Thoughtless minds discuss people."
What?? "Mommy, what happened? Isn't today the first day of Spring? Why is it gonna be 30 degrees tonight? Why is it raining? Why is it so windy? Why couldn't I play outside today? Why, Why, Why, Why?????????????
Mommy couldn't answer my questions. Has Mother Nature gone totally mad. Mommy said there's always at least one cold snap before Easter but Easter is still almost 2 weeks away!!
Mommy said we was through with snow pictures and it was time for flower pictures, so since Mother Nature is confused this year Mommy picked the above picture since it has pretty flowers trying to grown in the snow.
But yesterday was a totally different day. It was gorgeous and very sunny and since it gets dark so late now Mommy and I got to play outside a little. Look what showed up in my backyard yesterday. The Black Stallion. He was laying in the grass next to the wooden fence in my back yard. Mommy said he must have jumped over the fence to come visit me and since nobody came after him I get to keep him.
Mommy gave me a Milk Bone and as you can see, I was really enjoying it. Of course everything tastes better with a little dirt on it so I took it to eat in the grass.
"Mommy!! Can I give Spike and Smokey a Milk Bone?"
"Of course we can share, 'Bobbitt', it's always better to give than receive."
Guess what? We had company this afternoon. My fella, Sammy's Mom Mary came to visit and today was her birthday. Mommy took her to lunch and she stayed most of the afternoon. We had a wonderful time. I even took a nap with her on the couch and Mommy had to nap by herself while she was taking the cure. There was only one problem, she didn't bring Sammy with her, but I could smell him on her so I pretty much ignored Mommy. It's only fair since Mommy ignores me when we are in the country and Roxie is all over her.
The Cheshire Cat: Keep Smiling
Alice meets the Cheshire cat at the Duchess's house and discovers he can vanish and reappear at will --sometimes leaving his grin behind. He becomes Alice's only friend in Wonderland because of his unflappable cool and even-keeled good humor. Remember our motto: It never hurts to smile.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all..........Mona, AKA Bobbitt.
Sorry to hear your first day of spring wasn't very pretty. But happy to report it was beautiful here. 66 out, we went to the dog park, so much fun!
First day of Spring and my mom turned on the mini heater and stuffed me in a sweater!
Is it you in the 2nd pic?
You look beautiful, innocent plus a bit of romantic, wow!
Love ya lots
72 and sunny here in Pawsylvania!
Sorry 'bout yours!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Hi, Mona & Mommy...
The weather is really strange lately...
It was 60 degrees here in Central New York today, & it was only 30 degrees in Texas???
Something is just not right...But, I'm not complaing...
Abby xxxooo
Awww Mona I am sooo sorry that you had a cold wet day. I think that Mother Nature lady needs to be replaced!!!
Twix has SNOW today!!
This is just cruel to do to little innocent dachshunds!!!
I LOVED your Ask Star Question and her answer!! She's a hoot, isn't she???? Do you know my furends Chip and Thai and their sister Ginger??? Those are two very nice guys... I'm just sayin'.
sorry your first day wasn't as great as ours! Come to LA for a visit and we will show you awesome weather :)
Woof! Woof! Mmmm Yes ... I'm hoping for Spring weather too. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hi Mona and Mommy,
Isn't this weather just crazy? It's sleeting like crazy up here!
Hope you are having a warm cozy weekend.
Riley and Star and Stephanie.
We agree Mona!
It's just not fair that it is this cold AND snowing!!!!
Hope you don't get the snow.
Lots of luv & kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
You showed that mommy!
Mona, what a great close up of your sweet face! I couldn't resist you anything.
mona , guess what??
im back
tiger here , i misshed you so and they brought me back to the pitttie pack
wanna still have a date wiff me on saturday ?? i'll even take baff for you
i'll be holding my breath for your answer
i hope im not too late and your heart has been taken
wee love
30 in Texas - that IS insane, Mona. But be glad you aren't here - we have lots of snow. It will melt soon but we are enjoying it while it is here.
Nice of you to share your biscuits. That was some horse that came to visit:)
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Yes, mother nature has gone mad!
We got about 6 inches of snow!
And you got snow even down where you live?
What is going on?
WE hope you and the mommy are doing good!
The weather this weekend was super bad!
We hope next weekend is PERFECT!!
WOW it looks like you had lots of fun with your friends Mona!
Hope it is not cold and windy where you are today.
Lots of luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
What strange weather, Mona! You got snow and we got beautifully warm temps! Our mom is anxious to see tons of pretty flowers too!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Strange weather everywhere. I see some doggie got snow, but we had a most glorious sunny day.
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