June 30, 2010


(courtesy of the Booker Man @ http://thebookrman.blogspot.com/)

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."

Hi friends,

Me and Taz have been having a wonderful time BUT, there is one small problem.
The boy is a master destuffier. I had 4 stuffies with squeakers but only one is still squeaking. Taz does not like to share. If I take one away, he runs to Mommy to get her to give it back to him. Mommy said we just have to work it out. So if I drop it, he runs over and gets it. When he drops it, I run over and get it. It's a vicious cycle. Sometimes we even rip it in two pulling on it.

06/27/10 .... the first stuffie to get kilt was Baby Pinkie Boo. This was her before, the dist ruction began. See she still has her pacifier in her mouth in this picture. She got it ripped right out of her mouth and I think Taz ate it.

Me just standing helplessly watching it's demise.

It's totally gutless now.

06/28/10 .... This is my very sturdy loofah dog. It still has it's squeaker, but Taz is getting close. He's already ripped his tail almost off.

I'm laying in Taz's bed watching him at work.

06/29/10 .... My elephant "Big Pinkie Boo" before Taz got hold of him.

"Taz! You can't have him. He's my most favorite stuffie!!"

I begged Mommy to take it away, so she did and put it out of Taz's reach. Taz gave Mommy the raspberry for taking it away.

06/30/10 .... This was a gift from Addie, Lucie and Hailey, and I liked it very much.
I tried to guard it, but Taz was too fast for me and stole it right from under my nose.

I have decided that Taz must be one of the best killers of stuffies in the world. Mommy has promised to buy me some new stuffies after Taz goes home.

Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all....Mona & Taz too!!


little princess Luna~ said...

OMD mona~! *puts paws over eyes* the stuffy violence~!! that taz sure is a total boy. im sorry he's being a little too mean with your stuffy's. i hope he doesn't kill them all~!!


Maureen said...

I sorta think you need to send Taz over to join the P.T.O. With skills like those, I think Brinks could make him a full blown general!!

Duke said...

Oh no! All of your precious stuffies, Mona! Taz is like the Tazmanian devil! hehehe

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Ohhh, Mona. I'm glad your Mommy put your most favorite out of the way, at least. This violence is most upsetting, though. I think in the future you're going to have to hide all your stuffies from Taz. At least you have the promise of new ones.

wags, Lola

Maggie Mae and Max said...

OMD Mona!!

You is so lucky your mom snatched your favorite stuffie from the jaws of Taz, at least you was able to save that one!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Unknown said...

Poor Mona, I feel your pain!

My brudder Dude is a World Renown Stuffie DeStuffer. He has been knowns to destuff and desqueek a stuffie in under 3 minutes!! Luckily he still loves em without stuffins. We gots all kinds of stuffie 'sacks' at our house

Make sures your mommy carefully guards your most precious one....thems Stuffie Bandits are verrry sneaky!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Mona you may just have to put your Paw down and teach Taz how to play nice with your stuffs. I think it is mostly beclaws he is a Boy Dawg.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We just love that photo of Booker and Asa - they did a great job posing for it.

Mom owes you bigtime, Mona. You have been very patient with Taz - we see a special roadtrip to the stuffie store coming up for you and Mom.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Mona, we are so sorry to see the destruction of your toys. We hope your mom goes and gets you more and gets them away from Taz. We have that same problem here only it's Holly tearing up her own toys a lot of times. Nobody to blame but herself. She gets carried away with stuffies sometimes. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Fred said...

Wowowow! I think Taz and I would be the ultimate stuffy destroyers!!! I don't save ANY of mine. Mwahahahaha! ;P

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

OMD!!! That is destruction Mona! Glad your Moms took the elephant away from Taz!!!

Hope you can make it to our pawty!! It goes through Monday!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Zona said...

OMD, there should be a warning on this post!! I'm glad your mommy saved your favorite stuffy!


mayziegal said...

Okay, Mona. I've been having all sorts of problems with posting this so I hopes you didn't get it like a million times.

ANYWAY...first, I want to say how Most Lovely it is to open up your bloggie and see my Most Handsome boyfurend's picture. Sigh.

Nextly, I thinks you need to thank Taz for what he's doing. You see, stuffies can NOT be trusted. At night, they sneak around the house and eat all the noms! It's TRUE! So they must be destuffed in order to protect everybuddy in the house from their nom-eating antics. So Taz is just being a gentleman, that's all.

Wiggles & Wags,

Kari in Alaska said...

Mesa would like to challenge him to a destuffing contest :)

Sagira said...

Oh no! Your poor stuffies. Sounds like Taz is a serial stuffie killer. Be careful Mona...be very careful.

Sandra said...

Oh that Taz a dog after my own heart. I too am a master destuffer. He and I could share tips. At least you will get some new ones. That is good.

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Taz you do one fine job of destuffing.

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...
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Stanislaw said...

Mona - Just thrash the heck out of Taz. I had to do that to Stanislaw the first few times he came about to kill my stuffies. I taught him a lesson he'll never forget. Now the stuffy mortality rate is one per year. I've got to protect my prized possessions!

-Big Pupi

the booker man said...

miss mona!
that taz really does know how to gut a stuffie! i think he might even be better at it than i am!! i'm glad your mama hid your most favoritest one.
the booker man

pee s -- me 'n asa were excited to see our picture. teehee! thanks! :)