"Every thought is a seed. If you plant crab apples, don't
count on golden delicious apples."
Hi dearest friends,
Here is an update on my Tiger's condition.
My Tiger made it through the night just fine. Miss Sandra said he rested very well all night and is taking his medication which pretty much knocks him out. Mommy is going over there tomorrow morning to see how both Tiger and Shelby are doing and take new pictures of Shelby. They won't let me go see my Tiger because they don't want him to get all excited when he sees me. I think a few of my kisses would make him feel so much better.
Mommy is off Monday and she is gonna take me for my 3 month cancer followup in the morning and then Sandra & Mommy are gonna takeTiger at 2:30 pm to Dr Btiles to have his bandages changed. The Emergency Room doctor said the first 24 hours were critical and we are past that now.
This is my favorite pic of my Tiger at the Spring Fling with his Mommish.
Last Saturday all our DROH friends took Aunt Judy to lunch for her birthday but Mommy couldn't go because she already had plans with Aunt Tina and Chris. Well today some of our new friends from ATDR and Mommy took Aunt Judy to lunch at the Top Water Restaurant in San Leon. Hurricane Ike tore it down and it just reopened.
The food is to die for, or so Mommy says. How would any of us doggies know since again, we got no leftovers. It sits over the water and you can watch birds flying and swimming around, shrimping boats, like the one below, going by and all kids of boats coming and going here and there. |
There was lots of pelicans and seagulls swimming and flying around. Mommy was fascinated watching the antics of the pelicans. She got to see one of the pelicans catching a fish and then play with it. The fish would get away, and the pelican would dive back under for it, catch it again and finally swallowed it. |
Here is Aunt Judy with one of her presents. |
This picture is of Mommy, Aunt Judy and our new ATDR friends. |
Everybody wanted to go to Top Water to see if it was as good as it used to be. I think it passed the test. What do you think? |
Mommy had pecan crusted red snapper. Notice the tail on the right of the plate on the top? Well it was hanging off the plate and guess what Mommy did? |
She said it was very crispy. Mommy can be so strange sometime. |
Diana had fried catfish & scrimp. |
Jennifer had herb crusted chicken breasts. |
Susan had fried oysters and shrimp. |
Aunt Judy had oyster/scrimp embrochette.
Then whatt did they do on the way back to Aunt Judy's
Dairy Queen. Do you have those in your neck of the woods.
Now you know you can't leave here without seeing pictures of Aunt Judy's boys and Brooklyn. |
George |
Bandit |
Harley |
Brooklyn |
Gotta go for now.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}}......Mona
We are so glad lil Tiger is gonna be okay! Is another fundraiser in order..?
We are very glad little Tiger is doing better, but we are still sending more Aire-zen and keeping our paws crossed!
Penny & Patches
I'm so glad that Tiger is doing better. That's really wonderful. That restaurant looks pretty good to me. Blog Mom says she'll have what your Mom is having, please, and is getting way hungry even though it's not even breakfast time.
We have some Dairy Queens, but not many, around here. I can only think of one and I'm not sure if it's still there since we haven't been up that way in a while. Carvel was always the big chain around here, although I think DQ has more different things.
lotsa licks, Lola
Oh I am so relieved to hear dat Tiger is gonna be okie dokie. Dat was some scary stuffs. Poor Snadra has been drugged through so much lately. I hope her is still sane...hehehe!
Yum, dat food looks deeeee-lish. I'm kinda hungry now.
We are so glad to hear Tiger made it through the night. We are purring for his continued improvement.
Sending lots of positive vibes that you get a good check up sweet Mona.
And as always Healing purrs for Shelby.
PS: Mommy is drooling over all the foods. She said she used to go to DQ when she was little. They went out of business around here, so she hasn't been to one in a long time. She says they has good Ice-Cream.
Glad he's doing better!
~Milly and Shelby
I am sooooo glad to hear about Tiger. I know he will be just fine. I just KNOW it.
Please tell Miss Judy HAPPY BIRFDAY from me!!
We are fury happy to here 'dat Tiger is better!!
Great photo's of friends!! Makes us smiles!!
Loves, IzZY Josie and Anakin Man
Phew! I feel so much better after reading Tiger's updates. Poor Tiger, he didn't deserve it. The first critical hours was over, keep doing well Tiger.
We love y'all.
Mommi didn't sneep all night..she's been cwying lots latley and she finally feled asneep this mowning, but now she woke and wushed ovew to tell me how Tigew is..thank dog..I am still cwossing my paws..please let evewything be all wight
smoochie kisses
SO glad to hear that Tiger had a good night. We're praying for a speedy recovery!
Loved the pictures of the luncheon... though I'm suddenly very hungry...
We have come right over to get an update on Tiger and we are sending vibes as we are back from vacation. finally!
I am sooo happys that Tiger is doing betters today! Tank youz for the update. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS All dat foods is making me hungrys
Whew, what a relief that Tiger made it through the night ok. I hope he'll just continue to get better and better.
Mona, we were very sorry to hear about Tiger. We are not able to be blogging right now, but we wanted you and Tiger's family know that we are crossing our paws for him to be all better soon.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Ohmigosh, we've only just found out about poor Tiger at DWB - we're so glad he made it through the night and we're sending all our healing vibes his way.
Poor little guy - what's gonna happen to the dog that attacked him?
Schnauzer snuggldes - JD and Max.
We are so glad Tiger is doing better. What is with the humans and going out to eat and not bringing any back to us. They are evil I tell you.
I am very happy to know Tiger spent a good night! I am sure he will be fully recovered soon!
Happy Birthday to Aunt Judy!
Delicious food! Sure they had a pawesome time!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Yea for Tiger....hope aunties birthday lunch was yummE
Benny & Lily
Glad that Tiger is doing so well.
Looks like a lot of fun and yummy food!
w00fs, very happy tiger is feeling some better..the power of the paw works...and will b crossing paws for good results for miss mona tomorrow..
b safe,
glad to hear he is getting better
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