(courtesy of Mack)
"Don't pity a shelter dog, adopt one."
Today is the last day to do a post about the Pedigree Adoption Drive. Me and many of our friends were homeless once and any more dogs are still struggling and hungery. |
Mommy cries whenever she sees the Pedigree commercial with this little dog looking out of his crate begging for somebody to love him, adopt him and give him a chance in life.
Now whenever she sees my Tiger, see above picture, she thinks of that little dog and wonders if he ever found a home. The Pedigree doggie looks just like my Tiger. don't you think?
Adopting a dog either from a shelter or finding one in the streets is what God meant for humans to do....take care of his creatures and make them safe from harm. Where would Shelby have been had she not been found on July 3rd by Kissa-Bull's Mommy.
But look a her now & the puppies that never would have been, if she had died on the hot concrete in 90 degree heat.
It makes me cry and be so sad when I think
where I would have been, if a kind lady with DROH hadn't stopped in the middle of a storm in Houston to rescue me from certain death in 2003. I wouldn't be with my Mommy or know such wonderful friends like all of you so please:
"Don't pity a shelter dog, adopt one!"
{{{huggies}}}....Mona & the Mommy too!!
Excellent Post dear furend.
Excellent post, friend!
Nubbin wiggles,
Ditto what Frankie and Oskar said.
aahhh what a nice post
Benny & Lily
Dogs Rule!
Reskhue Rokhks!
Thanks for such a wonderful post!
Your Friends
You're so right!!
~Milly and Shelby
Thanka you so muchums for the updates Ms. Mona. We, the Slimmer Pugs, although not rescues, except for Ms. Megan, who is over the rainbow bridge, all came from breeders but we believe in the love and wonderfulness of rescue doggies and love them to bits. We were so tickled that you left a note on our bloggy that Sandra is to keep Ms. Shelby. Mamas can not help but love us sweet babies and bond to us quickly especially when we go through health crisis such as the ones Ms. Shelby has been going through. We love Ms. Shelby and are glad that we will hear more and more on her over the next many bloggy years. We enjoyed your cattle dogging the cattle and bulls and it was so nice for you and your mommy to get away to the country. We didn't post so much this past week as Mama #2, our typist, got another job besides attending to our needums...sheesh...you think the unconditional love we give would be enough of a wage!! Good help is hard to find...but she will be bringing home more kibble to share...so eh...we will accept her new deal and snuggle more with Mama #1...the main mama. :)
Much pug luvs and hugs,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi
Oh yeah...Mamas say hi to your mama
Amen to all of that, Mona!
lotsa licks, Lola
Wonderfully well said, Mona. Thanks for the news about Shelby and her pups and thanks for the visit too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh thank you for the reminder!
miss mona,
you couldn't have woofed it better! preach it, girlie!!
the booker man
Beautiful post!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Wonderful post Mona! Your post touched me so. I am glad you added another bag of food for the shelters :) YAY!
This is so well written...
Thanks mona and mommy for again, writing such a moving post !!
Mom got all leaky reading this post..
Together we shall make a difference to these dogs !
This was a very much wonderful post, Mona! Don't you luv how everybuddy joined together to make a difference for doggies that don't have their furever homes yet? You and me and Shelby are SOOOO lucky that we all had angels looking after us. I hope one day everydoggie has their own pawsonal angel.
Wiggles & Wags,
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