"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections."
Hi my dearest friends,
First off, Mommy is very excited. It hasn't rained in 2 whole days and she talked to Sandra just a few minutes ago, who said that Shelby is much more alert and wagging her tail. She follows Sandra around like a magnet and because Shelby doesn't want to alone at night, Sandra has made a pallet on the floor by Shelby's cage to sleep. If my Mommy could get up off the floor, she'd do the same thing if Shelby was with us. Mommy feels a little guilty that she hasn't been able to help more. Anyway Mommy is going over there tomorrow to take new pictures and will post some tomorrow. We are looking into setting up a Pay Pal acct and will have all the information soon, so for now if you still would like to donate to "Shelby's Fund", please go to by blog bio for my e-mail address.
I am not as excited as Mommy. Why you ask? First cause Mommy won't let me go met Shelby with her tomorrow. Shelby is the most important thing in the world right now to Mommy and until the doctor says it's OK for us doggies to be around our sweet girl, we're just taking a back sit and hoping she can come out and play soon.Secondly, Mommy says I look like one of the wild & woolly Ricca girls from her youth. Do I look wild and woolly to you? It's because of all the rain and humidity. My hair just kinks out. One of the ladies that works with Mommy said "Mona looks fat." I ask you, how rude is that! So Mommy says it's time for a summer haircut. So next Wednesday I gotta get groomed..."Holy cat crap."
Yesterday was the first time in forever that it hasn't rained, so this is me yesterday, standing on the patio.
OK, so I do look at little hairy in the above and below pictures!
Remember when Taz was here and he tore up all my stuffies that had squeakers? Well I made Mommy hide Big Pinkie Poo before he took all the stuffing out and last night she gave him back to me. These are some pictures of me and my favorite toy. It's stuffing is almost gone and so is the squeaker, but I stilt love him. The pillow is where I spend a lot of time when Mommy is at work.

OK....now all of you know how much I LOVE to roach and haven't been able to with all this rain so I tried to roach in my computer room bed but it just wasn't the same.

OK....gotta go now. Come back tomorrow night to see the new pictures of Shelby, hopefully looking lots better. Can anybody guess what movie Mommy got the name Shelby from? {{{huggies}}}...Mona
I'll bet your pink furend was happy to be back with you.
Please ask your mom to say hi to the whole Pittie Pack and Wee Ones and their mom and dad .. for me. I miss them sooooo much.
Aww, I hope you can visit Shelby soon!
I bet your mom got Shelby's name from Steel Magnolias. :-)
We'll be looking furward to seeing pikhs and more!
I hope your rain stays stopped and ours starts SOON!
im sure you will get to visit her soon and give her some healing cuddles
We LOVE your hair all curly and crazy! You are just adorable Mona!
Please tell your mom to give Shelby a big hug from us ok. We can mail a check to you now if she needs it or we can wait until the paypal account is set up. Just let us know.
Looks like we stole your rain from you. It has been raining for days now. We are ready to give it back!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
miss mona,
okie dokie, you are totally not pudgy at all! that hooman lady at your mama's work is way crazy like!! at least a summer trim will help you stay cool, though.
please ask your mama to say hihi to miss sandra and the pitties and wees for me and asa and mama! we are looking forward to seeing more pictures of miss shelby!
the booker man
Miss Mona, I think your little woolly feet are most cute!! It looks like you're wearing slippers!! ;)
We can't wait to see pictures of Shelby! We guess Steele Magnolias too!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Mona, I feel you little girl about the rain and your hair. I live in GA where the humidity is insane and my natural hair is extremely curly; however, I straighten it. You can imagine what I look like on a rainy day even with my hair straight! Kangol sounds like your buddy Taz. His mission in life is to get the squeakers or sound box out of every single one of his toys. Sometimes they are destroyed before we even get home from Wal-Mart. Your mommy and her friend Sandra are super special people for all the love and care they have given Shelby. You are a lucky girl to have such a sweet mommy, Miss Mona! xoxo -Lauren and the White Dog
Silly Mona,
Kinky hairs or not you always looks beautiful,
Mom says sweet Shelby was named after the character in Steel Magnolia's and our Shelby is just as strong and beautiful as the movie character she was named for!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS Lots of luvs to all of you for the help you are giving Shelby, we can't wait to see the new pictures of hers. Bless you!
Mona, you look perfectly fit to me!! I bet soon you'll be able to visit Shelby and give her lots of healing snuggles.
How woode
You do NOT look fat and I kind of love youw wild haiwdoo
I know how hawd youw Mom and The piitie
Mom is wowking on helping deew Shelby(I hope you got ouw gween papews)
I look fowawd to seeing the pics
love and smoochie kisses
pee ess hope you get to woach lots soon
Mona, we hope that you are able to visit Shelby soon! As far as being fat, that's what my mom said about me and I thought it was rude. She has me on a diet and is going to get me groomed. To us, you look wonderful!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Hi, Mona!
I am sure you will be able to visit Shelby soon!
And when you go there... give her and the Pittie Pack family kisses and hugs from us, ok?
Yes! I love how your hair looks!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Mona, you don't look fat! You look a little fluffy is all. There's nothing wrong with that. The new cut will probably feel good in the summer, though, so it's probably worth doing.
I hope you can visit Shelby, too. Understand about how it's hard to give up some of Mommy's attention. I understand very well. But I guess that it's the price you pay for having a Mommy who cares so much and I know you wouldn't want her any other way.
lotsa licks, Lola
I bet you will feel much better after you get groomed and you want to keep looking nice for your Tiger. :)
Dear Mona,
I'm glad to know that we are sisters now!!! You can't believe how happy I am to know that we are both sister now! =D
I had mom sent email to your mom about our address. Help me kiss&hug your mom in advance for the stuff hehe
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