June 19, 2009



(courtesy of Marvin, the Hallow Hound)
"Saving one animal may not change the world, but it WILL change the world for that one animal."

Hi dear friends,

First off, I am sooo excited. It's the weekend!! Me and the Mommy stayed home all last weekend moping around the house because of angel Samantha birthday but now it's a new weekend and we are going to my Aunt Judy's for another one of our dachsie play dates. There's nothing like a bunch of dachsies to perk my Mommy up. Remember little Mike that Aunt Judy is fostering? Well he's going on a meet & greet sometime next week, so Mommy said she needed to see him at least one more time before he gets adopted. Also Becky is coming. You know what that means!!! Bradley!!

Anyway, Mommy got a video from a friend today about ducks and it got her to thinking about how she used to take Samantha with her to the cemetery on her Mommy & Daddy's birthday and then they'd go feed the ducks at the pond.

Mommy would bring a loaf a bread and they would sit on the bank and thrown bread at the ducks. The ducks were always swimming around in circles grabbing the bread. There was one duck that would come up on the bank and look for more food when they ran out. He looked like the bird in the picture below but uglier with a big red growth on his beak but Mommy couldn't find a picture just like him. I'm sure you have guessed by now that Samantha & that duck became friends and he would come up and play chase with Samantha. Mommy knew how much Samantha loved that duck so they started going to the cemetery even when it wasn't for a special occasion. Mommy always brought that duck a special treat just for him.

There were all kinds of ducks there and sometime even some geese. Here are a few of the kind of ducks that were always there. It made me think of Simba and the ducks he's met up with. Did you know that people eat ducks? Who would want to eat something so beautiful. I am ashamed to say that my Mommy has eaten duck before and I hear that some dogs like to eat ducks too!!

This duck appears to be napping. I wonder what he's dreaming about? Remember, I will be having a post about doggies, kitties and hammies sleeping, napping and dreaming in the next week are so, so don't forget to send me your favorite picture. I've already got great ones from Khyra and Bolo.

Here is the video Mommy got today. It is awesome.

Before, we go I wanted to show you a video of me watching or as Mommy says being nosey. My friend Bolo asked if anybody wanted to share any pictures of them watching and since I am an expert at observation, I sent him some. I do not like the word NOSEY, I prefer being called observant.

Be back tomorrow with pictures of my dachsie play date.

Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all.......Mona

PS......I keep trying to tell Mommy it's not polite to take pictures of us pottying so I never did, on camera any way...hee hee


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Are woo going out in a surrey with a fringe on top?

Tank woo fur sharing your pikhs and other things!


Checkers & Chess said...

that video was great - thanks!!!! I would be chasing those duckiesi!!!!

Duke said...

Mom loves to watch the ducks come in for a landing on our pond! That video was fabulous!
Have a great time at Aunt Judy's!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, Mona & Mommy...

I loved the duck video...

And you are very "observant"...

Have fun this weekend...

Abby xxxooo

Raising Addie said...

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

Great videos!

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

kishiko said...

Hi Mona and the Mommy!
The ducklings are so cute. We donot eat them! I love the videos!
Have a wonderful weekend!
kiss kiss

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi Mona and Mommy!
Cute duck pictures! My grandma has two ducks - Puck and Ruby. They look like dalmatians with red on their faces and heads.
Sadly, my food is made of ducks. I have so many allergies, and this is the only food we have found that I can eat!
P.S. I left an award for you on my blog!

Lorenza said...

The video of the duckies is so funny!
I am sure you are going to have a pawesome time!
Enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We loved that video - the sound effects were awesome!!! And of course, you need to have privacy for potty time. Enjoy your visit with the dachsies.

Woos, the OP Pack

Joe Stains said...

The ducks look like they are ice skating across that water, how cool is that!! We have some ducks around here too but we never get to see them up close.

Anonymous said...

What a great memory! Love the videos

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