"There is something to be said at how quickly a dog makes friends in comparison to a human" -- Anonymous
Hi my dear friends,
Guess what me and the Mommy our doing today? NOTHING!!! We are both so exhausted. It is hard work having such a good time 2 days in a row. Yesterday we had to post about Roxie and Sammy because, after all, they are all our personal & DWB friends. Jody doesn't have a blog but maybe someday....we sure how they get one.So today we will post about him. As most of you know, Jody was adopted by Chris, after she rescued him, called the Mommy to see if DROH would take him, gave a huge donation to DROH to treat him, fostered him and then decided to adopt him.....Wow, what a nice lady!!!
All of you also know that the Mommy has a fascination with Hibiscus flowers, they are her favorite you know, so Saturday while we was driving to Porter, she stopped along the way whenever she saw some to take a picture. It didn't bother the Mommy at all, but we sure got some strange looks from the owners of these flowers. WHAT A DOOFUSS...I was so ashamed. The Mommy said if they didn't want to have folks admire their flowers. they shouldn't have planted them.....so cased closed!!
But this post is dedicated to Jody and his family. Again I was treated like somebody special & the Mommy had a wonder lunch and even appetisers. Of course I can only assume it was wonderful, as once again us doggies didn't get anything. WAIT......that is not a true statement.......that little sneaker, Gordo, jumped on the coffee table while nobody was looking & stole a marinated mushroom...What an idiot!!...Why would any doggie in his right mind snatch a mushroom when there was salami on the tray.
Anyhow, here is my good buddy Jody.

These are on the corner of our street.

This bush has yellow flowers on it....we have one just like this too but our flowers are pink. There was a man working in the yard at this house and asked the Mommy what she was doing stopping at his house. She told him & he said OK and they talked for about 15 minutes.....if you remember we were supposed to be going to see Jody not stopping to talk to strangers. My Doofuss can talk to anybody, any time. Are your Mommies like that too?

This is the Mommy speaking now: In my defense of mysel,. I must say that there is nothing wrong with being friendly with neighbors, because neighbors might need each other from time to time.
This is Mona again: Mommy, the dude ya was talking to lives 30 miles away!! Can we take a nap now......Please!!
Love my friends, your Mommies & Daddys too........Mona
w00f's mona and mommy, watt lovely flowers, r they good to chew on...we gots a pictur of our hibiscus on our bloggie too..its a big one..
b safe,
Oh your mom is weird. Talking to strangers over flowers. Doesn't she know that could be dangerous.
Thanks fur sharing the beeWOOtiful flowers!
My mom's favorite flowers are hibiscus. What pretty flowers you posted! It was really hot here too today.
We agree with your mum that we should be nice to our neighbours. Did anyone say that its wrong? Just ignore them...
Jody is really cute & it looks like you had another fun day Mona!
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
The hibiscus are beautiful! Sounds like you had great fun there!
It does look hot but we really enjoyed looking at all those flowers - so pretty!
Mona, tell the Mommy to visit our blog - we have lots and lots of hibiscuses - including a faux hibiscus hedge we planted to hide the fence our Dogdad installed to let us run a bit on our back patio.
Hibiscuses are everywhere here in South Florida. Wanna' come visit???
Jake and Just Harry
Hi Mona and Mommy! This is Shania and Macon. We are friends of Sammy, Roxie and Andy and we were scared, too, when the snake bit them. We're glad they're OK. They said you had pics of your visit to them so we came over to look. Mommy bought me(Shania, tan mini smooth) from a breeder in Beaver Falls, PA but Macon(black and tan mini smooth) was rescued in Virginia and our dachsie cousins Katie and Brandy were rescued from Rhode Island and Maryland. When we lived in Virginia, my mom and dad participated in Dachshund Underground Railroad driving dachsies to their forever homes. Since we moved to IL they haven't started up with a group yet. We like your pictures. Come and see us at our mom's blog DachshundStrong at www.dachshundstrong.blogspot.com Have a good week.
Dachsie hugs,
Shania and Macon
How nice of your mom to stop and chat with neighbours. My mom LOVES hibiscus too!! Those are some beautiful pictures you posted.
Love Clover xo
Mr. Grins looks like he's got 2 tails in that picture! hehehehe
Mom says the hibiscus is just beautiful! She loves them too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Your house looks fun!! Our mommy like to talk to strangers to but, we just like to bark at them!!
Luke and Liesel
hehehehe, talking to the neighbors. your flowers are so pretty! mommy said to tell you she will have a special gift for you mona, but she's been very busy preparing for a dog fashion show, so she hasn't had good time to get to it. but she promises!
the website we found the cocktail weiners on is this: http://www.cafepress.com/buy/dachshund/-/source_searchBox
we love that site because you just tell them which design you want, and on what, and they make it for you!
Those are some beautiful flowers! Our mom thinks it's great to know your neighbors...you're right; you never know when you might "need" them :)
Lucy Lu
Your mom would LAUGH so hard if she saw my mom's hisbiscus tree. It is so PUNY! But it still has flowers. How does your mom grow them so pretty???
We would love to meet you at the dog park. Mom is always saying something about I can't "behave" in front of other dogs and I will act "ugly" but I have no idea what she is talking about!
CAn't wait to see your new hair-doo, and the before and after pics. I know Petsmart. That is where my mom found me and adopted me 8 years ago!
Hi Mona and mommy,
Velcro here-just wanted to let you know that my mommy got your first email-so she has the address to send your goodie exchange. My mommy has been SUPER busy at work this week so she's mailing it on saturday. I'm sorry you don't like balls-I didn't get you any balls-I kept them for myself!!!! Hope you like your goodies!!
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