"Keeping your dog close to you at all times is the best gift you can give your dog"
Hi my friends,
Today was one of the best days of my life. I got to see for myself that two of my best friends were OK, after their horrible battle with a very mean snake. The Mommy & I had a lovely ride to the country, I was treated like royalty, the Mommy had a wonderful Taco Salad and Lemonade for lunch and Andy fell in love with me. I also got to play with Maggie and Jake, the Dachsies's cousins, the Mommy saw some beautiful flowers on their land, got to fed a whole pond full of catfish and I got to roam free outside as long as I wanted. I was is Dachshund heaven!!.
I know that everybody, who knows & loves Sammy & Roxie were real scared for them, just like we were.......but we aren't worried any more. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so we took lots of pictures to prove they are OK. Sammy the Brave will just have a few battle scars.......but we girls like men like that. There are also some pictures of the flowers we saw.
This picture is of Sammy. If you blow it up you can see where the snake got him in the middle of his forehead & under his eye. It is healing up nicely and he can see perfectly.

This is Sammy. You can see where the bite is crusting over & it doesn't look like he will lose any skin but time will tell.

This is Sammy curled up napping.

This is Sammy and Roxie, snoozing away between the Mommies.

This is Roxie.

Guess who? This is the way Roxie lays on the floor. She was under the coffee table & you can't see her front legs, but she had her chin resting on her paws.
on her cheeck.
That yawn was so good Roxie just had to take a good stretch on the couch. Look how loooong she is.
Me looking out the window. The Mommy said I was daydreaming.
And here is everybody else. Andy.....isn't he cute.....thank GOD that nasty old snake didn't get him too!!
This is Maggie, the Dachsies's cousin. Aunt Bec is her Mommy.
This is Jake, the Dachsies's cousin and Aunt Bec is his Mommy too. Jake was outside most of the time we were visiting & the Mommy didn't get a shot of himself alone so Roxie is in the picture too. You can see on Roxie's leg where they shaved her to get an IV in.

That yawn was so good Roxie just had to take a good stretch on the couch. Look how loooong she is.

And here is everybody else. Andy.....isn't he cute.....thank GOD that nasty old snake didn't get him too!!

This is Maggie, the Dachsies's cousin. Aunt Bec is her Mommy.

This is Jake, the Dachsies's cousin and Aunt Bec is his Mommy too. Jake was outside most of the time we were visiting & the Mommy didn't get a shot of himself alone so Roxie is in the picture too. You can see on Roxie's leg where they shaved her to get an IV in.
Roxie is one silly gal! You're so lucky to have so many doxie friends! I hope you're enjoying your weekend. Have fun day dreaming, Mona!
w00f's mona and the mommy, isnt it pawsome roxie and sammy iz ok...me wuz scared fur them..
b safe,
Looks like you Dachies are having fun!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Looks like you had fun with your friends. Isn't it good to be able to run around with dogs of your size in private enclosed space?
Hi pretty Mona!
Thank goodness Roxie and Sammy are going to be okay! I hate snakes!! I've never actually seen one, but I've read how mean they can be to us pooches.
And guess what!! Mommy (& Daddy too) are gonna go to the Dog Show on Friday, July 18th!! Yay!! They said they will go to the DROH booth first! Hopefully you will be there that day too. Mom isn't taking me (!!) but that's okay as long as she comes home with LOTS of goodies!
Have a great Memorial Day!
It looks like you're having the best time, Mona! You sure have lots of friends! The flowers are all so pretty!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We had so much fun when you came to visit us! We told Mom that the guest room in the new house needs to be available for us to invite you any weekend we chose. It might take a while for the yard to be as cool as Grandpaw's but it will be as big! (And maybe the next time you will get to see the cowdogs.)
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Great to see the pictures of roxie and sammy. hey it sounds like you weren't listening to your mom. haha
Woo Hoo!
Thanks fur letting me know they are doing well!!
Hi, Mona!
Sure it was nice to be there visting our friends and making sure they are doing well!
Thanks for sharing the pictures and the videos!
Kisses and hugs
Thanks for letting me have your news about Roxie and Sammy. I am busy writing it up for the News just now.
What a fine time you all had together.
Thanks for all the photos of the Dachsies -- we were worried.
We always tell our Mom to watch our for snakes whenever she walks through the grass!!!
And you have a pal named Jake!! Tell him I said hello, one Jake to another.
Jake (and Just Harry too)
Thanks for the great p-update on Roxie and Sammy! It was great to see ALL of you together!
Tail wags,
It was so nice of you and your mommy to go check on the dachsies!! I'm glad to see they're doing okay. Why did your mommy keep calling for you. Couldn't she see you were busy? Sheesh!
Great update, Mona! The dachsies look to be handling things quite nicely after such an ordeal. What a treat to get to go visit such a cool place.
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