Dearest friends,
Mommy asked a question on our last post. "What movie did Mommy pick Shelby's name from?" 3, actually 4, of our DWB friends guessed correctly....Steel Magnolias.
Cole, Maggie & Mitch & Maggie Mae!
Maggie Mae gave her reason and it was exactly the same reason Mommy picked it.
Because Shelby is as strong and beautiful, as the movie character she was named after. She has a lot of people, pups, kitties and a good doctor behind her and in time she will be gorgeous, just like the flower above, that we have followed since it was just a bunch of berries and now is in full bloom.
Yesterday Mommy went to see Shelby for the first time since her doctor's appointment. She cried, nothing unusual for my My Mommy, but they were tears of joy.
Mommy here........ Shelby looked so much better and even had a smile on her face. She still has lots of scraps and sores but looks like a different dog. This Saturday Sandra and I will be taking her back to Dr Briles. Like he said before, he will retest her for mange and then decide what happens next. The removal of her eye? The spay? The start of heart worm treatment? Blood work? Who knows but whatever has to be done will be done. I am in the process off setting up a Pay Pal account for "The Shelby Fund" and I will let the blogging community when itm is up. I know that the Power of the Paw is just as important as the money, so please keep the prayers worked for Mona and it will for Shelby, I'm sure.
Mona here......Mommy has always believed there are guardian angels among us. These are just a few from her angel collection, so I asked Mommy if they were the ones praying to make Shelby whole again. She said no. It was all our 4 legged friends, their pawrents and GOD who named the DOG, dog which is God spelled backwards, so you see he has gotta be on Shelby's side. Today's quote of the day was chosen for a special reason. I bet you can all guess why. that you've seen our girl on to me and the pitties and wee ones.
First off let me say that, I have been a good girl and even though I didn't get to go yesterday to see my Tiger, I understand why. Even the Pittie Pack can't be around her, so she gets to go outside while everybody else stays inside. So when Mommy got home yesterday she gave this tiny little fish to play with. "It's not the size that counts, it's the thought."
"It's mine....come to me Mr Google Eyes....I promise not to eat you!!"
Told ya I wouldn't hurt him. "Wanna take a nap Mr Google Eyes?"
Mommy also took pictures of the pitties and the wee ones. Of course My Tiger had to be first. Mommy took lots of pictures of every doggie but lots and lots of My Tiger. I wanted her to post all of My Tiger's pictures but she said it would take hours so she is only posting 3 of each doggie. That's OK, I guess. I'll just go to his picture folder on my computer and feast my eyes on my man.
Coco Chanel, Queen of all the Furry Universe.
(please excuse the Doofuss, she accidently removed one of Coco's pictures and don't know how to put it back right here.
Guero, the Model
Brinksey Winksy Puddin Pie, Chief & Commander of the PTO Society.
Here a just a few random shots.
Hope you enjoyed seeing all our friends again & how wonderful Shelby looks.
Love, kisses {{{huggies}}} to all......Mona

OMD Mona!!!
Sweet Shelby looks SO GOOD! Mom and me knows she still has a long way to go but mom is crying tears of joy while looking at the pictures of hers smiling back at all of us! Everyone else looks great too! Keep us posted! :)
What a wonderful way to end a weekend. :) We LUVS you all!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Oh my dogness, Miss Shelby looks just wonderful. She has a BEAUTIFUL smile....just like Miss Julia Roberts as da movie "Shelby"
Thanks for updating us!
Shelby is looking great! Glad to see improvement. We're praying for her!
Love the pics of you and Mr. Google Eyes.
~Milly and Shelby
We are soooo happy that Shelby is looking and feeling better! That pup sure has been through a lot and it lucky to have you guys watching over her.
Your new little friend is pretty cute too! Hailey would have eaten it in one second.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Oh man she looks so much better!
Look how happy her eyes are in these pictures!!
Mona and all of her friends are looking super cute themselves too!
I sent you an email using the email address provided in your Blogger profile. I am going to post pics on the forum and Kangol's blog and let everyone see what a little love and care can do for a doggy in need.
Kangol gives two barks and a woof to Mona, Sarah, Sandra, and the rest of the crew in Texas. You guys are wooftastic!
-Lauren and Kangol aka White Dog
Shelby is looking great! Thanks for taking such great care of her!
God Bless!
Oh, I love all the pictures, but it's especially wonderful to see Shelby looking like she could make it and even be happy. She really does look like that. As to Guardian Angels, I expect your Mommy is one.
lotsa licks, Lola
It's our first visit to your blog, but mom and I want you to know that we're praying for Shelby. Paws crossed too!
Hi, Mona!
It made me so happy to see Shelby smiling! She knows.... she knows...
Thanks for sharing all the pictures. I wanted to see our friends too!
Paws still crossed here!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Oh my Dear Furend Mona, This is such a happy happy post. I feel like MOST of the weight has been lifted from our shoulders where Shelby is concerned. Now she just needs some time to heal and a bit of help to do it. OF COURSE... we will continue to KEEP OUR PAWS CROSSED FOR HER!!!
It was soooo nice to see our furends the P.P. & Wee Ones. Thank you for doing that fur us.
So happy to hear that SHelby is doing better. Keep up the great work!
Shelby sure does have that pittie smile :)
She's smiling! Shelby's SMILING! Oh, Mona and mommy - that made me all sorts of happy and warm inside. What a Most Amazing girl she is! Thank you, thank you for updating us and for doing everything you're doing for her! My mommy sent some green papers today and we're sending up prayers every day!
Grateful wiggles & wags,
Shelby looks so much better then when we first meet her. More healing purrs and crossed paws sent her way.
We are really happy to see Shelby looking so good and smiling too!! Wonderful news!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
oh, miss mona!!
miss shelby looks so so much better!! me and asa and mama have the warm fuzzies inside, and we are way relieved!!! just think how beautimous she already looks now with the booboos still, and how even more beautimous she will look when she's all healed up!! her smile just makes us go all ooey gooey inside. :)))
i like your mr. google eyes fishie. teehee!
the booker man
Shelby looks SO HAPPY! Thanks for keeping us posted. I know we are pulling for her.
Your pal, Pip
shelby looks great!! thanks to angels like your mommy and the pitties mommy.. cute story mona.. and you look beatiful and so do the rest of the pitties pack, all of you are amazing people and doggies.. and tucker yes, his web page is
Shelby looks soooo much better than the Pibble woo furst shared!
Love khan soooo do it!
Shelby is looking so much better! We are so happy to see her coming along!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Ohh I am so happy to see pictures of the whole pittie pack! Especially my Bella who I have missed. I can't wait for the puter to get all fixed so that I can see more! Shelby is a great name - it's the same name my Turtle sister has. Although she isn't nearly as strong as Pittie Shelby, she just has a shell.....
my email is tuckergreatdaneATgmailDOTcom, could you please send me the Pittie Packs address? I have their old one but not their new home.
woof - Tucker
Shelby looks like a whole new doggie!!
We are soooo glad to see her smiling!! teehee!
And mom says she can't wait until the Paypal thingy is set up so she can help with Miss Shelby!
Mona's Mommy: you and Miss Sandra are miracle workers! And I can just tell from Shelby's eyes she believes it too!
Mom says she also can't wait for cooler weather so you and the Pittie Pack (and maybe Shelby!!!?)
can all get together at the park! WoOT!
Hello Mona!
I love the quote... thanks for sharing. Shelby looks really happy with that big smile!
and if you see jack, please tell him i miss my first love lots!
Whoa! Shelby is looking FABULOUS!!!
Mona dearest... Sorry we have not visited in a while. The mom has been pretty busy at work, and she'll continue to be busy until the last week of July. :(
Shelby is a lovely name, and totally suited for well, Shelby!! Hope that all goes well with sweet Shelby.. **Paws Crossed**
Oh and guess what, our mom has an angel collection too! Just like your mom! Isn't that a coincidence!! Yes, our mom believes in Angels too... especially the 2 special ones in Heaven.
How's Mr Goggle Eyes doing? Hope he's not 'sploded?? Heehee...
Sending you and your mommy (plus Shelby too) loads of love...
Shelby has improved immensely, and I know that's a testament to the love and care she's getting. Thank you for being Shelby's angel!
Glad that Shelby is getting better now.
Hi Shelby, we know there will more smiles from you in many more years to come! ^^
We gibbed you an awardie!
Wow Shelby is looking so much better! That is so great! We are still sending her lots of purrs and prayers!
And the pittie pack looks great too - it is too bad you couldn't visit Mona but it is great that you got so many pics of your main man Tiger!
We have been away for a bit but oh how good to see Miss Shelby improving. We will keep our paws crossed for her and hope the power of the paw works wonders.
We see Tucker found you - he is a great pup!
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Wow....Shelby looks great!! Great job Mona's Mommy.
Oh, Mona, Shelby almost looks like a different dog! Your mom and the Pibble Paks mom are angels.! Thanks so much for sharing your mom with dogs that need help like Shelby. We will continue to pray for her and that the vet is able to treat her appropriately.
That makes my heawts happy to see that smile on shelby's face oh and wseeing you AND the pitties and the wee ones all on one's wondewfulest.
Thank you fow all youw cawe give youw Mom and The Piutties family big smoochie kisses fwom me
Ouw pwayews will keep wight on coming fow that wondewful Shelby and all of you
Oh, Mona. You and your mommy are the best! :) We love the name Shelby!
O hai! Nose kissies for u. :)
How cool is that to be named after Shelby in Steel Magnolias! What a great name and btw- mom loves that movie too. Shelby has angels all around her.
Oh Mona!!
We came to your story about you and Sweet Momma and your dear Shelby on July 8th~
Shelby is doing Wonderfully thanks to ALL the love and care you and you Mommy and alls 'da kind caring peeps and pups been giving her!!
We continue to follow you story and Frankie Furter sent us your way today along with a new furfriend we's made Mack!!
Yous got lots of pee-poo's who cares!!
Big Hugs to Shelby for us!
Izzy, Josie and Anakin Man
Hi I came over from my pal Khyra's to say what a fabulous thing going on for this poor little woofie. I am so glad there is some happiness going on now. I loed the smiley picture. Please can you pass on when you have a pay pal button sorted as I would love to help.. Hugs GJ x
I'm so happy Shelby is looking better. You are all amazing.
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