Hi my dearest friends,
I'm finally home. I was at the hospital all day, like they say "there's no place like home!
Of course, I had to help Mommy drive on the way to the hospital. It's a rule, you know, that I have to make sure Mommy doesn't get lost but today, I wish we had gotten lost. This was me when we started out this morning.
This is where we ended up. "I just shiver thinking about what all they did to me in there!! Do you think next time I get my hair cut, Mommy can get a discount since they took so much of my furs off?
This was me leaving that place. "Come on Mommy, let go NOW!!"
I jumped out of my car almost before it stopped.......
and drug Mommy down the side walk to the front door....
"Hurry up, Mommy! Let me in fast, I gotta go hide so they don't come after me."
I jumped up in my chair. "Home Sweet Home!!"
It was after 5 pm before we got home and all I wanted to do was get a long drink of water and take a nap but NO Mommy wanted to take pictures of my stitches. I feel totally naked now.
Mommy here.......Mona is sleeping now, so let me tell you what the doctor said.
Dr Briles found another tumor when they were shaving her. The second tumor was a fatty tumor but he removed that too. Her EKG was excellent. All her lab work was good except one called a ALKP (alkaline something or other) that was elevated slightly.....nothing to be overly concerned about but he didn't want to stress her so he only gave her gas. I am thankful for that because anesthesia scares me. She was very alert when she saw me and I could tell she was ready to go home. Dr Briles said that the tumor was small and that was a good sign. The hard part now is waiting for the results on the tumor to come back in 5 - 7 days. The stitches will need to be removed Saturday next. Mona will not like having to go back for that. He didn't send us home with a "cone" which I wondered about but he said a little licking is OK but to watch her and if she started scratching he'd get us one. Even said she could roach if she wants.
Mona is napping in her day bed right next to me. I kept reaching down petting her ears to make she's OK. I'll be carrying her to bed soon and joining her. It's been a very long day and thank God I don't have to go to work tomorrow. Maybe we'll sleep until noon.
I don't know what to say to all of you, for being here for me and making it easier to get through this day. I know with all my heart that it was the prayers offered up for my girl that did the trick. God bless you all and special thanks to Tiger's Mom, who called today to make sure I was OK.
The "Power of the Paw" is awesome!!

God bless you all....Mona's Mom. Sarah
Small is furry good!
And getting something out is furry gooder!
AND being loved is furry goodest!
Keep thinking good thoughts...we are!
Khyra and Phyll
Small is wonderful, because even if it's a not too great kind of tumor it's not as scary as it used to be. There's new things out there. Something put out on the market just very recently, Alpha Mom told me. Anyway, I'm so very glad that you're both home. I've been worrying about you all day as have about a gazillion other pawple.
wags, LOla
yay!!! we loved seeing mona up and running. tiger sends all his sugary kisses for her stitches in hopes they heal super fast. we cant wait to live closer to you and we can all have playdates wiff the mona dearest.
give her some smooches for ush
we'll keep the candle lit until the good news arrive next week and we'll keep praying furry heard for our mona
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
w00fs, wow, me was really getting worried..glad shes home and taking a nap..hope all goes well with the results..
b safe,
Mona's mommi
This sounds good..I am soopew hopeful..the powew of the paw is wowking!!!1
I'm so glad mona doesn't have to weaw the cone and can even WOACH?????
that's wondewful! get some god west bof of you..we'll keep pwaying
smochie kisses
Dearest Mona - It sounds like you were most brave today. Wishing you nothing but the best of news for you and your mommy.
Small is good, fatty is not bad either. All paws crossed here for a speedy and excellent report.
Phantom says not to worry about the furs - they WILL grow back and you will be more beautiful than ever.
Hugs and Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi, Mona & Mommy...
I know you had a rough day yesterday...Both of you...
Sure looks like you were happy to get home, Mona...
I'm still sending my Extra Good Lhasa Vibes & Mom says you are in her thoughts & prayers...
Abby xxxxxxoooooo
We will keep our vibes directed right to you. This is such good news. Glad that he found the other one before you did. That too that worry off the board. Now we wait for the stitches to be removed. We wait... butt we will not worry. All will be fine. Think PAWSITIVE THOUGHTS.
Mona looks super-duper good! What a very much brave girl she is. Almost as brave as her mommy! We will all continue our happy thoughts for you cuz I know this is gonna be a long week for you. But we just know everything's gonna turn out just fine!
Wiggles & Wags,
Mona, we're glad you're home.
We're thinking about you.
Love Ruby & Penny
Yay you are home Mona, such happy news! Be sure to gets plenty of rest and do not scratch at your booboo, you don't want to have to wears that awful cone. :)
Woofs and Licks,
(and lotsa puppy prayers for you and your Mom)
Maggie Mae
I am glad it's over....Mona is in our thoughts and prayers....
So glad you are home and the procedure went well. Dory and I are keeping Mona in our prayers!
The Mama (and Dory)
Our paws are crossed that everything comes back just fine, Mona! We know how hard the waiting is for your mommy! Lots of good thoughts are coming your way!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Our paws are crossed for the best news possible!!
Puddles mum here:
Thank goodness she's home and comfortable. I hope you are getting some rest as well Mommy.
Aneshesia scare me too...I'll never forget when Albert had his back surgery...that was the worst part of it all.
Anyway, I have a good feeling about all of this...I think everything is going to be all right.
Hugs and we're still thinking of you and Mona
Glad Mona is home. We are hoping for good news.
Hi Mona,
So happy you are back home sweetie.
Please take care and don't scratch!!!
Luv your buddies,
Riley and Star.
I am SO sorry I was away during all of this. Waiting in the worst part for sure. Please let me know if there anything we can do...
Feel better soon Mona!
SO happy Mona is home and snuggled with you for the night!! Here's hoping the 5-7 day wait for the results goes by fast and you get a big "BENIGN" result! We'll keep praying for you both...
I am so happy to hear that all went well! Small is very good, and as an expert on the sutures... may I say, yours look real swell!
You better believe you are and will continue to be in our prayers!!! Have the Faith... Focus on the Love!
Wif love from the Luke
P.S. Me and the you got the matchin suture locations!
Hi Mona and Mommy! Even though we haven't been leaving comments very much (mom has been working overtime) we have been following along and are very glad Mona is doing well. Try not to worry about the results....worrying doesn't change it but it can make you sick!
You know Mom and I love both of you and I am sending you some extra special doxie healing sun rays. That is the best medicine for a doxie....the warmth of the sun ;o)
Hugs and snuggles,
i'm totally happy to see that miss mona is home and comfy cozy!! :)
the booker man
Glad to know you are at home now and that everything went well!
The waiting time for the results will be long but I am sure they are going to be ok!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
I'm so happy you are home and safe again
Mona, we will be keeping our paws crossed that your test results come back okay! We know what your Mommy must be going through, our Mom was very stressed out last summer when Lilibell's liver was acting up, but she turned out fine and we just know that you will too!
Extra special waggles & chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
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