There are not enough words to to express the gratitude for the outpouring of love and kind words from all of you. Those words are what have kept Mommy going and even though we haven't posted in a while, reading your bloggies every night meant more than we could ever say. Mommy just didn't know what to say, and God knows she is a chatter box. Mommy wants to say a special thank you to Claudette, Rocky's Mom, for posting on the DWB news room that I was having problems and also to my dearest friend, Khyra, for letting everybody know what was happening and that Mommy just wasn't up to blogging.......she is such a cry baby, Mommy not Khyra! Also thanks to my Tiger, Frankie furter, Raising Addie, and so many more of you that I can't remember who you all you are, for spreading the word.
Mommy has made a decision. We are not gonna let this nasty stuff in my body stop me from having fun and doing the things I love, so let me tell you about my weekend.
Yesterday, I had my stitches taken out. Mommy and Dr Briles had a nice long talk about what will happen tomorrow when I get to the oncologist. Keep your paws crossed for me. I'm not scared, I'm a big girl. Mommy will cry just cause that's what she does but she says we will take each day one at a time. There are lots of us that have had mast cell cancer and never had to have chemo. My foster Mommy called Mommy and she told her she had a dachsie that had it, never had to have chemo and lived for 6 years. So there is hope...right!!
This pictures were taken Friday afternoon before I went to get my stitches out.
Some roaching Friday night. I was rolling so fast some of these picture came out all blurred, see my eyes waving in the wind.
Mommy took these pictures of me playing with my stuffie that I got from Addie, Lucy and Hailey. It started raining and she made me come inside....."I wasn't through roaching, Mommy!!!"
Yesterday afternoon, the fun really started. It was just what the doctor order. A overnight trip to Aunt Judy's to play with my buddies.
NOTICE: My Doofuss Mommy forgot to load my usual driving the car picture. I always help her drive. She don't know how to load a picture that she left out in a certain spot so please somebody please explain how to do it for the old woman.
Of course Mommy had to get her "Georgie" fix as soon as we got there. As you can see, I didn't let him have all of them.
These pics were taken last night. We was all just goofing around before bedtime in these pictures. It rained all afternoon so we couldn't go outside to play and it keep raining in the evening, but we did need the rain.

These next pictures Mommy took this morning. Isn't George the most handsome boy with his little kissable brown nose. Did to ever tell you how, much Mommy loves Toby, oops, I mean George.

Okee Dokee... that's it for tonight. Mommy promised me she will report tomorrow on what the oncologist has to say.
Love, kiss and huggies to all....Mona & Mommy too.
PS....Mommy to lots of videos but nothing will load correctly. We'll try again tomorrow.
We have been praying for you!
We are sure everything is going to be ok!
I know you will not let that C conquer!
Glad you had a nice time with the doggies and your auntie!
Take care
I will be back tomorrow to know about your results!
Kisses and hugs to you and Mommy!
Mona, it' so very good that you and Mommy have decided not to let anything stop you from living life right now. If you're feeling good and ready for fun, have it, by all means. None of us know what tomorrow will bring. We only really have right now.
You have been in our thoughts and prayers every day and will continue to be there. We'll be eager to know what the results are, but remember, even if they're not the very best that doesn't mean you won't be all right. All this stuff is so much more treatable nowadays.
love, Lola
I'm glad woo posted and shared this - I had Mom khopy out part of your recent khomment on my blog to inkhlude in our Monday post -
I think it was a furry good omen that one of Mom's eight passengers was a blakhk mostly Doxie named......LUCKY!
As I shared with another furiend needing our Paw Power last night, worrying isn't going to change the results - what they are is what they are - woo just need to make a plan fur dealing with what is ahead -
Please be there fur your mommy - she's going to need WOO!
PeeEssWoo: Thanks fur the furry nice words - they mean sooooo much!
We are so happy to see you posting Mona(and Mommy!). We are sending power of the paw and our Mom is praying for y'all. Be strong and hang in there! Mona lookas as happy as can be!
Let us know how tomorrow goes!
Sunny&Scooter&Jamie too
w00fs, ooo Mona, mama soo wishes she didnt have to let peoples and our friends know sad news..she thought of ur mommy, and she knew she was devasted...but, we must keep hope alive..and not let this nasty stuff beat us..will b putting the "power of the paw" to work for u tomorrow..and hope u get the best news..
b safe,
~rocky and mama~
Mona and mommy!! We're very sorry that we're not around much lately but we've been thinking of your health. We are so glad that you two have decided to fight with this nasty thingy.... You're good team!! Mona, we know you will be OK!!!!!!
Hugs...... more hugs...
Momo & Pinot
Sweet Mona, we learnt of the news over the weekend and it's made us worried and sad. You are one brave very pup and we know you will be able to fight this cancer thing with the love and support of your Mommy and your friends at DWB behind you every step of the way!!!
Be strong for us, be strong for your Mommy... and give her comfort like you always do. We only wish that we live closer to you cos we'd love to envelope the both of you in one giant hug.
Huskee, Hershey and mom
Oops forgot one thing, we love your Aunt Judy's nightshirt!!!
We have been praying so hard for you, Mona and we will continue to do so!
We are crossing our paws for Bandit!
Aunt Judy's gardens are so beautiful!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Mona...
We are sooo glad to see you roaching in the yard...We know how much you love that...
Give your Mommy some hugs & kisses from us...
Take care of eachother...
Abby & her Mom xxxxxxoooooo
Sweet Mona,
It is nice to see your smiling face again! Stay strong Mona (and Mommy). Luv and puppy prayers are still heading your way.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
We are praying for you, crossing our paws, everything! It is good that you had a great weekend. Just keep doing what you love. :)
Milly, Shelby, and Maggie (MilShelb's Mom)
Mona, we are sending healing purrs to you and comforting purrs to your Mommy. We loves you both. We just knows you are going to get better.
Good Morning Pretty Mona!
You are doing such a great job taking care of the Mommy! Be sure and give her lots of EXTRA sugars; she is so worried about you. But we know you will be okay, it's just sometimes our moms worry SO MUCH about us furkids!
Sounds like you & Momma had an extra fun weekend - it was just what the doctor ordered~!
Miss Mona, You are in our thoughts and prayers. Everything will be okay....and your mommy loves you so much....she will take the BEST care of you EVER! Let us know what you find out! Take care, my friend....
One day at a time, and live life to its fullest - only way to do it, Mona. We are hoping for a good and encouraging report from the oncologist.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Thinking of you and praying that everything will be OK! Stay strong, brave girl! {and brave mommy!}
Argh...I've been trying to poost fuever but our wirelessconnectin has gone wonky.
I am so very much glad youis feeling betters. Me and mu hves been very worrid about ya'll. We wanted to email ya'll just to check on things but decided ya'll prolly needed your space.
We are rooting fur you Mona and we have faith that everything will be ok.
We send our thoughts and prayers. If you and your mommy need ANYTHING don't hesitate...we are here fur ya'll
Thinking of you! Marvin and Jeannie xx
sorry we are late commenting.....
Hi Mona! I came over from Addie's blog:) Glad to hear that you're still having fun! Keep it up and stay cheerful! (It really does help fight them diseases;) )
Good luck and will wait for the good news:)
Praying for you guys. You're right - love is stronger than cancer. Mona's roaching pictures always make us smile! :)
Oh sweetie pie! We are sending you lots and lots of love. Cherish every moment! Lots of giggles and laughs, and times of rest.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
lots of good rayz coming your way Mona. The photos your Mommy shares with all of us always make me smile huge!!! XoXo
Oh Mona, what a shock!
I'm scared, are you?
Let me hug you and kiss you back to a heathy you, k?
Please keep us informed and wish you all the best.
And Happy Belated Mother's Day to your great Mom, lets kick my mom's behind for being so behind blogging.
Love y'all
Mona...may I have your address so I can send you a card? You can email it to me or something?
I really hope that everything is going to be okay. I can't even imagine how worried your mom must be right now.
Hang in there Mona...we love you very much
Still sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.
Enjoying life in the here and now is something we all should practice!
We just know that you are going to be fine Mona! You are a fighter!
Looks like you had lots of fun this weekend!
We are very happy that you are enjoying your toy.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
This will make you smile....I gave you a blog award from The Tales of Dexter and Nora, check it out!
Mona I'm glad you are having fun. you are a brave girl. We will keep our paws crossed for you and your mom and send you the bestest most positive thought vibes ever!
flash, alven and dottie
Mona, we have been praying for you and thinking about you and Mommy. I hope things went well today and your Mom was able to get some questions answered. I love seeing those photos of you having fun ;o) Keep up that good attitude and you will have no trouble no matter what the dr says!
Snuggles and love,
Twix and Mom
Of course, I would have expected nothing different from you, dear Mona. Optimism!!! We have our paws crossed for days now, and we're starting to cramp, but we'll keep them crossed until we hear your good news. I also love what the doctor ordered and the hilarious shirt!
Twinkie and the pack
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