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We will never forget what we owe our men and women who have fought to keep our freedom..... |
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and all our canine heroes too!! |
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Miss Shelby is Playing!!!! |
This picture was taken last night. Mommy needed some cheering up and seeing Shelby always does the trick. Of course, Mommy started crying because she saw Shelby playing with a stuffie, something she thought she would never see. The joy in Shelby's face made Mommy so happy. Mommy can't ever get any videos to load but Sandra knows how to do it through U-TUBE, and she is going to post the video in the next day or so, so please if you need a big smile or a good cry make sure you check it out at http://kissa-bull.blogspot.com {{{huggies}}}....Mona |
All our vets deserve a big THANK YOU!!
And we believe in miracles....Shelby is one of 'em!!
Hi Miss Mona - oh goodness, this is SUCH an uplifting post, we loved it. FH has just seen the e-mail that your mom sent too with the photo and she got all leaky, as Mack says, Shelby really is a miracle. Bless you and Sandra for ALL you have done for Shelby - you are true angels and it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside that we've got to know you.
All our vets should never be forgotten - we owe them so much.
Great post!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
We give all our Veterans a big thank you, whether they be two-legged or 4-legged!
Thank you to all the Veterans!
I'm so glad Shelby is feeling happy, that makes me feel happy too.
Love, Cupcake
Awww! Isn't Shelby a doll? We wove her!
Great post!
Of khourse, the pawesome Malinois was an excellent selekhtion!
Go Shelby Go!
We will nevew fowget and awe vewy vewy gwateful to all the hoomans and fuwwkids who have helped to pwotect us and ouw fweedoms
thank you fow that wondewful cheewy pictoowe of shelby..We thank you fow all you have done fow hew
smoochie kisses
It is so nice to see Shelby playing. :)
Yes...thank you to all who have served and are serving our country including all the service pups to. :)
Happy Veterans Day!
Your post is beautiful!
I can't wait to see Shelby playing with the toy!
She is amazing, right?
Kisses and hugs
Of course!! Our canine friends too!!
Benny & Lily
What a most luvly tribute!
And gosh, that picture of Shelby made my mom gets all misty and leaky. But it just made me waggly. Playing with stuffies is just the BEST and I'm so very much happy that Shelby has the chance to just be a doggie, ya know?
Wiggles & Wags,
I should've posted something to honor our Veteran's but didn't because I really wasn't feeling very well on Thursday or Friday.
That picture of Shelby makes me smile. I'm glad she has some enjoyment out of life after going through all those horrible things. She deserves a happy, healthy life. I continue to keep her in my daily prayers.
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