June 15, 2009



"DOG: A kind of additional or subsidiary Deity designed to catch the overflow and surplus of the world's worship." -- Ambrose Bierce
Hello dear friends,
As most of you already know my big sister, and Mommy's first little girl, Angel Samantha would be 19 years old today. Samantha was 14 1/2 years old when she went to the bridge and Mommy misses her as much today as she did then.

Mommy has lots and lots of memories of my big sister and she has shared many of them with all of you in the last few days. Our flower picture today is a picture of Samantha's favorite flowers and if she saw a field of blue bonnets, it became here playground. Mommy was just telling me last night how tall the bluebonnets were and how all you could see was Samantha's tail in the bluebonnets. Mommy says whenever she sees a field of bluebonnets that memory is what she what comes to mind and sometimes she laughs and sometimes she will cry remembering.

Samantha was fearless and nothing scared her. You heard about the horsie yesterday. It was kinda funny but today a friend sent Mommy some pictures of an Albino Peacock and it made her think about how Samantha would chase peacocks in the country and anything else that moved.
So I've decided to let Mommy tell you this story. I wish I could have been there to see it. What a pistol she must have been.
Mommy here......
As Mona has said my little girl was fearless. It didn't matter what it was, she loved to play and if the critter didn't want to play that was just too bad, if they refused to play, she'd chase them. Samantha loved going to the country and every other weekend (while she was still young) my aunt and uncle would go
visit their brother for the day, and since neither liked to drive, Samantha and I got to go along so I could drive. Samantha was in hog heaven and as soon as we'd turn into the lane that lead to their farm she would be so excited, she'd almost jump out of the car window. Speaking of hogs, she would wallow in the mud with the little piglets until the Mama pig chased her off.
My uncle's farm was on a rise and the land sloped down to a pond that he had stocked with perch. There were lots of pecan trees and the squirrels were stealing all his pecans off the trees, so he had traps set out trying to catch them. Samantha loved chasing ducks, squirrels and lizards and sometime things that could have hurt her. On Sunday, it was raining when we got to the country and there was mud everywhere. I wouldn't let her go outside and she was not very happy. Well she managed to get out. She ran around looking for something to chase and she saw one of the traps that has something in it. I could tell it was a raccoon and I went after her. She got to the cage and was trying to get into it. I was terrified that she would get hurt, so I started down the slope, when it happened. I slide, fell on my butt and went down the slope on my butt and stopped just short of the pond. Needless to say, I was not very happy. Samantha gave up on the raccoon and came running over to me. WOW!! I thought she was coming to help me, But NO!! She ran right over me and jumped into the pond trying to get to the ducks. You really had to be there.
Mona here......
That's all for now. She's starting to sniffle so we better close now.
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all..........Mona


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

That was such a sweet story. The good memories make the pain of losing such a dear friend a little less. ~Alasandra

Mason Dixie said...

What a nice story. Good pals are never forgotten and always hold that special place in our hearts.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Tank woo fur sharing the happy memories to soften the sadness of the day!

PeeEssWoo:My khytty pal Angus Mhor in Lubbokhk is always fighting the skhwirrels and the pekhans!

Asta said...

I hope Samantha has a gweat big wondewful biwfday pawty in heaven!
Mona, give youw Mom some of youw extwa special loving!
smoochie kisses

Abby said...

Hi, Mona & Mommy...

What a great story...Thanks for sharing it...

Mona: Give your Mom some extra snuggles...

Abby xxxooo

Lorenza said...

Thanks for sharing the story!
Give your mommy kisses and hugs from us in this special day!
Take care

Dexter said...

Thanks for sharing. Yes,the people remember all of their dogs furever.


Amber-Mae said...

What a loverly story. We all can never forget Samantha...

Solid Gold "Actress"

Anonymous said...

What a great story!!! Samantha sounded wonderful!

Simba and Jazzi said...

That was a lovely story.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Fred said...

Such a sweet story! It's good your mom has so many happy memories of Samantha.

Duke said...

What a sweet story! Samantha will live on forever in your mommy's heart!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

And the wonderful memories never leave you when you have loved and been loved so well.

Hugs, the OP Pack

Raising Addie said...

You are very lucky to have had Samantha in your life! And she was very lucky to have you!

We just know she is having a big party with all of her new friends.

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey