Hi dearest friends,
Hope every doggie, kitty and hammie had a wonderful Father's Day with your Dad's and held them tight the way I wish I could have if I had a Daddy or Grandpa. My honorary Grandpa Peyton would have let me hold him tight but we didn't get to go see him cause it was a very busy weekend. He knows I love him lots anyway.
Saturday morning Mommy had to go to the dentist but I didn't pitch a fit like I usually do when she leaves me at home on the weekend, when we are supposed to be together 24/7. "I know what they do to you at the dentist, so I wanted no part of it."
This is where she goes. If you blow it up, you can see where says "We make smiles happen." That's what we need around here, some more smiling. I'm smiling but not Mom so much. While she was worrying about me she didn't take care of herself at all. She has been going to Dr Elliott for around 20 years now and has had the same hygienist, Alfred, for just as long. Being diabetic, Mommy not Alfred, he always wants to keep track of her medications and what her average sugars are. She had to tell him the truth. They have been horrible, unacceptable actuality. Mommy teeth are in great shape but nothing else is. So that means Dr Elliott and Alfred, both gave her lectures. Dr Elliott told Alfred to call Mommy's diabetic doctor and tell him was was going on. Mommy has an appointment on July 6th. "How come Mommy will listen to them and not me?"
Dr Elliott's office is in old house that he made into his office. It is way on the other side of the world from where we live but Mommy says she loves it there because his yard is so pretty and she wouldn't think of going anywhere else. These are just a few of the pretty trees there. When it's cool you can even sit outside on some of the patio chair around the grounds. It was 98 Saturday so no sitting outside this time.
We was going to you to Aunt Tina & Chris when Mommy got home from the dentist but it was too hot and Mommy decided we'd stay home instead. I was disappointed but Taz was coming over Sunday to see how we would get along so it wasn't like I wasn't gonna have company.
So when Mommy got home she wouldn't let me play outside because of the heat, so we did the next best thing. We took a nap! When the sun started going down, she let me go outside. I was minding my own business, when out of nowhere appears a big yellow cat......"I swear he looked like a mountain lion! "
So I started chasing him across the yard and he ran up the fence. Od he was so fast.
Then look what I saw, Yes!! Another mountain lion of the other side of the fence.
Mommy ran to get the camera and took a video but she can't get it to load on stupid blogger. Them cats was taunting me, just know they was!!

Before I go any further with this post I most tell everybody that I was not cheating on MY Tiger Sunday. Remember I said we was gonna be pup sitting a 7 year old dachshund named Taz, who sometimes has seizures, from the June 23 - July 3? Well let me tell you, he is so handsome. Turns out he is a year older than me and he is still intact.
Here we was checking each other out. I went to the bushes to do my business and he followed me and tried to get a little piece...."Oh NO....none of that. I've been fixed". After a tiny little snarl, he got the picture and went away but then we went in the house and we strarted playing with my toys. He played with every stuffie I have that has a sqweekie in it.
These 2 cuties are his human sisters. Glory is 13 years old and Mercy is 4 years old.
I just couldn't keep the boy off me.
Please, believe me, MY Tiger. He was only cleaning my ears for me!!
Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}} to all.......Mona
Wow! Those cats do look big! Glad you got them out of your yard!
~Milly and Shelby
Mona, you can't hardly blame him. You're so pretty and you know...sometimes boys are just animals. Taz has good taste in ladies, you have to give him that.
I was so honored that you used my picture for a quote and such a nice quote, too. Well, I guess they all are, but a MLK quote is extra special. Anyway, thank you so much.
wags, Lola
Oh how I wish I khould help with those Mountain Lions!
Well, if he was only cleaning your ears - that might be OK☺
We like your backyard cougars! We have a couple that look like yours but they stay inside with us☺
mona, darling--you are gorgeous~! of course that tazzy boy couldn't keep his little paws off of you. ;)
but i believes you and know you are faithful. :)
PS. your little belly is so cute~!!
You are SO beautiful, how could Taz not be interested?
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Can you blame him? Who wouldn't be enamored with you and your cute little belly?? Maybe he'll help with those mountain lions!!
Well golly Mona, just looks at your beautiful wire hairs...nuff said.
Ummmm, now bouts those mountain lions. I can proudly say that I can come helps with that problem. I Puddles, had da priviledge of doing my breed proud dis weekend...I gots a ground hog. No, I didn't kills it cuz mum was all freaking out on us...hehehehe!
PEES: I hopes your mom's dr's appt goes well and everthing is okie dokie...keep us posted.
Mom sent me back here to tell you the flowers are just plain old geraniums, but we're glad you liked them. Mom likes them because she says they're cheerful.
wags, Lola
Sugars can be a BAD thing???!!!
Anyhoo, those miniature mountain lions look kinda scawy. I would be careful if I were you Mona!
Mona those mountain lions are scary. Maybe Taz can help you keep them away... That'll keep his mind off... you!!!
Looks like you are going to have a pawsome time with your guest!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Wow, those lions look a lot like Khyra's Brofur and Butterscotch.
Hope your Mom listens to the doctor, diabetes is no thing to fool around with.
Taz knows a pretty girl when he sees one but we know you will keep him in line.
Have a fun week.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
he he cats....you can come to my house-there are 4 kitties in my house, and they taunt me and they are mine!!
What a busy weekend Mona! Looks like you kept those kittehs AND Taz in line!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Gotta keep your teeth in good shape and your mom in good shape to so she can be around a long time to take good are of you.
And oh boy, Taz better watch out for Tigger.
Goodness, if it's not a mountain lion, it's a Romeo. Good luck!
Gosh! You practically had a whole invasion of mountain lions!
And, well, what can I say abouts Taz? He is Most Obviously completely smitten with your sweet and beautiful self. Make sure you keeps him at a paw's length, though, and remember to tells him that "no" means "no!"
Wiggles & Wags,
Its not your fault Mona!
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