and one was the boss.
My gift cards, Oops, I meant Mommy's gift cards. She gonna have a new tag
made for me and buy one of those 365 day of the year calenders with doggie pictures for herself.

01/15/10 -- Last but not least, pictures of our sweet Shelby at the Vet when she went for her followup on her heartworn treatment. Dr Briles wants to wait until July to make sure she is totally healed before she gets spayed. Even though she
will go through another heat before then.
Look at that face!!
Wow, what a great post. I feel all caught up on everything now. Mona, you look so pretty in your pictures. Your Mommy's workplace sounds so fun. I'm glad they like cupcakes there. Have fun with Penguie!
Love, Cupcake
P.S. My Mommy has one of those 365
day doggie calendars too!!
We missed ya'll so much. Glad ya'll is up and running again!
Those are some of da purtiest stuffies I has seen.
Thanks fur updating us on all your doin's.
Still don't know why you can't play withs da baby...hehehe.
A lotta exciting stuff going on at your place Mona! I hope you are having a great 2011!
WOW it looks like you guys had a great Christmas!!!
So happy to see that you guys are back. We missed you lots!
We hope your mom's knee is doing better.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
WHEEEEEEEEEE you are TOTALLY back with us. We Missed you.
Oooh you look so pretty after your bath! I can't wait until my stitches come out & I can have my first real bath :) I did not know that your Mommy is the one that found Miss Shelby; we are so glad that she is feeling better. WOW you have 4 brothers? I bet you always have someone to play with. Thank you for stopping by my blog.
Middy Sue
We've missed you Mona! Thanks fur getting us all caught up! Shelby is looking just grrreat!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Wesa so happy yousa back Ms. Mona and 'da mama!! (Cinnamon butts wiggle-waggling like crazy with happiness). We enjoyed all that went on during the month in review...and we could have gotten your mamas picture right 'cause she has the same pretty face...trust me...our mama #1 was thin'ums once too...but who wants to cuddle with a bag of bones...we rather enjoy her and mama #2's current state of plumpy-ness...very comfortable to cuddle indeed. Anywhos? Wesa hope this is permanent and 'dats (knock on woods) you will not have any more 'puter issues...we miss you too much!
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
PS: Mama #1 & #2 were so excited when your mommy called around Christmas time...it sure made their season bright. :)
Thank you for getting us all caught up, Mona! I'm SO glad you can blog again. We all missed you. Oh, by the way...I just LUVS your new bloggie look and your new header.
My mom and me were just talking the other day about how we can't believe that Shelby is even the same dog that we first saw on your bloggie. In that first picture, the part that made our heart ache the most wasn't her physical owies. It was that she looked like she had given up on the world. But look at her now! She's just so HAPPY! Thank you ever so much for helping her.
Wiggles & Wags,
It's so gweat to have you and youw Mommy back again..
Mommies do change wif time..mine is billions of yeaws old and she suwe doesn't look like hew old pictoowes anymowe eithew, but hew heawt's the same.
Thank you fow that summing up of all this time..I especially like that thewe wewe so many happy events
smoochie kisses
Hi Mona we like your quote of the day. Thanks for the updates
Benny & Lily
I'm so happy to get all caught up with you. You look so pretty.
Nubbin wiggles,
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