December 15, 2010


The Truce of 1914

In 1914 when soldiers in Europe marched out to the first great European war of the 20th century, they said they would be home by Christmas to celebrate their victory. The young men were not home by Christmas. The war dragged on and on for years and Europe was never to be the same again.

In December 1914, however a strange thing happened on the Western front. It was Christmas Eve, and the weather suddenly got cold, freezing the slush and water of the trenches in which the men were bunkered down. In the German trenches soldiers started lighting candles. British sentries reported that there appeared to be small lights, raised on poles or bayonets and although these lanterns clearly illuminated the German troops, the British held their fire. Even more startlingly, British officers saw through binoculars that some enemy troops were holding Christmas trees over their heads with lighted candles in their branches!'' The Germans, who celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, were extending holiday greetings to their enemies.

A few German soldiers started singing carols and it was soon picked up all along the line as others joined in harmonizing. Then they began singing "Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht!" The British immediately recognized the melody and began singing "Silent Night" along with the Germans.

Then occurred one of the most unusual incidents in military history. One by one, soldiers on both sides laid down their weapons and ventured into no man's land - too many of them to prevent their superior officers from objecting. An undeclared truce had broken out spontaneously, against all orders and the rules of military combat.

One eye-witness account of the unofficial truce is given in the wartime diary kept by veteran Frank Richards. In it he wrote:"We stuck up a board with 'Merry Christmas' on it. The enemy stuck up a similar one.

"Two of our men threw their equipment off and jumped on the parapet with their hands above their heads as two of the Germans did the same, our two going to meet them. They shook hands and then we all got out of the trench and so did the Germans."

Richards explained that some German soldiers spoke perfect English. One, who had worked in Brighton before the war, said how fed up he was that they were at war and he would be glad when it was all over. His British counterpart agreed.

The German officers appear to have taken the lead role in the Christmas get-together having provided barrels of beer not only for their own men but two barrels for the British soldiers too. The Brits, however, claimed the French-made beer was barely fit to drink. They gave each other small gifts from chocolate bars and tobacco to tins of processed beef. Others joined in and as the day progressed this mass fraternization spread along the front to include soccer matches between the two forces. Men who the day before had been shooting to kill were sharing tots of rum and showing each other family snapshots.

The men sat around campfires together singing the choruses of Christmas carols, "Silent Night" being the favorite since it was known by both sides. Before midnight they said their farewells and returned to their own lines.

According to Peter Simkins*, of London 's Imperial War Museum , the Christmas Truce took place in numerous places along the battlefront.

"Along the British section of the line, about 22 miles in Flanders, particularly on and around Christmas Day (it wasn't just a Christmas Day phenomenon), both sides began to detect in the opposing trenches, certain signs of Christmas celebration (if celebration is the right word in such a setting). Germans would be heard singing, 'Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht.'

"People would shout messages like: 'Fritz, here. I was a waiter in a Manchester hotel before the war. How are my friends from the Lancashire ?' On Christmas Day itself, the first curious, slightly headstrong people, perhaps, from both sides poked their head above the trenches, and being made aware that somebody on the other side wasn't going to shoot it off, then clambered cautiously out. Others followed suit. People stopped in the middle of no-man's-land, shook hands, exchanged buttons and badges, cigarettes. And, this went on, in some parts for two or three days. And, then, partly because the Generals didn't want it to happen, and partly because units moved out of the line and others came in, the thing died away. It was never repeated. So, it is very much a 1914 phenomenon."

Trevor Wilson*, of the University of Adelaide, says the Christmas Truce was not some act of rebellion against the commanders. "It just means that Christmas Day is supposed to be a day of exceptional pleasure and enjoyment. And, in terms of being in a trench, this was exceptionally pleasurable and enjoyable."

"It was a highly emotional moment," according to Paul Fussell*, University of Pennsylvania . "It's the last gesture of the 19th Century idea that human beings are getting better the longer the human race goes on. Nobody could believe that after the First World War, and certainly not after the Second."

The truce often ended just as it had begun, by mutual agreement. Captain C. I. Stockwell, of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers recalled how, after a truly "Silent Night," he fired three shots into the air at 8.30 a.m. on December 26th and then climbed onto his parapet. The officer who had given him the beer the previous day also appeared on the German parapet. They bowed, saluted and climbed back into their trenches. A few moments afterwards, Stockwell heard the German fire two shots into the air and, as he said, "The War was on again."

Dear friends,
Yesterday, the above, was shared with the staff at the hospital where Mommy works. Mommy says it proves that regardless of the conflict in the world, the joy & wonder of Chritsmas will bring people together. It's the way it should be.

My Mommy's Godfather, Uncle Bennie was stationed in London during World War II.
He spendt every Christmas thinking about his family at home and missing the Italian 

family traditions.

He told Mommy, how he was attached to a Britist militay officer, whose family opened their home outside of London to him at Christmastime and how much better they made a young 19 year old boy feel being away from home for the first time. This went on every Christmas during the war. 
Years later, when the officer came to America without his family on goverment business, Uncle Bennie and his family did the same for him. For the two years he was here, he spent Christmas with the Ricca family.

Mommy and Uncle Bennie were very close and one of the things they did was talk a lot.

The stories about the war and how very lonely he was always made her cry. She wishes she could have meet that officer's family who made being away from the family easier. The sadness he felt when he didn't make it home to see his mother before she died. He was  there, the British officer,
to offer him comfort and support.

Mommy remembers this story every Christmas. Uncle Bennie died in 1992 on December 14th. Yesterday on December 14th, her Uncle Sam died after a very long struggle with cancer. Both her Uncles are together now and knowing Uncle Bennie, he is with his heart, Angels Samantha and his Gizmo.

Mommy has been crying off and on all night, so she got up and decided to share this story to try and calm her nerves before she has to go to work. Last year she lost her cousin Rob during Christmas too so she needs a little cheering up right about now.



Levi said...

Sending your mommy lots of paws and licks! Christmas can be a said time for many families who have lost loved ones. Thank you for sharing your stories. They were wonderful and inspiring to read.

Cupcake said...

Mona, it was so sweet of your Mommy to share her stories. Your Mommy has such a big heart for animals and people. I wish I could give her a big hug.

Love, Cupcake

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Mom and me is very sorry fur da loss of your momma's Uncle Sam, her is in our thoughts and prayers.

I hopes dat your momma can find da joy dis season, thank her fur sharing her stories wif us today. I am sending you both extra luv!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Mona that is such a wonderful story. Similar thingys happened in THIS country during the "War Between the States" and also during the Revolutionary War.
I guess it just proves that you can have differences of opinion and beliefs... but still not have HATE in your heart.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Nice stories momma. Thanks for sharing them with us
Benny & Lily

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We enjoyed reading this story, Mona. Please give your Mom some hugs and kisses - this time of the year can be very sad as well as joyous.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

sprinkles said...

^^^Yes, everything ♥♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥♥ said.

Pepsi Bum said...

The stories are touching, Mona. Please give your Mummy lots and lots of kisses and cuddles on behalf of all of us!

Christmas always brings out all kinds of emotions, happy or sad.

Loving Woofs,
Pepsi (& the other critters)

Maureen said...

Dear Miss Mona - Please give your loving momma a big hug and slurp from da HoneyBuzz. We are full of the sadness for her loss.

Big slurps, HoneyBuzz