"The dog is ever ready to lay down his life for me"
by Konrad Z. Lorenz
Hi my friends,
Today the Mommy has something very important to talk to you about. One of our DWB friends is very sick and needs very expensive surgery to get better and be able to again enjoy the wonderful life we all have. Baby Love's shunt has become detached and that means seizures. Baby Love was born with HYDROCEPHALUS (fluid on the brain) and must have this surgery. A fund has been setup to help raise money to have this surgery done. When the sister I never got to know, Samantha. was fighting to stay alive the Mommy didn't have the support & love that the DWB community has become and is to all of us but Baby Love does so PLEASE go over to http://BABYUPDATES.BLOGSPOT.COM to offer your support, love and make a donation, if possible. Baby Love is 4 years old, let's make sure there will be a 5th birthday next year.
Any donations may be sent to:
PO BOX 692
RHOME,TX 76078
Now let's talk about my favorite subject ME, MYSELF AND I!!!!
We have been reading the questions that everybody had been asked and is answering. Since we didn't get tagged, me and the Mommy have decided to play the game and tagged ME. Since almost everybody I know has already been tagged, if you haven't, consider yourselves tagged.
Me was waiting to be born....I'm only 5 1/2 years old ya know.
Send a donation to Baby Loves Fundraiser, read "Behind the Memories (a diary my Aunt Pam wrote about her sisters, the Mommy, Frances and Rosemary), snuggle with the Mommy while we nap, eat one of my Healthy Deserts and play the rest of the day!!
That is a no brainer. Where do I stop? Lamb bones, T-bones, Oxtail Bones, Ham bones...does that count as 1 or 4? Healthy Deserts (carrot cake, apple tort, pumpkin crumble & berry cobbler), Chicken strips and liver treats.
I would give a million dollars to every Rescue Group I know of, not just dogs. I would buy a buch of land in Fresco, Texas and open a dog sanctuary for all kind of doggies not just dachshunds and I would hire all the DROH volunteers & fosters to work for the Mommy and they would never have to do anything but take care of us doggies. I would give lots of money to my church because without God's help I wouldn't be able to do his work. I'd buy a few treats for me.....bones & more bones!!
I hog my bed, OK the Mommy's bed. I bark toooooooooo much! I don't want to eat my dog food....the Mommy's food looks much better.
In the streets before DROH found me, at Jersey Village Veterinary Clinic until I got a foster, at my foster's, Shelley, house, And finally with THE MOMMY!!!! The best day of the Mommy's life she says and I say too.
Street fighter to survive on the streets of Houston, Expert Snuggler, Designated Shoulder to Cry On, Kissing Booth worker and Taking are of the Mommy.
That is just wonderful. We love the way you played that game..
Thanks for the support of Baby Love. You may not know it but Louie is her litter mate. Louie is deaf and then we have poor baby love with her own issues.. She is very special to us so we are so glad you joined in the spreading of the barks...
Thanks again..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
My mom loves the hibiscus parade a lot! And I love your answers to the meme.
w00f's Mona, i agree wiff Gus and Louie, ty sooo much fur ur help...Baby Love iz soo precious. Every $1, $5 $10 or more helps..i didnt reliaze she wuz 4yrs old, seems like just yesterday she wuz a puppy...i love dat pink n white one...mayb i need to help mama plant another bush..
b safe,
Yes, it is so great everyone is rallying around sweet BabyLove to help out!
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