November 26, 2007


Dearest Friends,

The Mommy and I have come back home to our DWB friends but with a new name "MONA & THE MOMMY". The last several weeks have been very hard both physically and mentally on the Mommy. Without the kindness and understanding of you, are treasured friends, we might not have made it past this trying time in our lives. The Mommy has stopped second guessing if she made the right decision but she knows that it was the right thing to do. The boys have all found good homes, which has made the whole situation easier. They will always be in our hearts and whether they are with us or not they will always be my brothers and the Mommy babies. We wanted to let everybody know what has happened to them and where they are, so below is an update on Jacks, Toby, Evander and Jody.

JACKS---has been adopted by Shelly, the lady that fostered both of us before we were adopted by the Mommy. Shelly lives in Indiana now, so Jacks had a big adventure going to his new home. Last Wednesday he flew with a DROH volunteer, as a carry on. He is doing wonderful and Shelly has promised to send pictures often and when she comes down for the DROH events she will bring him with her, so we will be able to see him sometime.

TOBY---has been adopted by one of three families that remembered him from all of the DROH events we have gone to. They all said he was always such a sweet BIG boy and it would be a pleasure to have him as a part of their families. We don't know exactly who has him but Ron said whoever has him will be getting in touch with me soon.

EVANDER---when Ron picked him up from the house, the day I was admitted to the hospital, he didn't have the heart to put back in a kennel to be boarded, so he is with Ron & Deb. If he has not been adopted before Deb retires in March, Ron said they will just take him with them. I don't know how they do it but they have 14 dogs, mostly dachshunds that no one else wants because of their health or ages. I couldn't ask for a better home for him. They are moving to Putman, Texas where they have 2 acres, a large fenced in yard and a room in the house just for the dogs.

JODY---is the little chocolate dachshund that my friends Tina and Chris found in Porter at the end of a dirt road. He is hookworm free, has gained some weight and has finished is heart worm treatment and in his quite phase right now and best of all he has been adopted. Guess who adopted him? Yep...Tina and Chris. They said they decided they just couldn't do with out him even though they still had to go through all the adoption steps like everybody else. He was worth it they said. Of course they passed with flying colors and picked him up in time for Thanksgiving. We went to see him Sunday and he is fitting in like he had lived with them forever and has already become fast friend with Gordo, on of their other dogs.


"I would like to thank every dog & Mommy, for all the thoughts and prayers said for me. The wound has totally healed and I have finished taking the intravenous antibiotics but am still taking an oral antibiotic for the next 14 days. I have gone back to work, last Monday, but was very happy to have a short week. I can not tell you how much I appreciate Rossi, Lacy and Sruffy for getting the word out & for the comfort your comments have given me. Also many thanks to Roxie, Sammy and Andy's Mommy for helping me get our new blog look." ..... The Mommy, Sarah

PS.......and thanks for my Mona...for being here for me to hold and cuddle & who doesn't care if I cry into her fur when I am really missing the boys. I am having serious boy doggie withdrawal right now.



Ricky Pepper said...

WE are so glad to hear the boys are doing well. This has been a tiring time for both of you! Chloe says that if we lived closer she would ask mommy to bring her over to see you every day! (And she would have tried to adopt the boys too, hehe)
Tomorrow is Lucy's 1st barksday so please visit and say hello!


Dandy Duke said...

This is such wonderful news! We're so happy for you Mona and Mona's mommy! Things seem to be working out just the way they were meant to!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Simba and Jazzi said...

I'm so glad things have worked out well.

Simba xx

Frasier said...

So glad that the boys are in wonderful homes !
So glad that you are well and bacl

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Mona...Mumsie has tears in her eyes reading ur blog...we are SO happy the boys found wonderful places to live. We're also happy the Mommy's knee is better....those bad stafffff buggies are NASTY things....the Mommy is lucky...make her take every last pill till they are all gone!

We were at camp over Thanksgiving, and are exhausted. Scruffy barked constantly and no dog could get any sleep.

Lotsa love,