"It's no coincidence that man's best friend can't talk"
Hi dear friends,
The Mommy is taking over my blog tonight. She is mad......very.....very mad!!

This his story.
He & another double dapple were bought from a so called breeder. The owner turned him into animal control in Texas City, in less than a week, because he said he was vicious. Come on....this is a puppy, does he look vicious to any of you. The man who turned him in, said that he had bit his daughter. Come on, he is a puppy and fell into their pool and bit the girl when she was trying to get him out....he was probably terrified and why would anybody, in their right mind, let a puppy near a pool. Then the little fella had an accident in the house, the man yelled at him and chased him throughout the house and when he was cornered, he bit the idiot. I say this jerk is ignorant, stupid and worthless and I would have ripped off his you know what. People can be so clueless. Why would you even buy a dog if you aren't even going to give it a chance. This jerk tried to get the breeders to take the dog back & of course they wouldn't. When he was picked up from animal control he was very scared. He is now safe with DROH and being evaluated to see what health problems he might have. THE BEST NEWS IS HE IS NOT BLIND!!!
Our goal now is to get him into a foster home and ready for adoption with a family that will give him a chance to be a puppy. The sad part now, is that the other puppy is still with this idiot and the first time it does something, he will probably get rid of him too. I repeat STUPID, IGNORANT, WORTHLESS IDIOTS!!
Thanks for listening......Sarah, the Mommy
Now that all that is off the Mommy chest, the Mommy noticed something yesterday on our puny Hibiscus bush. Lots of buds, which we already knew were there but then she realized the progression from being a bud to being fully bloomed. I tried to tell the Mommy that everybody already knows what happens & that she is the only true Doofuss Mommy in DWB. So Please just humor her.

Second it starts to open.

Third it fully blooms!

Now here is the funny part......at night the blown goes back to the second stage and in the morning it opens up again! Then repeat and repeat unitl it fall off the bush

Here I was playing outside when she said it was time to come in. "Why do I gotta go in Mommy.......we only been playing outside for an hour or two?"

So I came in and jumped on my chair and she caught me doing this. "I am not sleepy Mommy. I'm just pretending." ZZZZZZZZZZZZ night, night ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

This is the Mommy again. My precious little girl played very hard after I got home and she has fallen asleep in her chair. She can roach with the best of them as the video below will show. Pay close attention to her while she is roaching.....she travels when she roaches and almost hit the back of the garage. Sometimes I think she is roaching to the music in the background. Sure wish I could understand what is being sung. Maybe Lorenza could tell us what is being sung. BTW, all those empty flower pots next to the wooden fence behind the garage were put there when the boys were still with us. Toby was quite the escape artist.
Poor little Skylar. Snickers has a soft spot for little rescued doggies cuz that's what she is. We all know what happened to her. She was left outside for three months as a puppy cuz she had a boo boo in the house. When they finally took her to a shelter the owner lied and said she had a limp cuz her leg got caught in a door. Liers, liers. We found her and she is living happily ever after. We wishes Skylar has a happy ending too.
Snicker and Sharon
Backyard Breeders make us FURIOUS!! We want to bite all their butts. Thank goodness Skylar is safe now.
Poor little pup! I'm glad he has a chance now!
You look cute in your picture!
Hello Mona,
Thank you for visiting my blog! Of cos I would love to be friends.. You are such a cutie!!
Poor little Skylar..he's really beautiful. I hope he finds his forever home soon.
I'm back from kennels and looking forward to catching up with everyones blogs.
Simba x
Skylar looks super sweet. I hope he finds a good forever home soon!
Mona.....You look good in all your pictures.....don't worry.
Backyard breeders and puppy mills drive our Mom nuts too. The good news is that the blind guys do very well in the right home. We wish Skylar well.
What a cutie Skylar is! We hope he finds his forever home soon!
Your back must have really been itchy, Mona!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
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