Hi friends,
Oh my goodness!! I am so excited!! I got a belated Gotcha Day pressie today from my dearest friends Huskee and Hershey!! Mommy got a gift too from them and their sweet Mom Shane. It came all the way from Singapore.
Huskee and Hershey
Before I share my pawsome pressies, I want to thank Nigel Buggers over at Life With Dogs for sending me the fantastic picture of him with the beautiful yellow flowers. He is the first DWB doggie to send me a picture & with him in it too. You have to blow it up to see how gorgeous the flowers are....yellow is one of Mommy's favorite colors.
It was raining when Mommy got home and she almost didn't get the mail but since she was looking for a bill, she went to the mailbox. She didn't find what she was looking for but look what she did find.
A package for Mona, that's me!! Inside was this lovely note with cute little doggies across the bottom.
I just wanted to cry. Here I am with all my loot. Mommy wouldn't let me have any of the treats until I posed with my pressie.
Mommy got a gift too, a beautiful pouch. Mommy said she will use it to carry her rosary and every time she takes it out she will think about Huskee and Hershey's sweet Mom and pray she gets what she most hopes far soon.
And look at this bag of treats. OMD, they are so Yummylicious!! Chicken and Cheese soft sticks. I wonder if I can find them here in the States.. My pretty pink bone that sqeeks.......
and a little pink animal with a pretty smile and rope arms.
I don't know what to say except Thank you, Thank you my dearest friends!!
The duchess: Teach Your Children Well
When Alice meets the Duchess, she is shaking her baby, tossing him up and down and singing a very rude song about him. Then she flings him at Alice to go play croquet with the Queen. It's a harrowing reminder of how important it is to love, raise, and properly care for our children. If we take our most precious job to lightly, we run the risk of losing them to the wilds beyond.
Gotta go play with my toys now and see if Mommy will give me another treat before bedtime.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all.....Mona
What a nice surprise!
They are the nicest furiends!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
What a wonderful package! Those sweet pups know how to shop.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
oh mona
we cant wait to meet you at the bark park soon
mommishwill email you soon ok
tiger is going to even shower before he goes and puts some woggie cologne for you
we love all your loot
you so deserve it
pibble sugars and extra slobbers from tiger
the houston pittie pack
Yipee.. I am so glad you received the package!! Sorry that it is so waaaaay belated for your Gotcha Day!!
It's a great idea to use the pouch to carry your mom's rosary!! Your mom is a really kind and lovely lady... please thank her for us too. Yes, we do hope that our mom will get what she hopes for soon **wink**.
Enjoy the treats and de-stuffing of the toys!! :)
Beautiful.... the pictures and words were a joy to see and read... :O)
Woof! Woof! Great n wonderful presents. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Aren't presents great? AND to have the mailman bring them is even better!
What a great pressie!!!
Woofs and Kisses!
That is a pawsome gotcha gift! And all the way from Singapore!!! What great friendzees you have!
Mona you should get treats all the time because you are sweet and you deserve them, plus you look adorable in the photos.
Hi Mona,
What beautiful gifts! Gee, they're so sweet, aren't they?
Luv ya,
Riley and Star.
Huskee and Hershey are so nice - what lovely pressies. And we love that photo of Nigel - wish we had spring flowers like that here.
Happy St. Paddy's Day to you.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara
Wow, that was SO nice of your friends.
I love your moms gift to, SO pretty.
Great presents! Friends are great.
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