May 2, 2010



"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
--- Mark Twain

Hi friends,

Mommy has calmed down a little from yesterday. I am so relieved and thankful because she is quite a mess when she's crying. All of your kind words of encouragement have made her realize that we are not alone. Anyway, one sure way of getting Mommy happy again is to see all the lucky dachshunds that found their forever homes during April.

17!! Yes 17 found their forever homes!! One of DROH most fantastic months ever.

But, there are many more still waiting for a chance to be loved, not just by their fosters, but in a forever home of their own like the 17. As our logo says..........

Before I have Mommy show you the April adoptions, I want to share the story of our newest pup Duncan McShipley.

Duncan is ababy, just 3 months old old with a bad case of Demodex Mange, but is not contagious and he is very sweet. His mange is treatable and he will be a handsome boy when he is well. If you go to the DROH website at

you can view the video from the Galveston County Shelter where he came from. He is so precious. Oh Yes!! Duncan got his name from a volunteer, that picked him up and called him Duncan McShipley cause he looked like a powdered donut! Mommy could just grab him and smother him in kisses just like....

she did my brother Jacks. He looked just like Duncan does when DROH found him and this is his picture taken at Christmas a year ago. See what Duncan will look like soon. Who could ever resist a satin looking doggie like my brother Jacks.


adopted 04/02/10 Bowie

adopted 04/02/10 Merle

adopted 04/09/10 Chandler

adopted 04/14/10 Simon

adopted 04/15/10 Annie #2

adopted 4/17/10 Alvin

adopted 04/18/10 Theodore

adopted 04/19/10 Ross

adopted 04/23/10 Brittany

adopted 04/25/10 Tammy

adopted 04/26/10 Jasper

adopted 04/28/10 Nancy

adopted 04/29/10 Dotty

aadopted 04/30/10 Zero

adopted 04/30/10 Rachel

adopted 04/30/10 Minnie #3

adopted 04/30/10 Duchess #2

Mommy has been loading pictures and editing this post since 11 am and it is now almost 2 pm. She is very slow but usually not this slow but today she has been anwering phone calls from lots of DROH friends and relatives who are concerned about me BUT I am fine, really I am! With all your well wishs and family and friends, how could I not be OK. Aunt Chris has offered to go with Mommy when I have my surgery, but she says she is a big girl and she will ber OK....we'll see.

Guess what. As soon as my Tiger saw my post from yesterday, he had his Mommy call my Mommy and that means the world to us.

Nap time.....Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all....Mona


A MilShelb Mom said...

We also had that same type of mange. We were fine and have not had any problems since we were puppies. :) We're so glad that people work so hard to help other Doxies find homes.
~Milly and Shelby
ps- We are still praying for you and your health!

Raising Addie said...

Mona we just read yesterdays post and will be praying that you are ok. You know us doxies, we have lots of little bumps the older that we get.

That is so wonderful that all those pups found homes.

Please go give your mom lots of kisses ok Mona.

Lots of luv & kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Abby said...

Hi, Mona...

It's sooo nice to see all the beautiful Doxies who have been adopted...

Poor little Duncan...How could anyone let a pup get in that condition...We just don't understand...

I'm sooo glad he was rescued...

I am still sending My Extr Special Lhasa Vibes your way...

Tell your Mom it might be good for her to let Aunt Chris come along just to keep her company...Just a thought...

Much Love,
Abby & her Mom xxxxxxoooooo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How wonderful to see all those cute pups have been adopted. We will cross our paws for Duncan to get better and find a home too.

We will keep on crossing our paws for good results for you, Mona.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Remington said...

It is SOOOO nice that all of them have found loving forever homes! Take care, my friend....

Lorenza said...

I am very happy for all those doggies having now lovely forever homes!
We are praying for you! We have faith everything is going to be ok!
Take care
Kisses and hugs to you and Mommy!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

That is so wonderful that so many found homes. They're all so sweet looking in their different ways, I know they'll live happily ever after.

wags, Lola

Anonymous said...

I'm very much glad your mommy is feeling a little bits better today. But how could she not when she spent so much time putting all those Most Adorable pictures up on your bloggie? They would cheer anybuddy up, that's for sure!

I hopes you know you sure got a lotta peoples and furends out here who luvs you lots and are hoping for good news!

Wiggles & Wags,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

April was a furry good month!

Thanks fur sharing!

I'll be khontinuing to send my SibeVibes fur BOTH of WOO!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I am not one bit surprised that Tiger had his mommish call. That is just the way that FAMILY is.
I have lots of bloggie furends sending our bestest vibes.
You should have your mom go to Twinkie's blog since Linguini and Frankie B. both have the same thingy that you do. You can support each other and share information too.

Life With Dogs said...

I love good news posts, and this is a great one! But I'm seriously worried about you Mona. Please know that I'm sending my best vibes from our corner of the country...


We're praying for you Mona and your mommy ,so please take and remember we love you!


Riley and Star.

kissa-bull said...

oh mona dearest of my heart
i dedicated our sunday WEEkly post to you and we lit a candle next to max's and digby's for you and it will continue to light until we get the GOOD news we are sure to hear.

lotsa luv from all of us and healing sugars from tiger

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Yay for all the puppies and their new forever homes! Puppy prayers for Duncan too!

Woofs and Licks,

Maggie Mae

Duke said...

We're so happy for all of these pups, Mona!
We are thinking of you and your mom and our paws will remain crossed!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

All those lucky dogs!! 17? Woooof! I loved reading about Duncan. Glad to hear your optimism, my furiend. I'm sure you'll be fine too. Now, let's see how we can make our mommies feel better...

Kari in Alaska said...

so glad 17 pups found their forever homes!

Sagira said...

Wow, look at all those cute babies that got new homes. So happy for them. Hopefully you can find homes for all in your rescue. :)

It is okay to be sad and lean on your friends when you need us...that is what we are here for.

Sandra said...

Dear Mona we are crossing our paws for you and your mommy. We know how scary all these medical things can be. We will send you good doggy vibes every day, even if Mom says that our doggy breath probably won't make anything better.

Flash, Alven and Dottie