It was that time of the year again where Mommy works.
The Easter Basket Egg-Stravaganza for the March of Dimes.
Here are a few of the baskets. Each department could choose any theme they wanted--SJMC Business Office choose "Kids Fun & Games".
This is the SJMC Business Office basket. Mommy bought ice-cream cone bubbles, coloring books, crayons, and chocolate bunnies--guess whoever bid the most didn't plan and sharing it with any doggies. It went for $161.45.
The biggest bid for the whole event was this SPA basket. A doctor bid $1000.00 for it, won it and then said it was for his wife and daughters. "Wow, bet he is the real Easter Bunny!"
Mommy bid $75.00 on this basket for me but somebody out bid her. I went for $150.00.
These ladies are part of the Associate Advisory Council that coordinates these fund raisers. They also had chocolate bunnies, small Easter baskets, plastic eggs filled with candy and hair bows (see box on the extreme left) for sale.
DRUM ROLL PLEASE!! $2,156.45 made for the March of Dimes 2010 WOW!!
Remember last night I said Mommy came home late? Well here is why and who. You know it has to do with food, right.
Cabos Downtown is a Mexican Seafood Cantina located in downtown Houston in the theater district. The food was great, Mommy had Scrimp Enbrochette with grilled scrimp on a bed of rice with a bean/corn Salsa. She said t was Yummylicous but HOT. She shared it with Jerrod since he has been known to eat Jalapeno sandwiches. "I wonder if Mack's sister Lillie eats those too, since she is a hot Mama." he he!!
What was the occasion? 3 birthdays. Jerrod & Nechol's belated birthday dinner and Toshiba's Easter Sunday birthday.
Toshiba "No she is not the real Easter Bunny."
Here are pictures of some of Mommy's co-workers and believe it or not, a half way decent picture of her too.
Mommy, called Miss Sarah at work.
Darlene, the boss, and Jerrod.
Two of her co-workers weren't able to make it, Kevin & Erick. "please say a prayer for both of there families.". Kevin's Daddy had surgery yesterday and Erick's mother-in-law had a heart attack the night before.
Mommy said it was a good thing the boss bought every body's dinner and drinks cause it cost $10.00 to park.
That's all for Mommy's yesterday events. Tomorrow I'll post more about me, Mr and Mrs Bunny Fu Fu and all the little Fu Fu's, and how Mommy tricked me this morning.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all....Mona & the Mommy too!
Those are pawsome baskets.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
this must be one of the CUTEST bunny posts ^_^
wet licks
I LOVE the Mr. & Mrs. Bunny in your yard!!
Hey Mona, did you hear the news??? Twix is going to host a DATE NIGHT!!! Check out her blog from yesterday!!!
I'm still interested in ordering some hats from DROH. Let me know about them, OK???
Hi Mona and the Mommy too!!! What a great filled with Easter, fundraiser and friends' post!!! Have a really nice weekend!!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Wow, that was such a nice thing to do and nice to hear people were bidding nice amounts for the charity.
Hi Mona! Is your mommy feeling better, I hopes?
I luved all the pictures and I can't waits to hear more about the wedding!
My momma used to live in that Dallas city and says she sure misses the Mexican food in Texas and she's jealous of your yummy dinner.
Wiggles & Wags,
Hi!!!! Guess what? I posted the Justice for Junior story on my FB page and had some responses. A few of us emailed that DA and are writing the judge, so I hope it helps. Poor little guy!
The baskets are awesome! :)
Wow. There's so much to enjoy in this post. I love the alternative Easter bunnies a lot. And it sounds like your Mommy works in a pretty cool place, which is as it should be.
wags, Lola
How nice to see such furiendly faces!
Khongrats to all fur their pawesome efFURts!
hi darling mona love of the tiger
those were some pawsome easter baskets we sent you an extra shpecial easter card in the snail mail and we hope you get it soon
we shent it wiff extra love especially from me
tiger snuggles
and smooches from me
Hi, Mona...
Wow...What beautiful baskets...And, what a great cause...
Hope you & your family have a Very Happy Easter...
Abby xxxooo
Looks like you all have been furry busy!! Those are some awesome baskets and for a good cause too!
Have a pawsome weekend,
Woofs and Kisses!
you guys sure did raise lots of money!
WOW that is wonderful!
Hope you are enjoying this gorgeous weather!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
For sure you get a drumroll and a standing ovation. Look at all those baskets.
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