"Flowers are like human beings....they thrive on a little kindness." -- Fred Streeter
Hi dearest friends,
You all know the Mommy is bonkers about flowers. She even likes weeds, so Mommy wants to share a presentation she found. It is super nice and has lots of information about the the USA. Click on the link below and enjoy. |
As you must know by now we are now volunteering for All Texas Dachshund Rescue but our hearts are still with the dogs of DROH, after all I was rescued by them, as was all my brothers. But things change sometimes. We will be supporting all the Dachshund Rescue Groups in Texas, including DROH, and soon you will see their logos on my side bar.
I just wanted to give you guys an update on the big bucks ATDR made at the Reliant Dog Show to help care for the previous doggies in our care.
$3600.00 green papers.
A record for ATDR.
My Aunt Judy & Diana, we all came over from DROH at the same time, raised $2000.00 in donations just from their harnesses. I don't know how much my kisses raised but I just know I was exhausted after kissing for 5 hours, non stop.
Remember I asked you guys what dress or harness, I should wear to the dog show? Well I picked the one that was the popular favorite. It's not very clear, but it shows the detail of my dress and cap. I was gonna wear my yellow harness, which is the Mommy's favorite, on Sunday but that old Aurthur-RI-Tis meanie came calling. Holly cat crap!! as Frankie Furter would say and God only knows what Puddles would say! |
The Mommy picked the picture below as her favorite picture she took of me. I'm staring intently at something on the floor. She said it was probably some dude I kissed, that fell out because I am such a good kisser....heehaw. |
Mommy has been so busy, handling Shelby's Vet Fund, sending thank you e-mails and answering so many e-mails from so many kind peoples, that we haven't been able to do much visiting and commenting on blogs. Please excuse us but Shelby is the center of our lives right as she should be.
The Mommy here............This morning Mona finished taking the last pill of 4 she was to take every day for 4 days. The others are to be given as needed. It's called Rimadyl. I'm to watch her carefully. If she starts tucking her tail between her legs, limps or whines when I touch her tail, she get a pill. She appears to be OK, but doesn't jump up and down from the furniture as she usually does. I will be shopping for some doggie steps or ramps this weekend. This morning as we were getting out of bed she tried to jump down like always put couldn't . I think that's when it hit be that my baby really does have this debilitating thing just like I do. I would do anything to take the pain away from my girl.
I'm back but I gotta go now. The Mommy is crying all of a sudden for some reason.
Love, kissis and {{{huggies}}}
There khomes a time when none of us should be jumping up/down to/from things -
What a pawe$ome weekend at the dog $how!
Poor little Mona! I hope she is feeling better! She looked so cute in her little outfit I'm sure she had lots of people wanting kisses from her! Checked some back posts and looks like sweet Shelby is doing well too. Glad your fundraiser went so well!
Well done, raising the green papers this past weekend. We all know that your mom is very busy helping Saundra with Shelby (thank you)so tell her don't worrys about all of us. Puppy prayers for you too.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Well...uh da Puddles can't say stuffs like dat on da Mona's loggie...hehehee! You look gorgeous in you outfit too.
My VET's own doggie is on Rimadyl as well as gazillion other doggies and they all seem to sat it bes working da wonders fur them.
Mum bought Brudder Albert some stairs after his back surgery and it was a waste of money...he wouldn't use them things fur nuttin. Mum thinks cuz da steps were NOT fully carpetted, just had carpet on half da step. So make sures mommy buys you some really good steps.
I hope Mona is feeling up to jumping around very soon. Maybe the meds will do the trick. Congratulations on all the green papers. You did great and I bet Mona's (and Mommy's) kisses were a big factor.
lotsa licks, Lola
Wooos! Very well done on raising all of those green papers fur rescued doggies. Both Scampi and I are rescued and really appreciate it. As fur the pain, we hope woo feel better soon Mona, we love woo! Mom always says, without the pain of life we appreciate the joy.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Dat be the bestest news fur ATDR!
I nose they do very good works helping homeless doxins....just like they helped ME! Heehee
Mom and I are ATDR Pack Pals...and wish we could do mores to help them out. Mom looks at da website almost everyday...she be wanting to adopt a new dog ALL da times!
Wesa are so happy to hear of all the good work yousa'll do for the charities yousa pawstionate about. Wesa hopes that Ms. Shelby continues to feels betters every days. Shesa in our daily pawyers.
Licks y'all later,
The Slimmer Puggums (Yousa new friends)
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Congratulations on raising all them green papers! That's amazing!
I hope you're feeling better now and will back to jumping soon.
5 hours non stop? thats a lot of kissing!
Don't forget, we've moved to dogisgodinreverse.com
Mona, do you needs us to send you some chapsticks!!! Your lips must bet tired!!!
Hopes your meds work grreat for you!
Happy Weekend!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Wow, that is a lot of money. Keep up the great work Mona.
What a pawesome job you all did - congrats!!!
Mona, no more jumping up or down. Take it easy and take care of yourself. Maybe the vet can give Mommy something else to try for your pain.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh, Mona! Mommies get worried about us. Make sure you give her lots of snuggles. Phoenix has steps that turn into a ramp but she prefers these foam steps she has. They're very soft. I might have a linky if you'd like to check them out. And the medicine will help. Do you take any supplements like Dasuquin? That helps Cali.
Hi, Mona!
I am sure you made a big contribution to all those papers with your kisses!
Good job and congratulations!
I hope the med worked well for you and you are feeling better.
Since I came to live with my mom, she knew that I should not jump up and down from furniture so she looked for some steps. And of course she could not find anything here. She put her mind and hands to work and now I have 4 of them.
I am sure your Mommy will find the perfect ones for you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
hihi miss mona!
i know a couple of doggies that take the rimadyl meddie, and it sure does help them feel the betterment! i don't know if you've tried anythingie else, but my mama's angel doggie whitney used to nom on these glucosamine treatsies and they helped her hips not be as achy, too.
oh, and gratsers to ya'll for the bunches 'n gobs of green papers your raised for ATDR!! i just know your kisses helped out big time! who wouldn't want a kiss from a cute wiener dog lady like you!
pretty please give miss shelby a huggle and cuddle for me and asa and mama!
happy weekend!
the booker man
Oh, Mona...gives your mommy some extra kisses from me, 'kay? She luvs you so much!
That is SO very much amazing about how much money you helped raise for the rescue! I bets word got out that Mona was gonna be in the kissing booth and that's why! I'm just surprised there wasn't a stampede to gets over there!
Wiggles & Wags,
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