We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals
-Immanual Kant RIP my friend.....run with the wind at the Bridge.
Dearest friends, Remember how I told you that Mommy always gives my Pittie friends, Spike ( I called him Brownie) and the puppy, Smokey, treats whenever she gives me one when I'm outside.Well for a week or so Mommy hadn't seen Brownie standing at the fence in his yard every morning when she'd leave for work or come to get his treat when she called the boys. Not like Spike at all. Yesterday when she got home she saw his owner and asked him were Brownie was. The owner said he had passed away. Mommy started crying and asked him what happened. He told her that he started having convulsions one night and they took him to an emergency clinic where he died that night. But Mommy asked what caused the convulsions and he said Brownie had severe heart worms and there was nothing that could be done. Our neighbor said and I quote what Mommy heard him say when she asked about Brownie's heart worms "I stopped giving him the heart worm prevention. He was getting old and I didn't want to waste the money on him" Oh my God!! Mommy went off on him and started screaming at him. I don't think he really cared, he just stood there like a idiot. Then she started lecturing him and asked if he was gonna let Smokey die too? He said Smokey belonged to his son and he gets the medication monthly. Oh my God!! Roland, our good neighbor, the policeman, heard Mommy and came running across the street. When he heard what had happened, he was furious too but he told Mommy there was nothing they could done because "the ignorant idiot" hadn't broken any laws. Mommy felt like stealing Smokey out of the jerks backyard and running off with him. She is so worried about Smokey now and hopes that the son is doing the right thing. Here we are trying to help a poor abused animal, Shelby, and then to hear something like Brownie's death is almost to much to bear. Something that should never have happened and was so prvenatble. Why do these things have to happen. Mommy just doesn't understand. It's times like these that Mommy wishes she didn't care as much as she does for all of us. It just makes Mommy want to help Shelby all the more. Mommy wasn't able to see Shelby this last weekend so she asked Sandra to send some new pictures and she did today from where she works. This was just what the Mommy needed. Pictures of our beautiful Shelby with such big grin on her face. Please go the Kissa bull's blog at http://kissa-bull.blogspot.com to see more pictures. They were taken when Shelby got her own pressie from Bijou. Thanks, Shelby, for giving us something to smile about!! |
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Here she is modeling her pressies from Bijou. |
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Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all.....Mona |
Shelby is looking great. We have to get some photos downloaded and we'll start sending them to the auction. We have several doggy items that never got used. Tags still on them and everything, so we figured we could donate them to the auction.
The other situation is so tragic. I wonder how old that dog really was, because he sure didn't look ancient that photo. Big props to your Mom for gettng mad enough to attract a cop to the scene.
lotsa licks, Lola
Shelby's looking so beautiful! You are doing a great thing.
I am so sorry to hear about Brownie.. ppl are ignorant sometimes.. but we try and educate and help.
Hang on...I gotta get my platform to get on......
Okays, I'm back. Unfortunately there is no cure fur stupidism. I'm not sures what da laws are in your state but I'm guessing you haves a law fur rabies shots and I can guarentee that dog didn't have it....therefore, making it illegal. However, it is a lost cause because no one will pay any attention to it AND, it's also prolly a sure thing dat the other dog ISN"T getting heartworm prevention eithers. Those people sounds likes my neighbors and their dogs haves nevers had a rabies shot either...NO shots period!!!!!!
Shelby is looking fabulous...better and better everyday!
Miss Shelby is looking prettier everyday! Mom and me luvs her smile, what a happy pup she is now. OK now 'bouts your furiend Brownie, this is such sad news but Yay fur your mom getting in that stoopid guys face! I thinks describing hims as an "Ignorant Idiot" is being too kind to hims. My mom used HBO words!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
That is just awful about your neighbor Mona. Humans can be so ^%&$# dumb sometimes!
Mom always says not giving a poochie his heartworm pill in this climate is like a death sentence.
I just have no words to describe what I think of your neighbor. Poor, sweet Brownie. Heartworm infection is a horrible, painful way to die. I just don't understand how people can be so heartless and cruel to an animal who gives so much love and loyalty. It just makes me sick to my stomach. Run free, Brownie.
And good for your mommy! I'm so proud of her for standing up to that man and telling him what she thought of him. I know it's hard to care so much sometimes. But what would the world be without people like her that care that deeply? God bless you, Mona's mommy.
Thank you for ending the post with those happy pictures of Shelby. I can't get over how different she looks. Yes, it's her outward appearance but also the light and life in her eyes. I just wanna smooch that face!
Hugs to both of you!
Amber (MayzieMom)
Poor Brownie... It was right for your human to be so upset with the owner of Brownie. Shelby is sooooooo beautiful! She is a little smiley face!
Brodie The Yellow Lab
*Brownie's death is a so sad. I think that one of the same things that makes human babies so adorable is in dogs: Full trust in their parent. I am so sorry that Brownie was betrayed. May God be with you, Kim
We are so sorry to hear about Brownie. We enjoyed barking with him when we visited your house. At least he doesn't have to suffer at the hands of that idiot anymore!
Shelby is looking wonderful! She is a really lucky girl for starting off in a bad place.
Come see us soon!
Roxie, Sammy and Andy
Hi Mona,
I am very sorry to hear about Brownie... It is so sad.
Shelby looks great. What a beautiful smile she has.
Poor Brownie. I hope somebuddy takes that mean man's medicine away from HIM!!
That is so sad about Brownie and so senseless too. But we are so happy to see how well Shelby is doing. How can humans be so different?
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We are so furry sorry to read about your furiend, Brownie. Such a shame. Age shouldn't matter in health care!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Oh Mona we are so sorry that Brownie went to the bridge, and we are extra sorry that he has such a terrible owner. People like that make me just sick. We applaud your mom for giving him a piece of her mind (and probably saying what we all would have said). We are sending you lots of hugs and purrs and lots of Purrs and prayers to Brownie.
But we are glad that Shelby is doing so well - she looks so much better already! So we send lots of hugs to you for helping her!
We are so sorry about Brownie, what a jerk her person was.
Thanks for showing us the picture of Shelby she is looking much better.
That is so sad to hear about Brownie. :( Some people just don't get it and never will. We got into an argument with our cousin about not leaving dogs in the car in this heat.
Calling that guy an "ignorant idiot" is actually being kind! I can think of a whole bunch of names I'd like to call him and they're a whole lot worse than that!
I'm sure that guy wouldn't want his kids to stop giving him any medical care just because they thought he was getting old. That shouldn't matter! People like him make my blood boil!
Shelby is looking so happy and pretty! I'm glad that someone like Brownie's owner didn't get her. I doubt he would've done much, if anything, to help her.
Shelby is a winner! But as for Brownie's owner...delicacy forbids me from posting what I think about THAT!
Thanks for the update on Shelby!
Hey Mona, we are very sorry about your friend... But it is uplifting to see the pictures of Shelby!
We were looking at my friends store site and we just thought you and your Mommy would LOVE these collars!! Check them out and tell me what you think!!
Aw! Sad choices people make. We all need to care more! And, take that big responsibility when we take on a furrie or other living being of any sort. Cheers to your caring heart, even when broken, we then care more for those we can.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hey Mona girlie! Sorry we haven't been commenting much momma's been busy getting her school stuff situated. Anyhoo...We think your momma was justified for yelling and stuff at the idiot. Too old to waste money on....hmm...seems like I, Mollie Jo have heard that somewhere before. My breeder said I was useless as I can't produce anymore babies and look at me now 7 (almost) years later I am a local celeb and have a successful doggie blog. Some people don't appriciate dogs and if they don't they shouldn't have them. I agree you should "borrow" smokey and not return him. You could put a wig on him and call him a Giant wire hair doxie. BOL Anyhoo...Thanks for the Shelby pupdates we have read them all and she looks fabulous!
I guess I shall quit rambling and get back to the google reader and finish reading up on the old posts I missed.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo
Shelby sure is looking better
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
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