"The greatest dog in the world...is a companion who does all but speak. He will be gay or serious and he will console you in your lowest moods." -- Ludwig Bemelmans
Hi my dearest friends,
Do I have some exciting news for all of you. My foster brother, Evander, has got a wonderful Mommy, Daddy and doggie brother. Evander's Daddy, Michael, sent the Mommy a bunch of pictures of him and his piebald brother, Fritzie. When the Mommy got up Wednesday morning, still with the pukes (she didn't throw up in the bed or worse), there was an e-mail with the pictures. The Mommy perked up when she saw the pictures because there were two of them that reminded her so much of him. The pictures captured him to a ''T", like he had never left us. His new Mommy's name is Donelle, isn't that a pretty name? They don't live very far from us....just down the road and Evander's Daddy said we came come visit whenever we want.Yahoo!!! Yippee!! Do you all know what this means? My four brothers & Evander have all been re-adopted or in Evander's case just plain adopted. No more crying and feeling guilty!! Ever doggie is in a good home and the Mommy has visitation rights with all of the. LIFE IS GOOD!!!
Look at that mischievous grin on that cute little face. Just like when he ate the Mommy's money "how did he get that lid off that jar", when he chewed the Mommy's dress shoe all apart and when he and the boys dumped the garbage can in the kitchen and wallowed in eggs shells & coffee grinds.
Isn't he the handsomest little boy. The Mommy said she could drown in those pretty brown eyes. He used to stand like this looking up at the Mommy with his paw on her knee whenever he wanted to be picked up. Notice is little snaggle tooth. He also looks so much like my brother Jacks.....he had the same coloring and the same snaggle tooth.
And this is Evander with his new brother Fritzie. What a cutie. The Mommy says she would love to just grab them both & hug & kiss them all over!!
Now lets talk about me. As I told ya before, the Mommy is deserting me for 2 whole days. She says they won't let me go into the casinos but I would much rather stay with my buddy, Jody, anyway. Not only will I have my doggies friends, Jody, Mr Grins, Gordo and Baby Girl to play with but my favorite human friend will be there too!! I just love Emily-- she loves me too and spoils me rotten. What I don't like is that the Mommy is dropping me off at Aldine Animal for my Bordetella (not spelled right?) medicine, toe nail clipping & a bath on the way to work. "why do I have to have a bath...I don't stink!!" The Mommy says she wants me to be sweet smelling when she drops me off in Porter with my friends. She's only working 4 hours tomorrow and then off we go. I know I'm gonna miss the Mommy but I wish we could go RIGHT NOW.
Me and Emily having a little talk on the patio bench. Can you tell that I adore her?
And this last picture is how the Mommy's pocket book is gonna look like when she gets back. I have hidden her credit cards and bank debit card, so when she loses all our money....which she will.... she'll just have to come home.
Love & (((huggies))) to all.......Mona & the Mommy too!!
What great news. Have fun with your friends. Hope the mommy doesn't lose to much money.
Hi, Mona!
Hurray for Evander and his new family! Those are great news!
Have fun this weekend and good luck to the Mommy!
Kisses and hugs
Pleased to here Evander has settled into his new home. Hope your Mummy has a safe journey and doesn't spend too much money.
Simba x
So happy to hear Evander has a loving home now!
Have a great time this weekend!
I love the pic of you and Emily! It's so sweet and it's clear that the love and adoration is both ways!
Have a great weekend..*muacks*
Sounds like your gonna have a Dashingly Datsie time. How nice you can go see your old buddies, will you need a bath then too?
Hope the mummy has a nice break, she needs a good cheering up. She will miss you though Mona.
There's something about big brown eyes!!
Hope your mommy has a nice time!!!
mona, that's wonderful news. it's always good to hear the adopted family loves them so much.
wet wet licks
What great news about Evander! We're so happy to hear that you can see him whenever you want to!
We hope your mommy wins it big!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh man Evander hit the jackpot. We hope your Mommy hits the jackpot too!!!! Have fun with Jody!
More great news! I'm so happy for Evander and his new family.
I wish each of us doggies has a lovely home.
How's your mom, she must have a weak tummy. Please hug her for me.
Good lucks in the casino, the Mommy!
I saw the photo of Samantha on your blog, she looked so nice. I'm sorry that your mom had a heartache when Samantha went to heaven. Hope she ran into my brother Ringo and be friends like us now, here!
We are so happy to Evander, he is sure a handsome boy. Enjoy your trip & miss you!!
slurpy licks,
Mona...did your mommy win any money? I hope she brought you back something!!!
Is you mommy OK?
She mentioned that she could hold her food down last week.
Have you taken care of her?
Hi Mona! Thank you so much for visiting my blog. You have a nice blog too. We can most certainly be friends. Congratulations to Evander!! He must be very happy!! XOXO Peanut
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